▬Secτoʀ▪Sιx▬ ►Hiatus


Good vs. Evil
Both written in the stars since time began,
A universal prophecy keeping both sides at war,
Fighting over one power to rule them all.

▬▬▬  ▬▬▬

6 girls whom have never spoken to one another,
Suddenly find themselves bound together by destiny,
After everything changes in just one night.

password: your exo bias


  main titles

title: Sector Six
author: imstillalive
rating: PG13 - subject to change
genre: romance, drama, angst & supernatural
credits: these ideas & plot developments were
                  entirely my own. the layout, banner
                  & graphics to come are  also original
                  and I ask you not to plagiarize.

deadline: tba.



 when time began,

 a prophecy was  written in the stars. The one power keeping good and evil at war would one day burst into five, individual sectors, five, individual powers and be forced upon five human beings whose destinies are to destroy the on going conflict between the opposing sides.

Six girls, not even friends nor acquaintances with one another, find themsleves in a compromising position when something even they cannot explain brings them together. One night changes everything, even the foretelling from the beginning of time. What they think was just an accident, a coincidence is much more- it's been written for them before they were born, at least, for five of them.

The girls are unable to pretend it hadn't happened. As more time passes, rapidly they begin to realise there's more than meets the eye. With the sudden twist in the tale, one that could compromise everything for both contrasting sides of good and evil, drastic measures are taken to sway the girls onto their sides in order to obtain their incredible power they don't know how to control.




   rules&advice I'd check the author's note if I were you!

♦ subscribe before applying.
applications are to be completed in a blog post. 
   post the link in a message to me, not the comments.
♦ those chosen are expected to comment every 1-2 updates.
♦ I will be harsh when judging applications, including 
   presentation, grammar & spelling etc. you will be
   given 3 chances to correct anything before rejection.

♦ I will post an application guideline along with the 
   application- please read it! it will make things a lot easier.

♦ please don't plagiarize any of my hardwork, 
   it's taken a long time to construct both the plot & the
   graphics, including the layout.

changing any of the layout of the application will result
   in a strike on your application.
♦ your two love interests are specifically to be chosen from exo;
   one from exo-k and one from exo-m.
   this goes for back-up love interests, also.

if you have a question that isn't covered here or in the
   guidelines, please ask me before applying so that I can add
   it to an FAQ in order to help others, too.

♦ if you have any interest in becoming my co-author, 
   meaning you would be prepared to take on half of the 
   actual work then please contact me^^




   ⁞ navigation

♦ forward - introduction&rules
♦ chapter one - application&guide
♦ chapter two - list of applicants&feedback




    ⁞ the sectors
                    the girls&their abilities


♦ the First Sector
The power to generate extreme and abnormal heat energy from one’s own body for a variety of purposes as well as      
 withstanding great temperatures.
 Needless to say, she’s hot headed and highly stubborn with a very short fuse and quite the temper. She’s often very  
 touchy, quick to snap at others and on the defensive side. Aside from her fluent sarcasm, nobody quite knows what
 is going on with her, but she keeps herself to herself when she can, and has a wall built up around her emotions.
 Besides anger that is. 


 the Second Sector
   Air Control;
The power to control and manipulate air molecules, with the ability to compose bursts of winds, generate gusts or draw air out from places, including lungs. With a head constantly in the clouds, her feet are barely planted on the ground as firmly as they should be. She has a nonchalant, care-free attitude to most things and struggles to maintain a degree of concentration with anything she does. Unfortunately, this distracted state of mind leads her to be on the clumsy side and unaware of her surroundings.


♦ the Third Sector
Commonly mistaken for “electricity”, the enhanced ability to generate electrical or heat energy from one’s body upon contact.
Feisty, and with a high spirit. It’s difficult to tie her down put a lid on all the energy she exudes. She has a blind tendency to be brash with her words. Looking before she leaps is a lesson she has yet to learn, with her thoughtless actions and cut-throat opinions. Holding her tongue isn’t in her dictionary, not with her strong opinions on everything.


♦ the Fourth Sector
   Water Manipulation;
The power to control and absorb water and moisture, the ability to manipulate and control liquids to the user’s desire.
If anybody is going to take control of the situation, it’s this girl. She’s level headed and always cool, calm and collected. She has a composed and serene grace about with a placid personality. She’s the one to steadily rely on as she is rarely shaken by anything. 


 the Fifth Sector
The Natural Gift;
The power to control and shape natural minerals and substances of the earth including sand, stone and rock, and also living plants.
Kind, motherly and wouldn’t willingly hurt a fly. She keeps a watchful eye on the situation even if she chooses not to say a word. Highly passionate, she tries to be as understanding as possible, and always quick to offer sympathy. If she can’t be the voice of reason, she’d at least take pride on her ability to listen well and offer soothing advice.


♦ the Sixth Sector
The sixth of the five intended powers. The power to read the thoughts of others and imprint her thoughts into the minds of others as a means of communication. More to be revealed.
The youngest, and by far the most naïve. She has a childish heart and nature to her and is easily startled by change. With little experience in life and what it has to offer she’s easily surprised and often disbelieving. She’s a little sensitive and forms attachment easily, whilst wearing her young heart on her sleeve.



⁞⁞ Zi's universe
the genuine password is your favourite song right now

I told myself I wouldn't write an apply fic,
yet here we are... 
The application & guidelines are being perfected,
I'll post them as soon as I can, please be patient^^
feel free to contact me if you have any queries ,
I promise I'm not scary>.<

[S6] The plagiarised story has been taken down and the offending user deleted their account! Thank you everyone for your support^^


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I wanna apply for this...
Is this the one you wanted me to apply to? Haha wow it's actually really cool looking~
Sorry to bother you, but I sent in my application a while ago, and I was just wondering if you've seen it... And I'm sorry about someone else copying your hard work. : / But I'm really happy to hear that its been taken down!
I am so sorry if I confused you about her relationship with GaYeon. It's her grandmother. I meant to put that down. Sorry again. :) Also about the plagiarizer, there is no way possible that they could get away with it especially since so many can clearly see what she's doing. Good luck and if you need help, let me know <3
D: omgggggg ;~; I'd approach the person if I were you. Ugh I hate when people do that >< anyway~ I hope everything gets better and sorted out soon! Author-nim, hwaiting!!
Why do people plagiarize? Argh. It annoys me =/
:O i think you should approach that person asap and tell em to take it down;.. plagerizing is really annoying.. i hope everything ends well for you though!
Why would SDFGHJKLGFDSASDGFH! Hate those people! Can't they just read and support the original?! Why do they even! ARGH! Most of the good stories I know have been plagiarized now, I feel really sorry for the author, like you, who slave themselves just to create each update! I hope it gets resolved soon, if not you could always message one of the mods right? Fighting Authornim
XxKay-NiixX #9
Plagiarism?? That's really low...