Ch. 26- About to Leave

Dancing Butterflies

Nobody's POV:

The sun flashed through the curtains hitting Hoya's face. Slowly, he woke up and had to register his surroundings. After what was said last night, it felt like there was this tremendous pressure that was relieved from his shoulders. Hoya tried turning around to wake up, but someone had a tight grasp on his shirt. He looked down and there is Dongwoo still peacefully sleeping. Sleeping just like a child with his mouth open and little bit of drool coming from his mouth. Hoya used the bedsheet to wipe away the drool, and then attempted to wake Dongwoo up.

" Hyung, wake up. We have to get ready to go home," said Hoya as he continuously shook Dongwoo. The thing is Dongwoo didn't wake up.

" I'm going to leave you behind if you don't wake up."

Nothing. Dongwoo didn't respond until he pulled Hoya closer to him and nuzzled into his shirt. The air coming from Dongwoo slipped through Hoya's shirt making him feel a bit ticklish. Tremors waved throughout Hoya's body as he laughed. It made Dongwoo open his groggy eyes and turn over to avoid the sunlight peeping from the curtain. Then he pulled the blanket over him and curled up into a ball under it. Hoya noticed that Dongwoo fell asleep so he ripped the blanket off letting it fall to the ground.

" Come on you have to wake up or else we are going to be late for our plane," said Hoya as he got up and opened the curtains. Sunlight filled up the room and the rays made the hotel room feel warmer. Then he opened the window letting a small breeze shift into the room. Dongwoo shook a little bit because of the breeze, but it at least got him to wake up.

" Hoya, I don't want to go. Can't we stay here for a bit longer?" Dongwoo said with his eyes still closed and his hair that looks like a birdnest. Hoya couldn't help but laugh at his hair.

" Dongwoo-hyung, " Hoya walked over to Dongwoo and patted his hair trying to make it stay down, " you hair looks like a birdnest. Just like Myungsoo's when he wakes up." Dongwoo swatted Hoya's hand away and pouted. It was evident that Dongwoo didn't look good at the moment, but he didn't want Hoya to tell him.

" But it's a cute birdnest."

" It-"

Before Dongwoo could finish his sentence, Hoya kissed Dongwoo's forehead. The words got stuck in Dongwoo's throat and as result made him blush very hard. Hoya caught the blushing cheeks and laughed. Not in a mocking way but in a caring and loveable way. He left Dongwoo stunned there and went to the bathroom to wash up. Right when the bathroom door shut, Dongwoo snapped out of his thoughts and stood up.


Dongwoo's POV:


" Yah! Lee Howon!" I pounded on the bathroom door but he wouldn't open it.

" Hoya! Come out right now! It's not fair for you to pull a sneak attack on me like that! I know you can hear me!"

I huffed out a sigh of annoyance when Hoya didn't respond. Instead of occupying my thoughts with this forehead kiss stealer, I went to my suitcase to grab some clothes to change into while I waited for the bathroom. Once Hoya was done I'm going to take a quick shower, wash my face, brush my teeth, and make sure I look appealing at least. Even if it is an airport, who knows who will be looking at you. Also I secretly want to try airport fashion like those idols.

Maybe I can also do a sneak attack on Hoya too.

The shower stopped running, and I know what I had to do. I put my clothes and stuff at the foot of the bed then I waited till he came out. Slowly, the door opened, and out came Hoya wearing an only god damn towel around his waist. Water dripping down his body as if he is some sort of god made my body feel awkwardly hot. Also he was giving me that look as if he knew what I was thinking about. I turned my head around and yelled out mentally.

Abort mission! Abort mission!... NO! Jang Dongwoo, you cannot abort your mission. This is your only chance, especially since it isn't in front of others, to kiss somewhere on his head. Not anyting below the head! Because that will only be even more awkward, and WHY ARE YOU THINKING OF THESE SORT OF THINGS! STOP! JUST GO AND EXECUTE YOUR MISSION!

Confidently, I turned my head back and glared at him. I took three steps making me standing right in front of him. Then I carefully placed my hands on his chest, even though the are wet, and since Hoya is a bit taller than me I stood on my tippy toes. Lastly, I closed my eyes and placed a kiss on his cheeks.

One second...

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

I pushed myself away immediately, grabbed my things, and ran into the bathroom. I didn't see Hoya's reaction because I practically sprinted into the bathroom despite the very short distance. Though I would like to see if he is blushing. Make him feel what I felt, all embarrass and what not. I touched my lips feeling the skin of his cheeks on it still. I couldn't help but feel giddy and giggled a little bit.

After I finished taking my quick shower, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. Before I got out of the bathroom I made sure to put my clothes on me. First, I peeked out of the bathroom to make sure Hoya wasn't in the room. Once the coast was clear, I slowly made my way out of the bathroom. But then the sound of the door opening and closing made me stop and turn around. There he was standing with his arms crossed and looking at me. I backed away not knowing what to do. Hoya came closer to me, but then he brushed shoulders with mine and grabbed his and my suitcase.

" Lets go hyung. Also make sure you have everything." I nodded my head and looked around the room to make sure I have everything. I checked my backpack making sure my phone, wallet, and everything else was in there. I nodded to myself when I saw I have everything and proceeded to the lobby with Hoya.

" Dongwoo-hyung! Hoya-hyung! Hurry up or else we are going to be late!" I grabbed Hoya's hand and ran to them.

" We are here!"

We got into this bus that takes us to the airport. Inside the bus it got a bit loud because of Sungyeol and Sungjong bickering. Adding Sunggyu-hyung's nagging for them to stop was just adding oil to the fire. I was sitting next to Hoya who was looking out the window. Now that I think about it, he hasn't look towards me since this morning. Maybe it was the kiss on the cheek that turned him off? But wouldn't a person be more turned off if they kiss their lips? I poked Hoya's shoulder but he didn't turn around. This time I shook his shoulder but once again I got no response.

" Hoya, why are you ig-"

" Guys we are here! Get the suitcases out and head into the airport!" I glared at Sunggyu-hyung for interrupting me, but he was oblivious to it.

I went to grab my suitcase from the back of the bus, and followed the others. We got out plane tickets, went through security, and then went to the waiting area. Sunggyu-hyung along with Woohyun and Myungsoo went to get some food for us. We didn't get to eat because we were afraid of being late for the plane. But we still have another hour before we have to board. I was sitting next to Hoya because Sungyeol was sulking to himself because Myungsoo left him alone and Sungjong was cuddling with Dongho. Hoya... Well he was being himself.

I guess I should ask him why he isn't talking to me or even looking at me.

" Hoya." He didn't move and that was when I noticed he has headphones on. I pulled his headphones out which made him turn his head at me.

" Do you need something?"

" I want to ask why you aren't talking to me." Hoya sighed at me and ran his hand through his hair. Which looks pretty hot to me but whatever that doesn't matter right now.

" Well... I don't know how to explain it. There are too many people here."

" You have got to be kidding me, " I stretched my arm to show there were barely any people around us except for Sungyeol, Sungjong, and Dongho. But even though they were occupied with themselves.

" Fine, I will tell you." I propped myself on my knees and leaned forward.

" Tell me!"

Hoya's face turned a bright red, and I couldn't help but laugh. It must be something really good if he being flustered like this. He wasn't saying anything so I poked him in the shoulder and motioned him to proceed.

" You are so demanding you know that hyung? Anyways, the reason why I have been ignoring you is...well it's quite a stupid reason why. I wasn't prepared when you kissed me on the cheek so yeah. Stupid isn't it? You can't laugh at me!" I bit my tongue back from laughing but unfortunately I couldn't hold it back anymore. My head landed on his shoulder as I laughed out loud. Luckily there weren't a lot of people or else I would have got many weird stares.

" Don't laugh! It is your fault too! So it means you are laughing at yourself too!"

I looked at him and then he started to laugh too. We laughed together until it felt like we were out of air in our lungs. Out of nowhere, he brushed away my bangs, smiled at me, and caressed my cheek. Hoya didn't make any movement after that but I could feel myself leaning towards him. I couldn't care less about the other three that were next to us. He still wasn't moving, so I leaned a bit closer until three other people decided to interrupt too. Hoya pushed me away causing me to fall to the floor. I groaned out in pain and I could hear Hoya's panicking voice.

" D-Dongwoo-hyung! I'm so sorry! A-Are you okay?" I only laughed and smiled at the way Hoya was being. I couldn't blame him though because I was the one leaning towards him. I mentally facepalmed myself at the thought of kissing Hoya on the lips.

Great. Hoya must think I'm a freak for trying to kiss him. I'm supposed to give him time but everything he does makes me want to kiss him! It's not my fault I'm a freakin hormonal teenager!

" What is going on with the two of you?" I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Woohyun's voice. I scratched my neck trying to think of something, but I couldn't think at all!

" U-Um...well... T-There was an eyelash on Hoya so I took it off for him. Haha...yeah..."

Everyone was looking at the two of us weirdly, but then they shrugged their shoulders at us and handed out the food. I took a sandwhich and water bottle from Myungsoo and thank him. I sat back down next to Hoya and we ate in silence while everybody else was talking. It didn't feel awkward, oh who am I kidding? The air around is the definition of awkward. I kept on taking small bites of my sandwhich, and noticed everybody else was done. I quickly ate mine and threw it in the garbage.

" Everybody going to Seoul please get in line and board the plane."

" That's us! Get your stuff and make sure you have everything!"

All of us checked to make sure we have everything and got in line. This plane is smaller than others so there are only two seats per row. My seat was next to Hoya's which is convenient for me. Also I don't think anybody else knows that he doesn't deal well with planes than me.

It was only ten minutes into the plane ride and I already felt really tired. It must have been from waking up early this morning. I looked over my shoulders to see the others knock out except for Sunggyu-hyung who was reading a book with Woohyun sleeping on his shoulder. Myungsoo and Sungyeol are asleep too and the same goes for Sungjong and Dongho. I yawned looking at them, and then all of a sudden I felt my head being pulled down.

" You can sleep on my shoulder. You just have to let me sleep on your head, though." I laughed and nodded my head.

" Deal." And just like that we fell asleep.




Hoya's POV:


We got off the plane and went to get our suitcases. I got Dongwoo-hyung's and my suitcase because he was too tired and lazy to get his. He actually begged me to get it but told me not to tell anybody else he did that. All of us were really tired as we waited to get picked up. Everybody elses parents picked them up while Dongwoo-hyung and I were waiting for my mom.


I turned my head to see Dongwoo-hyung taking his phone out. Something seemed off because he walked off putting a distance between us. It seemed like he was aruging from his reactions but I'm not sure. I hope everything is alright. He came walking back after the phonecall and he put a smile on. His smile wasn't real, though. It was fake, anger, and he was pushing himself to hide something. I was about to ask him but my mom came by with her car.

" Hi Howon! Hi Dongwoo!" I couldn't say anything as I put our suitcases in the back of the trunk. I sat in the back with Dongwoo-hyung and we drove to his place.

The car ride was quiet with the exception of my mom asking how our vacation was. That was when Dongwoo-hyung went full out in detail, of course leaving out what went on between us, but I can tell he was forcing himself. I wanted to tell him to shut up and tell me what happened on the phonecall, but something was pulling me back.

When we got ot his place, I helped take out his suitcase and led him to the door. We said our goodbyes to each other, and then I turned around to walk to the car. But then he called out to me.

" Hoya!" I turned around and was met with a pair of arms wrapping around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him in a bit tighter.

" What is with the sudden affection?" He buried his face into my neck and I swear I could feel something wet dripping down my neck. I immediately pulled him away: he was crying. 

" Y-Yah. Why are you crying?"

" I-I'm just happy that I had a great time with you." I chuckled and wiped away his tears with my sleeve.

" I had a great time with you too. Now go on in and get some sleep. We have to go to school tomorrow."

" Okay... Goodbye, Hoya." For some reason he seemed really sad. I must be over thinking things.

" See you tomorrow, Dongwoo-hyung."

I walked back to the car. My mom nudged me on the side giving me the ' look,' but I dismissed her. We drove back home in silence, but my mind kept on going back to Dongwoo-hyung.

I hope he is okay. Nothing bad happened, right?



The next morning...


I woke up from a text from Dongwoo-hyung saying he wasn't feeling well and wasn't going to school. I was about to send a text back that I could come over to take care of him but then I got another text saying I can't skip school. Also he didn't want me to get sick either. I just sighed in response and texted back for him to get well.

When I got to school, everybody jumped at me asking where Dongwoo-hyung was. I told them that he was sick, though he rarely gets sick, and they calmed down. Though I still don't believe that he is sick, but I don't think he would lie. He isn't the type to lie about things like these, but he has said he does want to skip school sometimes.

He would have told me if something was wrong. I shouldn't be doubting him!

I was in class and usually the teacher takes roll but he didn't even ask where Dongwoo-hyung was. Because it's hard for a student to call in sick themselves so why isn't the teacher saying anything. I wanted to raise my hand to ask the teacher, but then Dongwoo-hyung's voice resounded in my ear. I pulled my hand back down. The teacher's voice was becoming a lullaby to my ears and the only thing that could keep me up was Dongwoo-hyung's presence. He isn't here, though, leaving me alone with the other students. It actually feels lonely without him. Who would have thought?




While I was on my way back home, I decided to drop by a bakery and get something for Dongwoo-hyung. I got two strawberry cupcakes for him and I. Then I headed towards his appartment building, but something caught my eye. There was a small moving truck and someone was putting a box in the truck. I took a few steps closer. Step by step my heart pounded louder agaisnt my chest. My eyes widened: the person moving the boxes is Dongwoo-hyung. I dropped the box of cupcakes on the ground and ran to him. He must have not noticed me because when I pulled his arm he was shocked like he had done something horrible.

" H-Hoya. What are you doing h-here?" My grip on his arm tightened making him flinch. I let go of him and I didn't know what to say. I groaned in frustration because I didn't know what to say. 

" H-Hoya, can you say-"

" Where are you going?! Were you planning to leave me without say anything?! Is this the reason why you have been acting all weird when we got back home yesterday?" The words wouldn't stop pouring out of my mouth no matter how hard I pulled myself back.

" P-Please. Listen to me-"

" What about school?! Did you even think about your friends? Your dream to become a dancer?... What about me?..." I didn't feel tears falling down until he wiped them away from me. I held his hand to my face and leaned into it.

" This is the reason why I couldn't tell you. I didn't want you to be sad like this. I have to go Hoya. We can meet-"

" NO!" My loud voice made Dongwoo-hyung flinch. Even it surprised me too.

" Ho-"

" No. Don't say we can meet each other once a week. Or a couple times a month! I haven't figured out my feelings yet so you can't leave! I'm telling you can't leave!" I pressed my hand to my mouth as I realized what I said.

Damn it! I sound like a posessive boyfriend even when I'm not his boyfriend!

" But... I don't have anywhere to stay at." I sighed and took out my phone. I called my mom since my dad was gone for another business trip.

" Howon? What's wrong?"

" Can you come pick up Dongwoo-hyung and I from his place?"

" Did something happen?" I looked at the boxes, Dongwoo-hyung, and sighed.

" I will explain later. So can you come right now?"

" Okay I will be there soon."

" Thanks mom. Bye." I hung up my phone and turned my attention back to Dongwoo-hyung.

" So how many boxes do you have left?"

" T-Two more." I sighed once again.

I took the boxes out of the truck first, took his hand in mine, and went to his room. We got the last two boxes and that was when I realized how small his empty his place as. Down by the truck I only saw four boxes and two we have now there are only six. I never realized that Dongwoo-hyung didn't have many things. I guess he himself filled the room up itself.

When we got back downstairs my mom was already waiting. She helped us put the boxes into her car and we drove back to my place. Then we took the boxes out one by one and brought them to the spare bedroom. I helped him unpack his stuff while my mom went to make dinner for us. The air around was tense, but I didn't want to say anything. I'm still a bit angry that he didn't say anything to me and was going to leave without saying a goodbye.

Wait. Did that ' Goodbye' from last night mean he was going to leave? So he already knew he was going to leave last night? How come he didn't tell me anything? Am I that unreliable?

I felt warmth on my hand. My eyes drifted from the hand to Dongwoo-hyung's face. He was smiling at me, but he wasn't happy. I could tell he was trying to say he was sorry for not saying anything. I lifted his hand from mine and patted his head. I got closer to him, but then my mom called for us to come down for dinner.

" Coming mom," I took his hand and smiled, " lets go eat, okay?"

" Okay."

 We headed downstairs holding hands and I was grateful my mom didn't ask why. I sat next to Dongwoo-hyung while my mom sat across from us. She each gave us a plate of our food, and I couldn't hold back anymore.

" Why? Why did you have to move out?" I watched as Dongwoo-hyung put down his chopsticks and looked at me and my mom.

" The reason why I moved out is..."




(A/N: Yep leaving you guys with a cliffhanger! Lol! Anyways, sorry for the long update! Thanks for reading, suscribing, and commenting! Until next time! P.S Sorry if there are any mistakes!)


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This story made me miss Hoya so much.
He is enlisting today and I hope he'll return healthy.
Vanja77 #2
Chapter 2: I like how in the end of the chapter Dongwoo would dream about the previous events :) it's kinda sweet
Chapter 35: Aww~ I love this! They are so sweet
Chapter 35: i cried too much....
This story is too beautiful of friendship and love. I wonder if i can get myself a friend like that(but not prefer to fall in love with them).
Keyq1998 #6
Chapter 35: this story is beautiful T-T so beautiful and perfect T-T
MonieX3 #7
Chapter 35: awwwww ^^ so adorable. i have an insanely weak spot for a crying Dongwoo xD hehe, so cute. Awesome story ^-^
Chapter 35: omg its over! its strange and sad, but im happy! yaaays marriage!!! <3 thank you darling for such a fab story! <3 i loved it all!!!!!
Chapter 35: The ending was so cute! it was so fluffy!!
burdenheart #10
Chapter 35: i absolutely loved this ending. so nice and happy ^^ this story was really good! thanks for writing this. and as i said before this was one of my first stories i read in here so i will probably remember this story for a looong while ^-^