
I LOVE the way you LIE


Author’s POV


*Clickety, Clack, Klack...* 


You were walking down the streets of Paris in your fake Prada shoes, Channel sunglasses, Gucci handbag, and mink coat. You were supposed to be a famous jewelry designer. You wore heavy makeup, and had your hair styled into a fashionable mess. You turned heads, as you walked confidently into the restaurant, where your boyfriend, Woo Hyun was waiting for you.


'Tiffany!' Woo Hyun waved to you.


'Ciao!' You ran over as you gave him a peck on the cheeks.


'Bonjour Mdm. Kim!' You reached out your arms and embraced Mdm. Kim, the owner of Forbes, Korea, while doing some air kisses. 'I am Tiffany, the head designer of C.Jewel, it is a pleasure to meet you!' You spoke in perfect English. You had spent a night memorizing this.


As all of you sat on the comfy sofa in the restaurant, you produced a black box, and upon opening it, a precious ruby necklace could be seen. Mdm. Kim's eyes almost popped out. 'This is my newest creation, Love at first sight. If you wear this, all the men you desire will be attracted to your beauty.' 


You let her try the necklace on, complementing her. ‘Wow Mdm. Kim, your beauty shines through this necklace. Your face looks 10 years younger!’ Mdm. Kim was super pleased.


You knew how to handle her. She was a old spinster. Successful, rich, but lonely. "How much is it?" Mdm. Kim her lips in greed. "It's 0.5 billion won, because of the fine craftsmanship and the highest quality rubies.' You said with a sly smile. *I'm so gonna get this deal! After this deal, I can buy a house and settle down with WooHyun. It will be my last scam.* You though to yourself. The rubies were glass, but you did spend 1 month to make it. It was going to be your last. 


Mdm. Kim started to fidget, and to pressure her, you said 'Never mind, it's okay, I shall not pressure you. I have an appointment Mr. Jung and Mrs. Park later to show them the necklace.' You took the bag and rose from your seat, together with Woo Hyun by your side. 'Wait, Ms. Tiffany! I shall buy it! Please take a seat!"


Just like that, Mdm. Kim entered her bank account password, and typed the amount of money she was going to wire to your bank account. "5..0..0..' Just as she was about to press the enter button, 'FREEZE!' The police said. 'Jung Ji Hyun, Nam Woo Hyun, this is the police, you are under...' You and Woohyun ran off into different directions before the police could complete his sentence.


MyungSoo's POV


(By the way, he was already in the restaurant with SoYeon before you even entered)


I had just finished my race in Paris, and I was speeding back in my Porsche to the restaurant to meet my beloved, So Yeon. I stepped out of the car handsomely, with the real Channel sunglasses and mink coat, and went into the restaurant.


“Sorry So Yeon, I just came back from my race. I WON!!! F1 just gave me an exclusive deal.' I said as I showed her my trophy.


'Well, that's good for you...' So Yeon said as she fidgeted, but I took no notice.


"So Yeon, do you want to stay with me in Paris, and be my one and only love?' I grasped her hands, and presented her with an ice in a cup. In that ice, was the earring my mother left for me before she died. Giving this earring to her, it meant that she is the one I truly love, and I wanted to be with her forever. I already wore one on my ear, the other one was meant for my one true love to wear.


'So Yeon, marry me. I love you, and I can give you happiness.' I said, while looking at her in the eye.


She pushed the cup back to me. "Sorry, MyungSoo, I found someone who can give me a stable life, and someone who is more caring and sincere than you...' 


"WHAT?! Is he richer than me? Better looking than me? How can he be better than me, MYUNGSOO worldwide F1 Driver huh!!!?” I said as tears sprang up to my eyes.


"He is better than you in everything." So Yeon said, as she left the restaurant, leaving me by my own. She was the one who gave me determination and courage when I was just a lazy playboy. She made me become from a slacker to someone who strives to work hard. How could she leave me like this, just because of another man? Who could be better than me? I am going to hunt that man down!


I left the restaurant angrily, holding the ice with the earring in my hand.


Author’s POV


MyungSoo walked dejectedly, while looking at the earring in his hand.


“Don’t you dare run, Jung Ji Hyun! Freeze! I repeat, FREEZE!!” As you ran away from the cops, you suddenly stumbled into someone, grasping his hands for support. You looked up and you saw MyungSoo.


“I’m sorry!” You apologized for stumbling into him, and took your hand away from his.


‘Jung Ji Hyun, don’t run!’ The police were catching up to you.


Just then, as you were about to take off, MyungSoo, grabbed onto your arm. ‘Give me back my earring you thief!! Give it back to me’ He tried to wring it out of your hand violently, stalling your time.


The police caught up, and handcuffed you as you violently tried to escape. MyungSoo, released your hand, only to find that the earring was not in your hands.


“You betrayer! You ruined my future you ! You ruined my dreams of starting a family with WooHyun, it all because of YOU! You ruined my life COMPLETELY!!! My happiness is GONE! IT'S GONE!!” You shouted to him and cried, as you were dragged away by the police.


MyungSoo looked down after that shock you gave him. He found that his earring was lying on the ground all along. He sighed. It was just another chapter to his depressing day. "She went to jail for love. I just fell out of love. What a coincidence.' He mumbled as he picked the ring up.


You were sentenced to jail for 4 years due to fraud and scamming. Woo Hyun was nowhere to be found…


The two of you thought that this is was a chance encounter? No, it was just a new beginning...


Author's note

Hey guys, loving it so far? The best has yet to come!



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angelVSdevil #1
my lucky star was my favorite drama too when I was little.
I always watch the drama with my mom and sister.
update soon ^^
Heh cant wait for the next chapter......
i hope some parts there will give me butterflies in my stomache.
author nim fighting.
th3pAint3r #3
@FlirtingAsia: Thanks for commenting! :D Good guess, we shall she ;)))
I think the woman is the wife of woohyun and she is pregnant.
I'm loving it so far
i like it update soooooooon.....