
Goodbye, Hello

To save everyone from inconvenience I'm deleting all the previous chapters and will be writing the new version here. Please look forward for it. 


She placed her phone between her ears and shoulder as she rummaged through her purse, searching for the keys to her apartment, mumbling out replies now and then. She was about to insert the keys when she felt a tap. 

She turned and saw the old land lady smiling at her. “Hang on a second, Fany. I’ll call you later.” She hanged up the phone and smiled. “Good afternoon, ahjumma,” she bowed.  “Is something wrong?”


“A man came to me this morning, asking for you.” Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows. “If I wasn’t mistaken, he was carrying three luggages with him so I assume that he was a friend of yours, and probably a new roommate, which is fine.”


“I’m not getting any roommates,” Taeyeon mumbled.


“He looked like he was in big trouble so I gave him the keys to your apartment. He said that he knew you very well too, he even had a picture of you and him.” The woman chuckled. “He seems like a nice young man, Taeyeon-ah. Is he a boyfriend?”


“I don’t know who you’re talking about.” Taeyeon shook her head and turned to her apartment. She didn’t have a boyfriend to the matter. She turned back to the woman, her expression confused and worried. “How did he look like?”


“Dark hair? Your boyfriend is good looking Taeyeon-ah!”


“I don’t have a boyfriend,” she stated, “and I don’t remember getting any roommate.” Taeyeon replied. “Is he still there?”


The old woman shrugged. “Probably, I haven’t seen him get out.”


“Alright, thank you ahjumma.” Taeyeon bowed.


The woman smiled and walked away, leaving her behind.


Before going inside she dialed her friend’s number, itching to tell her the news. “Hello? Fany?” She shouldered her bag, still hesitating to go inside. “Something just came up…Yeah.” Finally, she walked inside the apartment; she was gripping her keys so hard that her knuckles were turning white. “No listen, the landlady came up to me just now and said that someone asked her for the keys to my apartment.” She paused, listening to the surprised reply at the other line. “No! I don’t remember allowing anyone, let alone a guy, to stay at my apartment.” She winced at the loudness of the other after hearing that Taeyeon’s intruder was apparently – a guy. “Calm down! You’re going to break my eardrums, sheesh.” Taeyeon face palmed, and regretted telling her friend.


After walking the narrow hallway she finally reached her apartment door. She paused, listening to her friend’s reply and hesitating on turning the doorknob. “I know, I’m freaked out too, you know.” Her hand clenched the doorknob, she hung up the phone because twisting the doorknob, to her surprise it was unlocked. She remembered locking it this morning before she went to work. 


She gulped and began to grow frightened at each moment, she stepped inside her apartment, carefully locking the door behind her. Looking around, nothing changed about her place except for the fact that there were three luggages beside her sofa. Something about the brand caught her eye – they were one heck of an expensive brand.


The gears of her mind started to work as she grew suspicious, she looked around but her small apartment was empty. Silent too.


Well almost.


Her eyes led to the half opened door of her bedroom, she stealthily walked towards it. She can almost hear a faint snore coming from the dark room. She pushed the door open and she couldn’t help but gape as she saw the half- person taking over her small bed – fast asleep.


“Yah!” She stomped towards her bed. She yanked the blanket covering half of his body, and was thankful that he wore something under it. “Wooyoung-ah!”


Finally sensing her presence, he stirred and blinked, looking at her with squinted eyes. “Welcome home,” he mumbled and fell back to the pillow to catch back on sleep. Apparently, Taeyeon wasn’t just going to let him have his way. She slapped his thighs causing him to wince at the slight pain. His hand covered the redness as he frowned at the fueled person in front of him.


“Get out.” Taeyeon glared, pointing to the wide opened door of her bedroom.




“What do you mean you can’t!?” She fussed.


He sat up with a yawn.


Taeyeon groaned in frustration upon seeing the exposed upper part of his body. “Atleast put some clothes on, jeez!” She found his shirt that was carelessly lying on the floor and tossed it to him. 


Wooyoung caught it by reflex and started to put it on lazily, eyes barely opened. 


Taeyeon continued to glare at the person infront of her, she was furious with his sudden presence after disappearing for nearly six months without ever any words explanation, neither did he contact her. To suddenly show up without any word of warning, it was unfair for her, she had already thought that the years of friendship they had was already thrown away. Forgotten. She was beginning to accept that fact, that her supposedly best friend slash childhood friend had neglected her being, but then here he was showing up in her apartment out of nowhere. 


She shook off her thoughts and began to throw her frustrations at him, saying out the things that popped out in her mind at the moment. She didn't care if it hurt him. 


Wooyoung sighed, suppressing the irritation that was gnawing at him because she does have a point.


“What are you still doing?” Taeyeon exclaimed once she didn’t see him move from his spot. “Didn't I tell you to pack your things and - “


Her sentence was cut off by a palm that covered . She stared at him with wide eyes. “Will you be quiet for a sec?” Wooyoung hissed. 


Taeyeon glared but said nothing.


“Sigh, look, I’m not using you. I’m really not. What you said, that was not my purpose. I swear!” He lifted his free hand, the one not covering Taeyeon’s mouth, in the air in a gesture of surrender. “I really need your help this time. I’m in big trouble, Taeyeon-ah. ”


Wooyoung could see the furious eyes shifting into a gentler gaze. He could only hope.


Taeyeon peeled his fingers off of her face and sighed. Wooyoung wasn’t the one to sound this desperate and helpless, and she couldn’t help but feel sympathetic towards the other at that moment. 


“Taeyeon-ah, please? I’m just going to be here for a few months and -“




He flinched.




He couldn’t get himself to tell her the reason behind his desperate pleading, well not yet anyway. “Please?” He looked at her eyes, hoping that somewhere inside that furious girl, would be the best friend ready to help him out. He was silently hoping that Taeyeon would still have the soft spot in her heart personally reserved for him.  “I promise I’ll pay all your rent while I’m here. All.” He negotiated; money was never  a problem for him.


She still didn’t look pleased, in fact her expression worsened from how it was earlier. Wooyoung knew how Taeyeon hated to be dependent to people. But he’d do anything at this point.


He quickly added before she could protest. “You won’t even know that I’m here! I swear, just please Taeyeon-ah, let me stay here. I’ll make you food; I’ll take care of everything!”


Taeyeon was silent, she eyed him, suppressing the smile that threatened to spread on her face at that pitiful sight of her almighty best friend begging her – desperately too.






“Can I stay?”


“What do I get in return?”


“Didn’t I just-“


“Don’t tell me that I’m giving up partial of my living space to some useless and homeless person who couldn’t even afford to contact his best friend at least once?”


“You’re not going to let that go are you?”


“Shoud’ve thought twice before doing so.”


“What kind of best friend are you,” he mumbled, glancing at the playful smirk that had now formed on her face. “You’re so unfair, did you know that?” 


“Nothing is fair in this world, Wooyoungie.” She teased, using the familiar nickname. She snickered when she saw him glaring. She couldn’t stop herself as  she reached out and pinched his cheeks to his surprise. “So what is your offer?”


Wooyoung grinned, swatting her hands away from his face.  “My car, - Its new and I just bought it. Deal?”


Another smirk. “Not so fast.”


“What now?”


“Couch. You will sleep in the couch.”




“If you don’t want to end up homeless for the time being, then I suggest you stop the whining and just do what I say. You're indebted to me now you know”


“First I become a house slave, then I give up my car, and now I have to suffer – back pain and all?”


“You brought this on to yourself.”


“So much for missing your best friend.”




“I love you too.”






“Do you want toast or-“




“Oops, sorry sorry,” he immediately let go of the doorknob and retreated to the kitchen. Minutes later, Taeyeon came out dressed in a formal button up blouse and a pencil skirt. Wooyoung couldn’t help but gawk at the way her outfit just ily hugged her petite features.  It. Was. Just. Undeniably. y.


He wasn’t going to deny it. Nope. His best friend was indeed y. Then again, so is he.


“What are you smirking about?”






“What are you even wearing?” He asked in a steady tone, forcing to tear his eyes away from the glorious view and focused his attention back on what he was cooking.


“Umm, work clothes?” She stated in a matter of fact. “Why is something wrong with them? I just bought them recently.”


“Work clothes?” He turned to face her and scowled, he motioned his spatula at her outfit. “You’re not going out in that kind of outfit, are you crazy?”


“No I’m not crazy. Are you crazy?” She walked to the fridge and pulled the door handle open.


He ignored her question and walked to where she was that was when he suddenly realized, “Why is your fridge so empty?!”


She kept silent and ignored him.


“Yah!” he walked back towards the stove and made a mental note to go grocery shopping later. He set the omelet on the plate and placed it on the circular dining table which he considered as tiny for two. “I told you that I would cook for you right?”


“Oh right.” Taeyeon close the fridge’s door and walked towards him, taking the chopsticks that he was offering. “Thanks Wooyoung-ah.” She smiled.


“Don’t mention it. Eat well.” He started to walk away from the cramped kitchen when he paused and faced Taeyeon. “Oh yeah, you better not leave the house wearing that thing.” He pointed at her. No matter how attractive she looked on the outfit it was still too provacative for his liking, the last thing he wanted right now is people ogling his best friend.


“Yes mom.





The door creaked open and she couldn’t help but laugh at the sight that greeted her. There he was, lying in the most uncomfortable position because his body was too large to even properly fit on the sofa. He was sleeping with his mouth hanging open, which is a habit Taeyeon found cute and funny. 


Taeyeon took her phone from her purse, she pressed the camera app and took a snapshot of Wooyoung. She couldnt help but snicker at how the picture came out and decided to keep it for keepsakes. She was about to take a video when her phone suddenly rang, waking up Wooyoung in the process. 


She mentally cursed, heart still beating rapidly as she answered the phone call. “Hello?” From the side of her eyes, she saw Wooyoung get up and stretch. “Oh, hey Tiffany.” She wondered why her friend was calling her at the moment. “No, I just got back…Yeah. Yeah, I’m fine I told you.” She glanced beside her and saw Wooyoung reach up to her and ruffled her hair. Without saying anything else, he started to move to the kitchen.


She watched Woooyung preparing, yet how he managed while still half asleep was a mystery to Taeyeon. It has been a week since she first allowed him to stay at her place. Surprisingly, Wooyoung did obligate to his promises; he let her use his car, cooked for her in every meals (like what he was doing now), cleaned the house, bought the groceries, and as he promised, it almost seemed like he wasn’t there. Surprisingly.


Invested in her own thoughts, she had almost forgotten the person she was talking to. “What we’re you saying, Fany? I was just thinking. Yeah. Can you repeat that -” A pause and a furrow of eyebrows. “WHAT??”


The sudden shriek worried Wooyoung and almost immediately, he came running towards the livingroom with a panicked expression. “What happened? Is everything okay?”


She managed a slight nod. Her eyes lifeless.


“Taeyeon-ah,” he noticed the limp arm holding onto her phone. “Is everything okay?” He reached out and cupped her face. “Hey, what happened?”


She was silent for a moment until she pushed him away, she got up and started to pace back and forth with a troubled expression about her face.


“Yah!” he poked her ribs. “What’s going on?”


“She’s coming here.”


“Who’s coming here?”






Taeyeon grew even more worried as she looked at Wooyoung. “A close friend. Co-worker.”


Wooyoung doesn’t know why. “So what’s the problem here?”


The more she realized – the more she dreaded the fact. “You.” Her voice was no louder than a whisper.


Wooyoung heard it. He chuckled at the sight of his worried best friend. “Why is that?”


“Since when have you not been a problem?”


He chuckled at the sight of his best friend’s cute angry expression. He shook his head and heaved a sigh. “Let’s just forget that for now, we’ll work something out.” He stood up and walked towards Taeyeon, he encircled his arms around her shoulders and pulled her towards the kitchen. “But right now, let just make you something to eat. Okay?”


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Chapter 58: Hi you gonna update this? Please do
Monstar99 #2
Chapter 58: Lovvveee this :3 WooTae Daebak, but it's still a mystery why Wooyoung disappeared... :O

Please update soon Author-nim fighting! <3
SehunsWoman #3
Chapter 58: so nice!! i cried!!
Chapter 58: Finally, thank you for the update ! ^^
Oooh this new rewrite chap 2 is great !! Wow I notice you decide to skip some parts ! Great job author-nim ! :D
ClocheLeythal #5
What good story you have here! I really like this! :)
Hope you could update soon! Author-nim HwaiTaeng! *^^*
taeyeoppeo #6
Chapter 58: nice!! update soon!
Chapter 58: daebak!! update soon~! ^^ omg wootae~
Chapter 58: Woohoooo! An update^^ I've read this before you edited it but it feels like I'm reading a fresh story!
Soralove #9
please update soon *sigh i will wait forever T.T.
jadesone #10