Chapter 3

Super Girl (Hiatus Untill Further Notice)


     I had dance class in the mornings at nine until eleven, then I had vocals at two in the afternoon till three, after that I had piano for another hour and a half on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and on Mondays and Wednesdays it was guitar, and Fridays I didn’t have piano or guitar.
     My dance class was pretty much half girls and half guys. They were all great dancers who seemed passionate about dance. I noticed I had Eunhyuk, Shindong, and Donghae in my class, but gave them no special attention. A few girls in our class went gaga over them but they didn’t scream. I guess that would be why they came to this University, perhaps because all of its students were rich and well mannered and would be able to handle them at our school. Why they were even at school and not touring, recording or something was beyond me. I didn’t want to ask Siwon because we just met, but I’ll make sure to find out why from one of them sooner or later. Maybe even I’ll find out without asking one of them, I’m sure the school will make some sort of announcement.
     I found out earlier that no one else used the dance room until two when my next class started, so I decided to stay a little longer and work on the project we just received for class. We were suppose to self choreograph a dance, about two minutes long, showing who we were as a dancer, our style, our strengths, and our favorite moves. I decided to try free styling to some songs first, to figure out what song to use. I plugged in my iPod, put it on my dance music playlist, turned it up and pressed play.
     When I dance I don’t think about anything but the beat of the song and how to move by body to that beat. I don’t care about how good I look, how much I’m sweating, how tired I am, or who’s watching; it’s just me and the music. I try to show the beat of the song, the feeling, the emotion, through dancing. It’s like explaining the song, or explaining the way you feel, without words.
     ‘Get It’ by SHINee came up on shuffle, and I knew as soon as it started that it was the song I’d be dancing to for the project. The whole song was perfect, the bass, the beat dropping at the chorus; it fit my style so well. My dance style is what they call ‘hi-hop’ but I don’t think it can only be categorized as just that. I incorporate a lot of different styles when I dance, but I mostly used popping and hip-hop. I loved the way popping looked. It fascinated me as soon as I saw someone pop for the first time; ever since I incorporated popping in all my routines.
     I restarted the song and began to dance, figuring out what worked and what didn’t. As soon as I had the first verse down, I restarted the song and tried it out. I smiled in accomplishment, it was great. I continued along, doing a section of the song at a time, making sure each piece flowed into the next. It was slowly but surely coming along.
     I took another drink of water and checked my phone for the time. It was only half past noon, I had plenty of time to eat, shower, and get ready for my next class. I got up and did one last run through of what I had come up with before I left for home. As I finished, I heard someone clapping.

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Ha...Kyuhyun and his games.<br />
I find it kind of funny that Leeteuk is being a serious leader. <br />
LOL..over the bathroom.
MinhoOnewShawol #2
Pls update! I'm dying right now!!!
MrsPenguin #3
aww. i miss your updates :) please update soon
ttabithaannn #4
@lildoolmai ahah yes the list does get bigger! and henry will be somewhat like a peacemaker :3<br />
@sjlovesjworld hehehehehe^^ yeah im hoping to get back into updating almost everday now that everything has settled down in my life, and im glad you like it! :)
MrsPenguin #5
I miss your updates :DD anyway love your new chapter :">
lildoolmai #6
Eunhyuk, Siwon and Kangin fighting over _____ . There will be more to add to that list soon. Henry the peacemaker of the group....?? I hope things go well for super junior and that they don't get stalked by rabid fangirls on and off campus.
lildoolmai #7
Just take your time im sure people will understand.
MrsPenguin #8
YAY!! i love this chapter.. please update soon..
lildoolmai #9
Woah..Suju overdose.<br />
I'd be happy with whatever you wrote :)
ttabithaannn #10
@lildoolmai thanks I'm going to start writing different povs, at first i was skeptical, but seeing as people want them, i will write them :)