07 - Superman's Lois Lane

Mister Superman
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She will never forget that day.


It was upsetting, Dara mused grudgingly. Sohee looked like a mess—her hair was scattered, her make-up was smudged, and her tears were everywhere—and Dara felt extremely helpless for not being able to do something — to ease the hurt her bestfriend was experiencing at the moment. She could never forget the crying face and pitiful expression Sohee pulled during those times.  


Sohee’s sudden tear-jerking confession about getting dumped by her bastard boyfriend two days ago both shocked and infuriated Dara. The poor girl looked as if she was carrying the world’s burden as she cried on Dara’s shoulder for who knows how long. Dara couldn't help but feel the immense urge of punching the hell out of the bastard who hurt her friend. How dare he, of all people! She cracked her knuckles and gritted her teeth at the thought.


Who does he think he is? Some kind of special gift to women?  


How pathetic.


She was brought again to the day, when the sun was so high up in the sky and Sohee came running to her while crying waterfalls.


She inhaled sharply at the memory. “Bastard.”





“You guys—whaaat?!” Dara screeched, disbelief instantly coloring her face.

She turned to her troubled friend with eyes sharp as daggers. Her friend however; kept weeping uncontrollably beside her, burying her face on Dara’s shoulder and mumbling incoherent words of misery and pain.


“K-Kwon Jiyong broke up with me.” Sohee’s voice wavered as she momentarily looked up at Dara before sobbing angrily again on her shoulders.


Dara’s eyes widen, “That good for nothing punk broke up with you?!” her voice was raised a notch higher indicating how she wasn’t appeased at what happened between the two.


Sohee nodded against her shoulder meekly.


 “H-He said that’s he’s tired of playing games with me…” she said in a hurt whisper, her tears endlessly pouring and drenching Dara’s shirt.


Dara was furious.


“He said that to you?!” she exclaimed. “That good-for-nothing punk thinks he can play with you and toss you around like you’re some kind of plaything?!”


Sohee didn’t respond; she just continued sobbing and this made Dara fume even more.


“I told you, he’s good for nothing!” she exclaim in agitation. “He’s a jerk. He never treats girls properly. He acts like he’s some kind of Greek god that girls will worship...remember when he tried to hit on me on the day you guys met? Gosh, Sohee. I told you never to fall for him. I told you! Now look at what happened ughhh I wanted to punch that bastard. You don’t deserve him!” she cried in anguish. Her fists tightly curled.


“I told you he’s going to make you cry!” she continued her lecture, not minding her shirt getting soaked with Sohee’s tears.


 Then she raised her hands as if attempting to emphasize a point taken, only to put them back on her sides limply as realization hit her. Hard. Dara bit her lips in dejection. She heaved a grim sigh and muttered a curse. There is no point in being angry. After all, no matter how much she wanted to be angry, she could do nothing.


She could only watch her friend cry on her shoulders. She couldn’t even punch Kwon Jiyong. She could only spit curses that will never reach his ears. She could only say his name in distaste million times and never be heard. She was useless as her anger. Dara never felt this extreme anger to a person before. She wanted to crush Kwon Jiyong’s ego as much as he crushed Sohee’s heart.


“Don’t cry, Sohee.” Dara whispered in controlled breathing. “That bastard shall pay.”


And it wasn’t just a threat.


-end of flashback


Dara sighed at the memory and continued walking. She wasn’t supposed to be thinking of such thoughts right now. She was already turning the tables and fixing Sohee’s life after her friend's sudden break-up with Kwon Jiyong. It had been unexpected but she was thankful that Sohee’s getting back on track.


 It happened after a week of sulking and crying, when Sohee finally gave in to her request of moving on and mingling again with people like she’d never been hurt by some jerk. It was hard to convince her at first. Sohee was stubborn and she refused to listen to anyone. It took some tough convincing to be able to shake some sense in her foggy brain.


When she did listen, Dara was more than happy to explain why Sohee didn’t need Jiyong in her life. She pointed out that there were so many fishes in the sea and Kwon Jiyong is nothing compared to them. Sohee looked closely unappeased at first but as she got the hang of it, she didn’t make those funny faces anymore.


Dara was ecstatic when Sohee resumed to her old self after two weeks.


And two weeks indeed has gone by like a blur. There’s no sign of Kwon Jiyong which made it easier for Dara to stir away Sohee from feeling melancholic and reminiscing their memories together. She was more than thankful of not seeing the guy as she have sworn to herself she’d definitely land him a solid punch square in the jaw. Let’s see if he can still act like he had always been ravishingly handsome in front of everyone. Well, he deserves it anyway. He's been such a jerk to —BAAG!


“A-Awww!” Dara yelped in pain as she landed with her on the floor. She was thinking too much that she forgot to look on the direction she was going,


“I’m sorry. Let me help you..” An overly familiar voice rang in her ears.  Dara stiffened; her eyes immediately flew upwards to meet cool, dark brown irises staring intently at her. And he was smiling.


Her eyebrows twitched. And rather accepting his hand, she glared at him instead. If glares could be used to kill someone, Kwon Jiyong would probably be bleeding to death if not dead by now. Dara glared at him like he was a-man-who-should-not-be-named and the carrier of the world’s plague. She doesn’t look happy seeing him at all. Really.


“I don’t need your help.” She spat coldly and helped herself up without breaking her glare at him.


But he was unfazed, perhaps used to this kind of treatment from hers. Jiyong cynically directed a smirk in her direction and raked his callous fingers on his pink bubble gum hair languidly as he look at her.  “You look like you wanted to kill me.” Words rolled off his tongue smoothly.


Oh how she wish, she could.


 “Oh, you’ve been a good mind-reader. That’s exactly what I wanted to do right now…” sarcasm dripped on her tone as Jiyong watched her in amusement.


“Look Dara, I d

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JuliaMei #1
Chapter 1: Poor Sohee buwahahahahahahaha XD!!!!!!!
Another awesome story ...
So cool~
Really great one-shot authornim, I really love your stories :)
bellaxvita #4
kyaaaaa,,sequel please authornim *puppy eyes*
So this is your kind of crap? Oh geez i wonder how great are your other works when they are not really crap for you. Cause this one's really good it just lacks a little more...... SEQUEL. XD
dezri28 #6
could you make a sequel of this?.,, why not a full story??.,, hehe .,, it's a great story.,, nice plot :))
It's so goooooooooooooooooooooooooood! This seriously needs a sequel. :D
justshipit #8
D'awww. It's tooooo short </3 Still a nice read though