~That Girl~

The Note

   Cutting classes is always my daily routine. I get bored easily and get lose interest. I don't care what my parents would say as long as they keep on track to our contract. That they would not mind to whatever I want to do nor to act as long as I keep myself within the top ten over all. i'm not boasting or what but I am born with high intellect and a silver spoon in my mouth. I got everything I want. And there's nothing else I want to have. But thinking about it once again. I feel something is missing. There is still some empty space that needed to be fill in. I don't know what it is. But the feeling is there. And it keeps on eating me. Swallowing me down to it's guts, till I'll drown and can no longer breathe.

Sitting alone under the shelter of the narra tree, I open the book entitled 'The Days'... I'm not fond on reading love story but the content seems to capture me. It is about the man and a woman who wished to be together. No matter how selfish they could be. No matter what kind of obstacle may come infront of them. And they'll keep on holding on. Not letting go of each other. I was in the chapter two in the book. That suddenly I heared a step. Sigh. I closed the book and look up when I saw some strand of hair infront of me. Our eyse met. She has this mesmerizing black eyes, small cherry lips, with pure white complexion. She was smiling. But I ignored her and opened the book once again to continue my reading. Still standing there keeping quiet. I notice her in the cornewr of my eye that she was still smiling and her eyes seems to read my book. Having no plan on talking  to her. She began to break the ackward silence.

                                      " I have read that book... " her voice was soft and harmonous. She was like an angel. But still I didn't mind her at all. Then she continued ".. but sad to say my preferd outcome didn't happen ... " she crook her head to look at me. " You can get so many inspiring moment there about life. " I know she was looking at me but I never mind to atleast utter a sound. To let her know I am aware of her presence. Then without my consent she sat beside me and rested her back against the large trunk of the narra tree. Her eyes looking at the leaves. " It's my first time coming in this place. It's so peaceful here. " she turm to me " What do you think? " she smiled again. But then again I didn't answer. And I noticed her she pouted. She look cute. " Hey, were you even aware I'm here? " still I didn't respond. She sigh and look at the leaves of the narra tree.  " I think your shy... " she speak again. I know I am making things hard on her. Talking to me even though I am not responding to any opinion she talk of. But still she keeps on talking. She wasn't expecting to any responses from me. But still she keep on talking and talking. But I am watching her quietly. Stealing glances, I noticed she fell asleeep. I watch her as the wind keeps on blowing her ebony long hair around her waist. She even look so angelic when she is peacefully sleeping. I wonder who she is. It is my first time seeing her around the school. Well maybe I didn't notice her because I myself didn't even bother to look at my classmate. Yes. Yes, I am a loner. But I don't look like a nerd or easily to get bullied. I look to what I used to look. When I was about to get back to my reading that I had not yet moved since the time she suddenly show up. The school bell rang. It means the breaktime was over. She was startled by the sound that she flinch. Her round attracting eyes opened. She stood up and wipe off the grass cling on her school uniform skirt. Then she turn to me.

                                       " hey, the bell rang. " with the same smile, comforting smile. She reach out her hand to me and added " let's go back together. " I gave her a I - Don't - Care look. She pouted again to me. " you'll be late if you don't stand there. " standing there quietly her hand still extended. I never even budge to look at her nor atleast told her to leave me alone. "... don't you want to go and get back to the class? ..." she added. Why can't she go away and leave me alone.

                                      "... go away ..." I mumbled that I think only I can hear it. She crook her head then look at me straight in the eyes.

                                     " ... are you being bullied? Is that the reason why you don't want to attend your class? ..." okay, i think she heard me. Well she has some good sense of hearing. "... don't worry if they bully you ..." she stared above the sky and think for a moment then she stared back at me "... just keep walking and survive ..." I thought that she would say she'll save me. Or maybe help be beat up those goons. But her respond was far too diffrent compared to others would say. To my own veiw those words she said are courageous enough to give streangth. But I guess to other people, it isn't.

                                   "... I don't attend classes ..." I mumbled for the second time. Her eyes look shock and widen. Then a few minutes her face turn back to normal.

                                  "... so your not bullied but simply you want to ditch classes ..." huh... At last she got what I want her to understand. So which means she'll just go away and I'll be at peace. Yet surprisingly she sat back to where she was sitting a moment ago and look at me. With her smile again. "... I'll be your accompany. Cause you look like your sad. " I raised my head a litttle and look at her in the corner of my eye. She was smilling. as she move her head side to side humming a tune. Man! I can't believe it she intend to stay here? And what does she mean I'm lonely and sad? Well I can't change the fact that I am a lone wolf but I am not sad. I am only a bit tired. That's all, I don't need an accompanion. I just want to be alone. Alone.

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