When you're gone

When you're gone


It has been 6 months… 6 months since you left me alone in this cold world… 6 months since I can’t feel that sun’s warmth… 6 months since I started dying from inside-out. 6 months since I can’t feel your hands on my body, your lips against mine… since I can’t listen to your voice calling my name and saying ‘I love you’… It’s not true… you can’t be gone…

Kyu… why did you have to do that? Why did you have to leave? We were happy together… what am I going to do without you? I’m dying without you by my side… What to do to make you come back? What…?

I always close my eyes for imagining you… your eyes, your smile, you hair… everything about you. I cover my ears so I can listen to your voice one more time… but everything is useless. None of those things can make you come back to my arms… Why Kyu? Why?

And do you know what hurts the most about all this? That I couldn’t answer to that question you made me…




-Have you ever thought about the future? - I asked you

-Sometimes- you answered

-When you think about it… what do you see? – I asked snuggling in your arms.

-What do you see? –You asked smiling

-Seriously. What do you see? – I asked again

-You. I see you – you said smiling and hugging me tighter. –Now, what do you see? – You asked

- You will have to figure out- I said and kissed you

-I’m serious-

-I’m too- I said going out the house and running away…




That was the last time… The last time I saw you smiling… The last time you hugged me… the last time I kissed those soft lips of yours… the last time…

I’m such an idiot. Why did I do that? Why did I run away? I could’ve stayed and answer your question… you could be with me right now… but I screwed everything up… It’s my entire fault… I made you go and look for me… I made you drive you car and look for me… I made you crash your car and… die

I can’t take it anymore… I’m driving crazy! I see you, I FEEL you everywhere I go. In every corner of our hose I can feel you, I fell your absence. It’s hard for me not seeing you, not feeling your arms wrapped around me anymore every day I wake up… but it’s harder to deal with the pain of the words that I left unspoken.

No, no… I can’t take this anymore. I have to fix this…

I got out the house and ran. I ran, ran and ran until I reached the graveyard. I felt my lungs were about to explode but I didn’t care. I’ve got to see you. I walked around and looked for your tombstone, until I found it. ‘Cho Kyuhyun. 1988-2012’ the tombstone wrote. It wrote the words I hated the most… and hurted me the most. I kneeled and cried. I cried the tears I didn’t have… because I have cried enough.

-Kyu…- I managed to say in-between sobs. –I’m sorry. I’m such an idiot- I said and laid on your tombstone. –I should’ve answered that question and stay with you. I should’ve had hugged you and tell you everything… But I didn’t… and now you’re gone… I’m sorry…- I said and kept sobbing louder. It hurted. It hurted so bad… -Kyu… I just wanted to tell you…  I saw you… I saw you the whole time. I saw us getting married and living happily until we were very old… I saw you Kyu…- I cried, cried and cried until I felt there were no tears left.

It was useless. Crying my guts out wouldn’t bring you back or make me join you… unless… that

I stood up and ran once again until I went out the graveyard and got on the street. There were a lot of cars going and coming full speed. –Kyu… I love you… I’m coming- I said and stepped on the road, giving away my last breath… 












well that's it! hope you like it! ;DD I hope it was good enough .__.


hahaha you know? I made my best friend cry with this! I was like OMO! seriously? is it THAT sad?? (believe me, she's not a crybaby like me >< it's reaaaly hard to make her cry .-.) I don't think so! judge it for youselves guys!! ><





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Chapter 1: well it was sad but it was feelings of love too
so i's okay they are together now
ismary666 #2
Chapter 1: you killed both of them, it´s romantic, because it were cars, i mean the same way, ok no, it´s painfull. They are meet in heaven, i hope.
Chapter 1: holy...

noooooooooooooooooooooooo asnm,dskndmads
