Take You Back


(A/N: i promised to myself this would be the LAST ONE. you spoiled kids are spoiled, tsk. anyway, enjoy! XD)




At YG FAMILY’S fans clubhouse,


“I know the news between our G-dragon and Dara was really shocking. But we couldn’t do anything about what their hearts tell them to do” the fan president declared in front of her constituents.


Some weren’t really negatively affected by the news because they were Daragon shippers, but it cant be avoided that many also had a long face.


“If you wish to leave the fansclub just because of that, you are free to do so. But that would only mean that you never have been a fan from the very start because if you are, then you would continue on loving and supporting them and you would stay and understand their situation” the fan president added to her speech with all wisdom.


Some was hit by the message and felt a bit guilty because somehow they felt a bit discouraged when they knew about the news, but because of their president’s full of wissdom speech they were able to get back to their high fan spirits once again.


“I’m never gonna leave this fanclub!” one raised her hand up in the air and proudly shouted her stand.


Then soon, everyone declared their loyalty to the club out loud. And everyone began to cheer, The fan president could only smile and cant help but be very proud to be the leader of such beautiful fandom.









We were just a block away from the YG building when the hawk eyed reporters spotted us. It was almost dusk, me and Dara thought the media wouldn’t be there anymore. But unfortunately they were still there and now they’re all running to our direction with their flashing cameras. I swiftly placed my arm around Dara’s shoulders to protect her from them.


We continued walking and met that huge crowd of reporters on our way. As expected they had a lot of questions to ask and I tried to answer all of them with all honesty. Dara was by my side tugging my shirt as we went through past them


“G-dragon-ssi, how about your fans, what if they leave you?”


“If our fans really love and support us, then I trust them that they wouldn’t leave because they should understand.” I replied to that question and spared Dara a reassuring smile. She just smiled back at me.


Luckily, the YG guards came to help us pass through and in no time we were in the security of the YG building. I released Dara in my arms just to check if she didn’t get hurt or such.


I held her face in my palms and asked concern, “You okay?” and she nodded in reply. I smiled at her and kissed the top of her head before linking my hands with hers. When we were ready to step our way to YG’s office, we were blocked by our group mates. And I knew we had to explain a lot to them first.


“Dara-ya” Bom, the scariest of the seven, called Dara menacingly.


“Bommie-ah…” Dara spoke with an apologetic voice.


“I thought you already broke up with that bastard—“


“Bom noona, it’s not her fault. Please don’t be mad at her. Pour all you anger in me instead. I know I had been a bastard but I’m honest when I said I love Dara and I’m ready to—“


“Aish! Shut up, you’re getting all cheesy and it’s so yucky! Okay, okay I understand. Just stop it” Bom said frustratingly. She sighed before she continued,


“Listen Kwon, I’m giving you just once last chance and if you make Dara cry again, you better hide somewhere I won’t be able to fine because I’d certainly and literally shred you body parts into pieces and feed them to the dogs” she threatened and that’s the most gross and scary threat that I’ve ever heard in my entire life. 


I saw the other two girls namely, Chaerin and Minzy, nodded to every word that Bom said. Not just that, they were also glaring hardly at me. Seriously, they made feel like they belong to some kind of a bad gang and they're very ready to assualt me anytime they have a chance.


“How about me Bommie? When are you going to give me a chance?” I heard TOP said and when we turned to look at him he had this pouting face. What a big baby. But anyway, he just received a smack on the head from the Bominator.


Everyone giggled at the scene, even the girl beside me. And simply hearing her laugh already made somersaults in my heart. I just really love this girl to the core.


“Aish! Anyway, great to see you guys still alive. For a second there, I thought the crowd had already mobbed you two”  TOP said to us after glaring at Bom playfully.


“Oh yeah...Great to see you two fine and back together now. Congrats, hyung” Daesung added with his angelic smile.


“HYUUUUUUUNGGG!!! You are really daebak! I’m your number one fan!” the maknae hollered and his voice echoed in the whole building. He didn’t just stop there, he even tried to imitate what I said in the airport a while ago. That stupid maknae, aish!


 “I have only been in love with Sandara Park and nobo—OW!!” he wasn’t able to finish because Youngbae appeared behind him and gave the back of his head a blow.


“Will you stop it? If Sajangnim sees you he’s gonna kick your like literally” Youngbae warned but Seungri didn’t budge and continued.


“Meh, I don’t care. Jiyong hyung is just so cool, I’m gonna do the same thing when I get to have myself a girl—“


“Who’s gonna do the same thing as Jiyong?” everyone was stoned on their spot upon hearing a very familiar voice. It was Hyunsuk Sajangnim. And as if by automatic all of our friends began to cower.


“N-nobody Sajangnim!” Seungri stuttered. That traitor!


Then I noticed our friends were slyly trying to get out of that place as fast as possible. They began to back out but straightened up when Hyunsuk-nim spoke,


“Follow me to my office you two.” He declared. Then he turned back and began to stride.


Our friends could only look at us apologetically as they all started to walk away and go back to wherever they came from earlier.


I looked at Dara and I know she was scared and worried. I gripped her hand and she looked at me.


“I love you. It’s going to be okay, trust me.” I let go of her small hand only to reach her face. I put my thumbs at the end of her lips and tugged them to a smile. She giggled and I did too.


Whatever might YG tell us, one thing is certain. I’m never gonna let our relationship be affected.











Nobody was speaking. YG was only intently looking at the couple in front him. He would open his mouth occasionally only to end up sighing. He just couldn’t utter any word to say.


“Are you just going to stare at us Sajangnim? Aren’t you supposed to be yelling at us right now?” Jiyong bravely asked.


“Aish, though how much I want to get mad at the two of you, especially you Kwon Jiyong, you little brat, I couldn’t” Dara and Jiyong exchanged looks. Bewildered with what their boss just said.


“I had gone through that stage and I know how it feels like to be …to be..in love” Speak about YG confessing that thing in front of his artists. Just. Totally. Awkward, and Jiyong and Dara couldn’t help but giggle a little.


“Ya!” YG scolded. Dara and Jiyong quickly suppressed their laughter.


“Sorry, Sajangnim” they said in unison.


“I'll alow the two of you to continue your relationship. But just promise me one thing”


“Anything Hyunsuk-nim, just as long it’s not about splitting us apart” Jiyong said.


“Who am I to do that? I am not Cupid, I'm just your Sajangnim. Anyway, The thing is, when you get married you should invite me!” Dara and Jiyong was dumbfounded. Their jaws fell on the floor due to so much shock.


“Seriously, that’s it?”


“Why? Do you want something graver than that?”


“No! Of course not!” Jiyong and Dara quickly shook their heads.


“If that’s just it then, Me and Dara would be very okay with that. We will even make you our godfather, as a matter o” Jiyong stated with a huge smile as his mind also began to engage itself about marrying Dara.


“Okay then, this discussion is over. Oh wait, apart from that. You two should make sure that this wouldn’t affect your career and you’ll continue doing your jobs properly. Understood?”


The couple nodded.




“Thank you so much Hyunsuk sajangnim” Dara said sincerely. And YG just smiled at her lovingly then nodded at Jiyong as if he was handing her own daughter to Jiyong. Those two were like his children already and he knew breaking them apart would do no good. He knew he should just let them be because when it’s love that had spoken, you could say nothing to break its words.


“Now leave. You two will surely attend so much interviews tomorrow, so you better sleep and go home to your own dorm. No more night strolling!”


Dara and Jiyong looked at each other and giggled before replying, “Nae Hyunsuk-nim”


“Go now!” YG jokingly reprimanded.


The two bowed courteously at him before starting to walk their way out of his office.


YG saw how the two lovingly looked at each other’s eyes before they exited his office hand in hand.


A random thought entered in his mind, Maybe just maybe, if we would just let love to rule us, then all things would go accordingly.






ok that would be seriously the last chapter.
u guise were asking for another sequel O___O but sorry, i could only afford to make an epilogue hehe. :P
if not because of all the comments and subs i received from you i wouldn't have done this.
anyway, i hope you guys are happy =D
i cant reply to comments anymore, im sorry. i still have to study T-T
so yeah, comment and subscribe? thanks so much for everything!! 
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mileski #1
Chapter 2: thanks for the happy ending
Dhize4ever #2
Chapter 3: Nice, I hope this a true to life story... Hehehe
Chapter 3: this. no matter what. daragon forever! :3
jungiejung8 #4
Chapter 3: i really hope daragon is real XD
Chapter 3: thanks for happy ending authornim ^^ wish it's real.
Chapter 3: great story. i love happy endings.
Red_Butterfly #7
Chapter 3: awww i wish it will become real ~~ soooo romantikkkk
99boom #8
Chapter 3: kyakkk!!! I love you Kwon Leadah!!
bienbonita #9
Chapter 2: Omo this was PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jiyong was... Oh my gosh there's no other way to describe him ~ lovably PERFECT!! :)
bienbonita #10
Chapter 1: Ack! Jiyong what are you goi g to do?!