Losing You...

Losing You

“You just don’t get it!” Donghae said.

Of course I don’t get it! What’s so important about our anniversary? We have this fight every year. We’ve been dating for 3 years and he always whines when I forget this day.

“Ok, where do you want to go? What do you want me to buy you? Another ring? Flowers?” I said. I meant it but I guess my expression and my tone didn’t show him cause his tears slowly fell. Or was he happy that I’m willing to buy him something?

“Let’s quit this…” he said. He was staring at the floor.

But I’m happy he wants to stop all this nonsense. “Great! Let’s go watch a movie, neh?” I offered.

He slowly shook his head and wiped his tears and faced me. I could see the hurt in his eyes. “I’m tired.”

“Fine, we’ll go tomorrow. Let’s go take a nap.” I said and grabbed his hand.

Donghae pulled it and I turned to face him. I was so confused. He never pulls away when I grab him. He will always show a goofy smile.

“I’m tired of you, Hyukjae.” Okay that really hurt and it was definitely something I didn’t expect. “Let’s stop all this and go our separate ways…”

I stood there cold and couldn’t utter a word but I did my best to ask. “What?”

“L-Let’s break… up.” he whispered but I was just beside him and I was able to hear him.

D-Did I hear right? No, I must have heard wrong. “Hae-ah…”

“I’M TIRED OF YOU HYUKJAE! I WANT TO BREAK UP WITH YOU! I CAN’T LIVE WITH YOU ANYMORE!” we both fell silent after he said that, and without another word he took off.

I wanted to go after him but I couldn’t move. Plus he’ll be back once I apologize. I’ll just let him calm down for a bit.

The next morning I went to the flower shop where he works. The place where I first saw him smelling the flowers and smiling at the wonderful scent. I asked him a thousand times to stop working there because he didn’t need to work anymore, but he would always say that since we both fell in love at that shop he would only stop working the the day he stopped loving me. And I know its kind of dumb to take him flowers since he works at a flower shop but I knew he would love it.

I expected to see him outside watering the flowers and smiling as he did… but he wasn’t. Maybe he was inside taking care of the other flowers or perhaps attending a costumer. I walked in and looked around and hoping he was facing the other way so I could sneak up on him… but he wasn’t inside either.

“May I help you sir?” the owner asked me.

“Neh, I’m looking for my boyfriend Donghae.” I said.

“Oh right, Hyukjae right?” she asked and I nodded.

The smile she had on disappeared. “I’m sorry but didn’t he tell you? Donghae doesn’t work here anymore… he came here late last night to inform me.”

My heart stopped for a moment and I couldn’t seem to remember how to breath. D-Donghae doesn’t work her anymore? It can’t be. I dropped the flowers and took off forgetting to thank the owner. All that was on my mind was to go find Donghae and apologize and beg for him to take me back. I ran as fast as I could towards Donghae’s apartment which he rarely used since he would always stay with me.

Nothing mattered at the moment other than seeing Donghae. I almost got ran over but I didn’t care. Donghae’s apartment was only 7 blocks away but it didn’t matter how fast I ran, I felt like I wasn’t getting there anytime soon.

When I finally reached the building I ran inside and went up the stairs. It was on the 4th floor so it didn’t take me long to get there. I quickly took out the key that Donghae gave me and opened the door. I was hoping to seeing him sleeping on the couch as always but once again I was disappointed. I ran into his bedroom but found nothing… his stuff was gone. I ran out but I bumped into the landlord.

“Oh Hyukjae-ssi, I’ve been waiting for you.” The lady said.

“Where’s Donghae?!” was all that was crossing through my mind. I knew she had to know since Donghae saw her as a mother.

She took out an envelop and handed it to me. “Donghae told me to give you if you came looking for him. He left 4 hours ago.”

I quickly opened the envelop as soon as she walked away.


I’ll be far from here when you read this, but I guess you won’t care or you might not read it because I have a feeling you won’t even look for me, but I’m writing it just in case you do. We were together for 3 years and they were the happiest years because I had you. I love you so much Hyukjae but I just can’t continue trying to make you love me the same as I love you. I felt like I was forcing you to love me and I don’t want that kind of love from you. I’m sorry I made you waste your time on me. Goodbye Lee Hyukjae.

Lee Donghae

He left… he left me… I lost him. ‘Stupid I do love you… I love you more than myself…’ I bitterly said as my tears fell. But I wasn’t going to live without him. I’ll find him.



Ok so here is the first part... I had the other part half way but it wasn't going so well in hyukjaes POV so I deleted it and started writing it in Donghae's POV... hope you like it and hopefully I'll have the second part up by friday ( If I get enough comments then It'll be up by friday) so no silent readers pls since this is my first Eunhae (Eunhyuk topping so I'm not so comfortable with it :/ )

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Rickey2630 #1
Chapter 1: It's avery great story! Very interesting and I would love to read the rest so I hope you'll continue it *^-^*
Chapter 1: ugh i hate when they separated like that but i'm so curious what will happen bout them.
will this story happy ending??
update soon please ^^
Chapter 1: Oh so sad
Plz update soon </3
Chapter 1: good start, i'll wait for the update patiently. hope hyuk can find him:)
Like it.. It's a nice fic.. Update soon please
peptoo #6
it's nice .of course update it.soon please
hyukjae it's your fault. why do you have to always forget your anniversary? ugh.
update soon <33
i'm waitiing