part 3

Long Lost Love


7 Years Later


*Andy slow down* the red head said, pulling the girl who was walking fast in front of her to slow down since they just got off the plane and she’d like to stretch her legs before she pull a muscle. *If you don’t I’ll get Mike to hold you down* she threatened and she slowed down immediately.


They didn’t want to get much attention, that’s what they wanted but since they were yelling at each other in English even that was a little impossible. It wasn’t helping that the two were wearing too much covering by the face area when it’s sizzling hot outside the airport but since they promised their company to not get much attention they had to do that even when it wasn’t that necessary.


*Jenny can I take off the scarf and the hat, no one will recognize me* the girl stopped, turning around and started to undo the scarf of death that was suffocating her and taking all the life out of her. *Fine* Jenny agreed and taking hers as well.


*See I told you two you didn’t need that* Mike finally caught up with them, pushing the cart with all of their things in it. Bom turned around to say something to him but with that Andy already zoomed away from them. *That girl* Bom sighed.


Andy was just walking around like she just saw the place for the first time and she wasn’t looking at where she was going exactly and bumped into someone as expected for a clumsy girl like her. She turned around and apologized immediately.


*I’m sorry I wasn’t looking at where I was going* she said a couple of times and walked away without even looking at that person’s face but it wasn’t like she can see it properly since her glasses were darkly tinted, even looking at where she was going was hard enough for her.


Back to that person she just bumped into, he stood there staring at the girl walking away from him and looked like he was giving her bad looks but he was just really confused with everything that just happened. One thing he was looking for his friends and the next thing he bumped into someone who’s head was half shaved and her hair was pink with purple ends then apologizing a couple of times before walking away. He could say he was a bit amused by that and it surprised him how the girl didn’t recognize him, Kim Hyunjoong the most wanted celebrity of his time.


“Joong oppa/hyung” before he could even react completely he heard familiar voices calling him, he turned around and all his friends were there including his twin brothers. He smiled and walked to them, pulling behind him his luggage.


“Hyung” his twin brothers went rushing to him with arms wide open for a tight hug, if he didn’t have any balance he would have fallen back. It was a good thing there were no press and cameras around or it would have been hard for all of them, it was their vacation together like he had promised months ago and he’d like to enjoy it wholly. “We missed you” both Youngmin and Kwangmin said then the others followed.


“Nice of you to keep your words Kim” Jessica said, her arms folded and was leaning on Onew.


“Of course Jung, I wouldn’t trade this whole month for nothing” he said and they all walked out of the airport.


The group of friends was in Jeju, they have been planning the trip for a couple of months now but because of Hyunjoong’s schedule they have to work their trip around it and finally after days of waiting they finally got it going. It was still unavoidable for them to not think of Dara at times like this even when it has been 7 years of separation and 5 of no contact, they have tried to look for someone to fill out the space for them but no one worked especially for Hyunjoong even if he wasn’t really showing any emotions of it.


The rest of them got to the island a day earlier to get their hotel suite and everything, then Hyunjoong followed right after he got back from Japan for the movie he just shoot.


“Hyunjoong, you’re spacing out are you okay?” Taecyeon asked the guy, he was considered to be the second closest friend to him after Dara but there were still things he didn’t know about the guy.


“I’m fine, something just happened before I got to see you guys” he chuckled, remembering that small encounter with the girl.


“By the meaning of that chuckle I’d say it was with a girl” Sungjong teased and he just smiled.


“It was a very interesting girl” he mumbled, looking out the window of the car and unexpectedly seeing the girl again but then they drove off.


Back to Andy, Jenny and Mike, they were outside the airport after the whole long hide and seek with Andy. They were waiting for their ride, a car they rented for the whole month vacation courtesy of their company’s Korean branch.


“Yunho oppa, are we still going to meet your cousin?” Andy asked, they already got inside the car and were ready to drive to the hotel. The other two sat in front and she sat alone in the back.


Jung Yunho was Mike’s Korean name, he is Andy’s bodyguard and happens to be the boyfriend of her manager which is Jenny and her Korean name is Park Bom. They were only 3 years older than their talent but they were really close to each other since they were the ones who helped the girl get started.


“Yeah, I just got a message from her and they are driving to the hotel now we’ll probably meet later after we got rested” he said, checking everything before starting the car. Bom was on her phone talking to someone, probably back at work and Andy didn’t pay any attention to it and just looked out the window and smiled at the homeland she had long left.


Andy, a Korean model working in the States under the most famous modeling company worldwide and because of that she became famous and very much wanted by a lot of agencies but since she has loyalty to the company even when she hit the roof she stayed with them.  Andy, short for Sandara Park. She had wanted to stay with Dara but it was a little too foreign according to her boss so they decided to go with Andy and since then none have called her with her real name aside from Yunho and Bom.


*Andy, did you call your parents?* Bom asked, she was a bit uncomfortable speaking Korean but it didn’t mean she didn’t know how to, she just wasn’t used to it.


*Not yet, I totally forgot about it. Can I borrow the phone?* Dara asked and of course Bom gave it to her. “And unnie, talk in Korean we are in Jeju” she chuckled and the older just made a cute duck face.


She dialed her parents’ home phone number, she didn’t have it memorize so she still had to check her phone that wasn’t on plan for overseas purposes. When it started to ring her heart was beating really fast, she haven’t called them in days and she felt she they were a bit mad at her for that so she doubt if they’ll talk to her but when her mom suddenly answered the phone she froze for  a bit.


“Hello?” she heard her mom talk, she felt a huge lump on and her eyes were getting teary. She didn’t know she’ll feel this much homesick even when she was already in the country and hearing her mom’s voice was too much for her.


“Umma …” she talked and right then she was crying, Bom and Yunho smiled at the warm scene behind them, even when the girl was 24 years old they still can’t get enough of her sweetness.


“Dara-yah is that you? Oh my, we miss you so much” her mom cried too just like she did and she couldn’t feel any happier.


“I miss you too, I’m sorry for not calling these past few days everything was just busy at work” she explained, wiping her eyes. Her mom chuckled and by the sound of some disturbances at the background she was sure it was her dad making his way to the phone. “Hi dad” she said and then her dad started to cry too.


“Princess, when will you come home?” he asked and she chuckled, feeling all the burden off her chest.


“Actually … I’m at Jeju right now for vacation, we’ll be staying here for half the month and the other half we’ll stay with you” she said and they were celebrating by the other line, it was too loud that the two up front can hear it.


“We’re so excited to see you sweetie, just call when you’re coming and we’ll get everything prepared. Be safe okay and we love you” her mom said.


“I love you too mom and dad, bye” she said and then hang up.


She handed back the phone and from then on she wasn’t able to stop smiling, her happiness radiated to the two and the whole way they were all happy.


Hyunjoong’s POV


We finally got to our rooms and all I want was to lie down on the bed but I haven’t even got passed by the living room when I just decided to lie flat on the sofa for a little while, the twins sat on my back and it actually felt nice.  It sort of reminded me of that morning when she was waking me up to get to the audition, I can hear her voice calling me and with just that it was enough to make me smile and then her face came rushing in my head, that reminded me of the day I met her in the cafeteria, the day we became friends.


7 years have passed by completely fast, it seemed like last week was when I found out she left already and heard her message since then there was no time when I didn’t think of her and wonder how she was doing. We didn’t hear anything about her even from her parents since they promised to not tell anything and there wasn’t much news about her, if I had the time maybe I could have searched her in the web but we all had  our days planned and rests were not that many.


Disturbing my short nap Jessica was talking fairly loud on the phone as if there was no one else in the room other than her. I looked back to glare at her to shut up but she was smiling, not the normal smile but she was happy smiling.


“What’s with Sica?” I asked her boyfriend who is, too much of my surprise still actually, Onew.


“She’s talking to her cousin from the states, he’s in Jeju too and I think we’ll be meeting them later” he answered and I just nodded to it, I wasn’t very interested about it to be honest and it’s not like she’ll answer if I ask anyway.


“Aren’t you a little too excited to just be meeting your cousin?” Nicole asked, wiggling her eyebrows at Onew. It was her job to make Onew jealous of whatever happens to Jessica and the other way around too, even if it’s already this long they still get affected by it which just shows how they are much in love with each other.


“I’m actually excited on meeting oppa’s girlfriend and the same goes for him to you yeobo” Jessica said, walking to Onew and sitting on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and the fun time began again. We all groaned and looked away.


It was nice of them to not plan anything yet and let me just stay in my room to sleep for a little bit, I haven’t had a proper sleep in a long time and after this I’ll be getting a proper meal so I’m excited about the trip.




Hyunjoong was satisfied with his 5 hour sleep and was just in time for dinner, all of them were ready and just waited for the celebrity to wake up and get ready. He went out to the living room and saw a familiar sight, his friends having fun just like the old days. Laughing and such over nothing, even his brothers who he didn’t see grow up almost didn’t change at all, he leaned to the wall and just watched them for a couple of minutes.


“Take a picture Joong, it’ll last longer” Yubin said and he just chuckled, he tried not to think too much about it but it was what Dara always say when he stares at her. It became a habit actually, back then he would always stare at her for no reason at all and then after they’ll just be laughing.


“Come on let’s go” Minji and Sungjong both said at the same time, pulling everybody out of the room.


There was a feast at the restaurant near where they were and so they decided to eat there for the night, it wasn’t a place where teenagers or the fans of Hyunjoong would be at so he didn’t put too much covering and his friends appreciated that.


“Oppa” Jessica suddenly yelled out, waving her hand at the 2 figures just in front of the restaurant entrance. The figures waved back at her and seemed to be just as happy to see her as she is happy to see them. Although it was a bit awkward for the others they just decided to follow behind her.


“Annyeonghaseyo” they greeted the two, even Hyunjoong bowed to be respectful.


“Annyeonghaseyo” the guy said but the girl wasn’t paying any attention and kept her head turning in all the way she can turn to, she was panicking they can obviously see that and they wondered what was happening with her. *Jenny she’s alright, she’s not going to get lost* the guys said, calming her down but it wasn’t really working at all.


“Oppa what’s wrong?” Jessica asked since she was getting worried over her future cousin in law.


“It’s our friend, she sort of went somewhere” he answered.


“And right now we don’t know where she is, if she’s okay or not” Bom answered, she spoke in Korean and it surprised them a little bit since her red hair was giving off a vibe, the kind that said I’m a foreigner and I don’t speak the language even if I’m Korean. “Why is she so stubborn? I’m so going to kill her if I find her” she said almost at the verge of crying, she wasn’t just Andy’s manager but at the same time she was her sister, the family that took very good care of her all these years.


“I’m sure she’s okay, Andy’s a tough girl. Let’s go inside first and then we’ll go look for her” Yunho said and they all went inside. “I’m Mike by the way but you can call me Yunho and this is my girlfriend Jenny but you can call her Bom” he added.


They got to the table they reserved for them, it was a little secluded from everybody else and it was good for both sides since they had celebrities with them.


“I’m Jessica, this is my boyfriend Onew, then Yubin, Heechul, Nicole, Hyunseung, Chaerin, Sungjong, Minji, Taecyeon , the twins: Youngmin and Kwangmin and their older brother Hyunjoong” Jessica introduced the others, it could have been a nice meeting but Bom was still not relaxing about the whereabouts of her talent.


“You’re the actor right? I’m a big fan” Yunho said, Hyunjoong smiled at that.


“Thanks” he said.


The restaurant actually has a live band playing and the guests can all come to the stage to perform a song if they want to, it was one of their sights in the island and many have been discovered by entertainment companies because of the little gigs.


At the time a sudden announcement was made. “We have our first performance of the night, here she is” they heard clapping from outside but didn’t bother looking out for who it was.


“Annyeonghaseyo yeorobun, I’d like to dedicate this song to my friends who’re probably going all crazy looking for me and of course to my friends that I haven’t seen for 7 years. This is for you guys” the girl said, everybody clapped for her out of courtesy and stayed in tune for her performance “This song is called My Best Friend” she said and the band behind her started to play, gaining the attention of everyone even the staff. They were anticipating how good she’ll be singing, if her voice is just as pretty as she is.


The group in the room still couldn’t relax, they heard the clap and the announcement of the performance but they didn’t feel anything about it and thought it’s just one of the normal gigs. What she said didn’t even got them curious or maybe it was the volume of the speakers around their area.


Anyways, everyone was anticipating her performance, waiting to see if the girl didn’t only have a beautiful face but a pretty voice as well and she didn’t let them down, she sang perfectly that even the elders who were not much to upbeat songs joined in the enjoyment of those who sang along.


“See, I told you we’ll find her” Yunho said, getting up to go watch the girl they were looking for and of course the others followed, even Hyunjoong.


When they heard the voice they instantly started to enjoy the song, even clapping with everyone else but the hands stopped and their jaws snapped down open when they caught the face of the girl.


“Is something wrong Sica?” Yunho asked his cousin, now it was him who was worried over them.


“Dara …” she choked and with that tears suddenly fell on her eyes, she wasn’t alone on that though. The group went from happy to emotional they were all speechless and didn’t know what to do.


“Yeah, that’s her real name but she goes with Andy now” Bom said, totally confused with all of them but just turned around to enjoy the performance dedicated to them.


 You’ll always be my best friend. Forever you’re my friend, she finished the song and everybody clapped for her, even standing up to show how much they appreciated the song. “Unnie, oppa where are you?” she asked lastly on the mike, Bom flashed her phone up in the air to get her attention, running carefully she couldn’t hide the smile on her face, she couldn’t wait to get to them and see them again.


“Yah, don’t run away like that you know how your unnie gets nervous and all” Yunho chuckled, hugging the latter like his own sister. “Neh oppa” Dara said and turned to her unnie to hug her and apologize too.


“Annyeong” she turned to the side and smiled at her friends who were all flooding the room with tears. She chuckled at their faces and walked to them, wiping each of the tears for all of them. She knew it was going to be like this but she expected the person crying would be her and not them, most especially the big boy of the group, Taecyeon to be tearing up as much as Yubin was. “Yah, why are you all crying” she laughed when she got to the twins who didn’t hold back and hugged their nuna. “Aigoo” she puffed and all of them joined in except for Hyunjoong who was still lost in his own world.


“Are we missing something?” Bom turned to Yunho and he was just as lost as she was.


“Let’s go eat, I’m hungry” Dara said and they just chuckled, walking back to the room but the hugs and miss you’s still didn’t stop of course.


“Unnie, you shaved half your head and its pink too” Chaerin chuckled, she still wasn’t done admiring the style. They all agreed it fit her and she looked even more beautiful. As a model she was used to all the compliments from the people who’ve seen her work and of course from her boss but hearing it from her friends meant so much more, it is what she always wanted to share with her family and now that it’s happening she couldn’t get any happier.


“Dara, so how do you and oppa know each other?” Jessica asked and they all paid attention to what she was going to say, Hyunjoong in particular haven’t said anything yet and it seemed like he wouldn’t be able to with all their friends chasing her attention one after the other.


“Actually, I’m her bodyguard and Bom is her manager” he explained and Dara kept nodding extensively but still they didn’t get it. The 3 chuckled and Bom explained further “I’m sure Andy told you before she left about her job in the States, well after 7 years of hard work she became one of the top model and the female representative for Korea in the industry, I’m the one who manages her work and since she has a lot of fans majorly boys Yunho is her bodyguard” they understood much more clearer now and they smiled and was proud of her success.


“Is something wrong with Hyunjoong?” Yunho asked and Dara jumped a little bit with that and him as well, he didn’t expect the attention to turn to him so he was speechless once again.


“I’m fine …” he gave a cold and dry answer before turning away to look at something else.


The night was better than they had expected, they were all happy for the first time in a long time but a certain someone had a face longer than a giraffe’s neck and although he kept saying he was fine every time they all knew he wasn’t. Hyunseung kept stealing glances of the actor, watching him around the girl that once was his best friend and he could see the longing in his eyes, the want to just hug her and welcome her back but it was hiding behind a thick wall of pride and stupidity.


Bom and Yunho were glad for their dongsaeng too, it’s been long since they last saw the girl smile genuinely. Of course Dara love her job but it’s still different to smile because of something that just makes you smile.


“Since Andy kept asking this morning let’s go by the beach” Yunho said and Dara’s smiled grew wider, like it was possible, the others agreed to it too but not as much when the twins practically kidnapped the girl out of the restaurant, guarding both her hands with theirs. Their nunas and hyungs just let the two since they’ll get tired pretty soon and they can have time with their friend.


Taecyeon and Jessica walked with Hyunjoong behind the group, feeling a little bad for him coz no one has really paid any attention to the guy ever since they saw Dara. It was expected of him to be like that though, even if back then they were the closest it’s been 7, 8 years almost since they last talked to each and a night isn’t going to cover up that much lost time.


“Talk to her” Jessica said, looking at the girl smiling just like how she remembers it.


“And say what? Sorry I forgot about you. Sorry I took you for granted. Sorry I became famous and left you behind” he was pissed and said that rudely but the girl understood him, he was frustrated and didn’t know how to let it out but if he doesn’t cooperate with them he’ll regret staying far from her for sure.


“Tell her you missed her pabo. You know she’s not the one who keeps grudges, she probably forgot everything now” Taecyeon said, thinking it’ll help the guy but it only made the situation worse. He just had to emphasize that it has been long since, he had a valid point though Hyunjoong just didn’t absorbed it yet. “Yeah what Taec said” Jessica agreed before running to Onew who was calling her.


They didn’t say anything after that and walked in complete silence, the sound of the waves nearby was relaxing but it didn’t help Hyunjoong to think about what his friends say and just mumbled things.


“When she was already gone, just after you heard her message she called me and said whatever she was going to say I’ll tell you when we see her again …” Taec said, he was talking clearly and didn’t even use any big words but Hyunjoong got confused with it and so he waited for the guy to continue what he was talking about. “She was in love with you” he ended his sentence and walked away, leaving him frozen in shock.


He followed the guy with his eyes, his brows were furrowed from thinking about what he said and at that moment Dara happened to look back at him and their eyes met just like how someone will react when someone called them Hyunjoong froze again, eyes starting to burn from not blinking and unexpectedly Dara gave him a small smile before looking away. For the first time his heart started to beat like crazy, the one you feel when you find out your crush feels the same way for you but even with that small smile he felt something in it, something he didn’t want to see, she wasn’t the same Dara that he met when they were 9 years old, she was someone else and that made him scared, scared of the feeling that he was no longer part of her life.


The morning after Hyunjoong woke up much earlier than he wanted maybe because his eyes didn’t close to the moment he hit his bed, he was wide awake the whole time and it was because of Dara. He couldn’t seem to take the girl of his mind no matter what he do and so he just gave up and stayed awake the whole time.


The sun wasn’t even peeking out of the clouds yet it was sort of bright outside already but there wasn’t much people, he decided to go for a run just to get things off his head. It was going well, he was sweating and music was plugged in his ears but just as soon as he passed by the shore, the same part where they were the night before she saw a very familiar figure, one that stands out and you won’t miss.


Without thinking about it he slowly walked towards the girl, creeping closer with the plan of surprising the girl but when he was about 3 feet from her the plan failed.


“What are you doing up so early?” she asked, getting up with the small shell in her hand and tucking the piece of hair flying coz of the morning breeze behind her ears then turning around to look at him. He was pouting of course but she didn’t give any reaction to it.


“How did you know?” he asked, the song of disappointment and sadness having a concert with his voice and his face.


“I’ve had experience” she said plainly, the way she was talking and acting with him was starting to get to him even if how much he wants to not think of it there was no helping. “Besides, you’re music is on too loud you’ll go deaf if you keep that up” she added then pulling out the black wires plugged in his ear, then there was that small hope that maybe she didn’t change that much, Hyunjoong didn’t hold onto that though expecting it to be shattered down again.


No invitation, no suggestion, no beginning the two started to walk along side each other by the shore with their eyes straight out and getting nervous just by the being close to the other. It was getting too awkward and all they could do was clear their throats or let out a heavy sigh.


“How’ve you been?” it was Dara that started to conversation and Hyunjoong could only think of things he can call himself for being a coward who can’t even start a simple chat with his best friend – well, was.


“Good … I guess” he wanted to hit himself physical for that, for 7 years waiting to talk to her again that’s all he could come up with.


“Hmmm …” she answered. She turned around to face the sea again and suddenly threw the shell as far as she can, Hyunjoong stopped and watched her but it wasn’t what she did that made him stop but the scent he smelled that came from the girl’s hair, strawberry and vanilla, the same smell of her hair way back when they were kids, when they would sit down and Dara would lay her head on his shoulder waiting for sleep to come. “Strawberry and vanilla, you know I always go far just to get the same shampoo I use” she chuckled, she was seriously starting to freak Hyunjoong out.


“Are you psychic or something?” he asked, backing away a little bit. He once called her a vampire for the reason she doesn’t seem to age, he got a fair amount of beating from the girl twice smaller than him since in a different look he called her a blood monster, she’s far from a monster and since that day he was careful with his words around her.


“In my work your senses should be your best friend, you never know what happens behind you. You should know that, you’re famous” she said, he was starting to sense the girl didn’t want to be around him with her bitter attitude towards him but he couldn’t think of a reason why since he took in the fact that she doesn’t hold grudges or any of that nature.


“I’m not that famous” he mumbled but she still heard it and then snorted, he knew why though but just kept silent. “What about you, how’ve you been?” he turned the question to her, hoping to get more than the answer he gave her.


“To be honest, everything’s been going good for me. My career is doing fine, my life’s going great and I can’t ask for more” she smiled.


‘What about us? Are we doing fine?’ he wanted to ask that but the lump on his throat was stopping him, plucking all the courage he had to ask that he opened his mouth to speak but then someone had cut him off. Someone called him from behind and he knew well who was it but he didn’t turn around to look, honestly speaking she was the last person he wanted to see. Dara turned around though and saw who it was, a girl with hair slick down with just the amount of makeup someone can easily say was for stage rather than a normal day and she knew who it was.


“You’re girlfriend’s right there I better give you guys some space” she said dryly and walked away telling him clearly she had no interest to stay there and watch them. Hyunjoong wanted to stop her, tell her he wanted to ask a question but she was too far for him to go run after and his ‘girlfriend’ already got to him, hugging him tightly from the back.


It was already half way to the half of the month and soon the trio will fly to Seoul for half of their vacation, the countdown wasn’t helping Dara get around Hyunjoong either she was getting more and more agitated to just go to him and talk things out but with the presence of his of a girlfriend even sitting beside each other became impossible.


“Bro, are you really not going to talk to her?”Taecyeon asked again for the 100th time already and he gave him the same answer, just a nod and a look away.


Their friends didn’t want to in their business but it’s become unbearable for them to catch the guy always looking at the girl, not even the type that he’ll look away when he’s caught but the one when he’ll just stare not caring if he’s freaking the girl out.


“Hyung, Dara nuna said they’re leaving tomorrow” Sungjong said to him, the latter who was restless and kept walking round came to the side of them talking and since he’s in full support to both of them he couldn’t help but step in.


That small news he said choked Hyunjoong, gagging him from the juice he was drinking. Typically a friend would help in times like that but Taec just watched him, hoping that’ll choke him back to common sense.


“What?” he hissed, wiping off the juice dripping from his chin.


“I heard nuna talking about an emergency something earlier  from her boss and it’s needed for her to return soon so they’ll be spending the rest of the time with auntie and uncle back in Seoul” he explained, passing him tissue to help with the juice.


Hyunjoong very much looked infuriated and at the same time sad over that, he know that they’ll be spending half of their vacation in Jeju and half back in Seoul so he was surprised to hear they were leaving soon especially when he hasn’t spoken a word to the girl.


It was already at the time for the sun to set and the actor was still thinking of what to say to Dara, he was ripping out all of his hair just to think of a proper thing to say but unfortunately he hasn’t thought of anything else and that was pissing him off. Why is it so hard to think of something under pressure? He wanted more time but there really was no time at all, so he ran off to find Dara and not even telling the others of it.


He searched everywhere, from every store to every room he can go into but unfortunately he didn’t even a strand of hair. When he was about to give up he thought of a place, his last hope. He ran all the way to the shore, sweat pouring down but he didn’t care of his image or stopping for a second to wipe it and like a dream came to life she was right there, standing near the water the same way she did when he first saw her standing there with only difference was her hair that changed back to brown, the same lovely color he remembers from their first meeting.


“DARA” he yelled, not thinking about it or even caring about the people who’ll stare at him thinking he was crazy. The girl turned around, her hair flutter with the wind and covered her face when she was facing him.


Not even the first time, his heart started to beat harder and stronger against his chest. He made his way to the beach, near her only listening to what his heart was saying and ignoring what his mind was yelling at him. Dara didn’t know what was going on but still decided to wait and see what happens, she thought her plan of ignoring the guy was working but not until now.


“Is something wrong?” she asked, fixing her hair so it wouldn’t be bothering and covering her face while they talk.


“Tell me the truth, didn’t you miss me? Didn’t you think of me even for one time for 7 years, did you really forgot about me?” he asked, panting hardly for air but he didn’t care if he was about to collapse or faint from lack of air. He only got short time and he’s not going to waste any of it.


Dara just looked up to the guy, remembering the familiar lines and features of his face just as the same as when he was that close back then. His almond shaped eyes, the pointy nose the lips that seemed to be pinker than when he puts something on it, it was all the same and she remembered the feeling, the feeling when she realized she had fallen for her best friend and with that sinking in her mind she looked away.


“Dara … tell me” he pleaded, his voice was soft and calm. It rang in her ear for that second, feeling the emotions he had put in those words and so she looked back again, this time with stern will to not look away and answer him.


“I did, I always did” she sighed; taking something from her pocket that seemed like a handkerchief and wiped the drops of sweat on his forehead. Hyunjoong didn’t know what to feel though, he was happy of course to know he wasn’t forgotten, to know he was NEVER forgotten, but beside that he thought of the reasons why she didn’t forget about him, was it for everything that happened between them when he became famous or was it because of her feelings. “No matter what I did, no matter whom I tied myself with it always end up bad since there was still you. I’m assuming Taec already told you and I wouldn’t blame you if you start to put distance between us not that we don’t already have a long one” she chuckled, her voice rang like bells and it made him smile.


“When did you figure out … your feelings I mean” he was stuttering for a bit, his eyes moving everywhere like he wasn’t sure whether he should look at her right in the eye or look somewhere else. Biting his lip he looked at her and saw her eyes, brown as chocolate.


“Remember when I came to get you when your first shoot was over but then it rained and we only had one umbrella to share, it was small too. When we were right in front of my house and you were looking down at me, fixing my wet bangs at the time I didn’t know what I was thinking and the next thing I know I was sure I fell in love with you” she explained, chuckling again from remembering the past that seemed to be only a story to her now “Which would explain why I had a hard time reading all those news and scandal about you and someone, although I got to admit they looked very good for you” she added, finished wiping the sweats on his forehead and his neck. “Why are you asking?” she asked, backing away and looking around back at the sea.


“Because … I don’t know” he mumbled and that just broke Dara’s heart, she had hoped for a better ending for her and him but it’s turning out not to be that way, that hurt more than not answering at all “I just wanted to know” he mumbled again, a sad smile came to her lips along with a deep sigh, she didn’t understand the point of him asking if in the end he still doesn’t know what to do about it, maybe she can blame herself for hoping for something when clearly there’s nothing to hope for.


“If that’s everything then I’ll be going now” she said but did it still matter to say goodbye to him? Does the goodbye now count for the separation years ago or does it not count for anything at all. Things might have changed for both of them but not what’s between them.


It was just like the first time again, she was walking away and he didn’t do anything. He stood there looking and could easily ran after her coz this time there was nothing, no one holding him back. Her back was stern facing him and didn’t show any sign of stopping to look back.


“Why does it hurt?” he asked himself while he clutched his chest, right where his heart is. It was beating, no thudding hard against his chest and right then his memory seemed to play its own flash back.


            There he was standing by the door of the cafeteria back when they first met, he had his food on the tray and his friends were calling him but his eyes were only on the girl sitting by the end of the room, eating by herself. Without knowing why he walked towards her, ignoring the calls from everybody and just went straight ahead. His heart skipped a beat when he saw her smile and couldn’t get enough of it, from then on it was his job to make the girl smile.


            Then played next, the time he was accepted in his audition, he ran out with his hands up high towards the group of friend that had been waiting outside the room for him. Each of them was hugged but it were all short because he wanted to find that someone he wanted most to enjoy his success with and it was no other than her, the girl who woke up extra early to make sure he had everything set for his audition and that he was ready, the same girl who could have gone to her planned day but chose to go with him because she was his best friend.


            Came after was the end of his first shoot, it was raining and he could have gone with the others who offered him a ride home although his house was only a couple of blocks down from the set and Dara had an umbrella too but he passed it off and decided to walk with her even though they both know they were going to get wet since the umbrella was too small for the two of them. They were right in front of her house after the long walk, he could have told her goodbye and she could have gone inside shortly but they stood there. He could have told her to go in already so she can dry herself but they just stood there him fixing her backs although there was really no point for it but because he wanted to he did it.


            Lastly, when he had his first kiss with his dream girl and the face that came to his mind was Dara’s. He was totally surprise because of it so he pulled back not too abruptly, he opened his eyes and thought he was going crazy coz the girl held the face of his best friend, he shook his head again hoping it was just his imagination and he was right but then on it stuck to him closely. He might have thought it was all in his head but was it really in his head?


“Dara … don’t leave … please” he yelled but his voice became softer as he said each words, Dara heard it though and stopped thinking to herself if what she heard and what he said is what she thinks it is.


He didn’t know if the girl will turn around or continue walking off, all he could think about was being unable to let her leave before he can tell everything he had kept inside. Right then Dara turned around, she didn’t have that cold face or calm expression that hurt him to see but there were tears in her eyes and that pained him even more.


Without any other thoughts he ran, ran towards her with his mind deafened by the hard beating of his heart while he got closer and closer to her. He didn’t stop a few inches in front of her but went all the way until he was against her, until he was hugging her safely in his arms.


Dara only cried more since she didn’t understand what he was doing and more importantly why she was crying over his words when she thought all those years she had moved on from her feelings for the boy. She didn’t move though, didn’t try to pull back even though she thought it was wrong she stayed close to him like how she had always wanted.


Hyunjoong’s chin was resting on her head, he leaned down as to kiss her head like he always did back then but this time it didn’t stay that way. He moved his hand to the back of her neck, holding and caressing her nape as he moved her head up looking at him. He didn’t waste any time and leaned down and kissed her. Dara was surprised to his sudden act, her eyes shot wide open and his were close. Feeling his warmth lips against hers she closed her eyes as well and just let what happened happen.


He felt her relax and so he wrapped his other hand around her body pulling her even closer against him while she moved her hands to cup his face. They both tilted their heads at the same time and deepened the kiss, their need for the other were both felt but the kiss only stayed to be what satisfied them at the time.


Dara pulled away first thinking it was enough, it was wrong in every way. She looked at him with a sweet smile, the one that he’d miss badly, she touched his cheeks her thumbs gliding along his cheekbones and ended by the edge of his lips.


“I love you” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against hers.


“No you don’t …” she chuckled sadly.


“I do and if it means leaving my career, everything behind then I will” Hyunjoong answered her, taking her chin and pulling her to look up at him, eyes meeting.


Behind the lovely scene was every one of their friends watching their reunion, awing at the romantic realization of the actor with his feelings for the model.


"Are you really leaving tomorrow?" Hyunjoong asked, anxious and nervous to the answer of the girl.



"Huh? Leaving, what do you mean?" the girl gave her a confused look.



"Uh oh, I think hyung knows" Sungjong chuckled, getting down and tying his shoelace properly.



"Knows what?" Hyunseung asked, looking at the latter.



"That I lied to him about nuna leaving to get him to go talk to her" he answered quickly before he ran away with a surprising speed.



"Yah. Lee Sungjong" Hyunjoong ran after the poor kid





The song My Best Friend is by SNSD.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 4: Super sweet, though the pacing is too fast at the end.
juzwannaread #2
Chapter 4: It's 2018 and I haven't been in AFF for that long. So it makes a lot of sense that I just got to read this story after all these years have passed. Honestly though, I didn't have much interest cause the thought of KHJ and Dara has lost its pull in me. But with less and less Dara stories to read, here I am and.... Yeah! I just totally love it. THANKS!!!
untitled_21 #3
Chapter 4: lol. I'm on a reading your stories-spree. loved it.
msdeathstalker #4
Chapter 4: beautiful story! :)
Chapter 4: your story is awesome. .. please. write more. Hyundai dara fanfic thank you
Chapter 4: nice fics...
azir0211 #7
awwwww so sweet... love the proposal....heheehehehe
awww so sweet of joong to do that .... so love it. thanks for sharing this to us.
myjoyce1986 #9
wow that was sweet please authornim i hope that you can make another story about them pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
that was sweet kekkeke
a happy ending
love it author-nim