A/N: KYAA~~~!!!! This is a sequel of BAP HOST CLUB: LONG LIFE RIVAL...Enjoy~~ ^^V






'Today was our first rehearsal for theatre club. I must do my best to make this work' thought a purple haired girl as she headed to their practice room.



Theatre club didn't have enough members. Many of them got transferred to another school. So theatre club had to borrow some students from each club available.



She opened the door. Her vice president, Lay, was waiting for her. He was transferred from Seoul International High school. The host club that had won the match yesterday was also from that school. Lay might know them.


"Lay, did someone from BAP HOST CLUB already come?" asked the girl. Lay gave her his famous smile. "Oh yeah, he's waiting for you inside" said Lay as he left. He was so busy this last two weeks that he barely had some time for himself.



"Reene, have you given it a thought?" said Lay as he looked at her.



Reene started to feel uncomfortable about it. She knew where this led to. She had tried her best to avoid this conversation.



"I don't know, Lay-oppa. I've always looked up to you as my brother" Reene said and continued” Can you do this other time? I need to practice ".



She was stopped by Lay who was standing between her and the door. 



"Please, Lay-oppa"






What took her so long, thought Jongup. He could hear some ruckus so he decided to go out of the room and asked Lay about it. But he was halted when he heard Reene's voice.



"Can you do this other time? I need to practice"



"Please, Lay-oppa"



'What is going on out there?’ Jongup wondered. He was wandering forth and back in the room. Then the door was opened.


"Thank you for help-" the girl said entering the room and stopped on her tracks when she saw the person she wanted to meet was Jongup.



She was tongue tied, standing there motionless.



Jongup stood as he walked towards the president nervously. "Your welcome" he said and added 'Reene' with hesitation.



He extended his hand to shake her hands. Jongup was nervous wreck when he saw her. She looked at his hand.



"Don't waste our time" she said as she ignored it. "We have two days left" with that she walked to the practice room where all the casts were gathering.



Jongup felt slightly hurt. He followed her to the room.




Practice room; noon



"Now that everyone have already gathered here, so each one of us will pick one piece of paper in these box. It will tell you which role you'll act as" said Reene as she picked one of the paper and handed out the box to the other.



Jongup was hoping that he did not get any important role that had many scripts because he was not a good actor.


Now it was his turn to draw. With a deep breath, he took one of them and folded it.



"You may open the paper and read your role out loud" said the purple haired girl.



'Romeo, oh ' he cursed himself as he read the paper.(Author: don’t be surprised that Jongup is saying bad words here. it would be a lie if I said that Jongup had never cursed..)



He could hear many other students saying their roles in 'Romeo and Juliet' out loud.





'Romeo's mother'




'Lost child'



And any others. He was in a daze when someone proudly announced a role of 'Juliet'. He turned to see who and shocked when he found out it was the girl that he had a crush on. The president of Theatre club itself.



Reene. She was the one who would be acting as Juliet. His Juliet.



"So who was the lucky man who gets to be my 'Romeo'?" asked the bubbly Miss President. Jongup slightly blushed when he heard her saying 'my Romeo'.



Jongup took a step in front of everyone and said "I'm the one who will be....Romeo". He added the word 'your' in his head.



Everyone looked astonished to see Jongup getting the role of 'Romeo' except Reene.


"Congratulations, Jongup-hyung" they greeted him.


So the practice was started shortly after that.



"Jongup, can you take this seriously?" Reene was staring at him. Jongup did many mistakes. The purple haired girl heaved out a sigh.



Jongup sat on the stage feeling exhausted. He wasn't able to act. His moves were too stiff. He could only dance. About the scripts. He could not do anything right. And it made Jongup want to give up easily. She saw it. She decided to help this poor fellow.



It was 5 o'clock already. Other students went home early except the hero and heroin. All students were going home already. The whole school was empty.



Jongup already had practiced dance steps that they would do.



"I'm not going to get this right" said Jongup and sighed heavily as he was trying to memorize the script. He was lying on the stage floor. Reene was practicing her stage play. She saw him struggling trying his best to immerse into his role 'Romeo'.



"Come back here at 8 o'clock tonight" with that she left Jongup in that room.





Later that night...



She was early by one hour. Reene wore a sport pants and purple sweater with a white singlet inside. She wore her hair down letting it fall to her shoulder. She was waiting for the man who had taken her heart for the first time.



She was too arrogant to admit the fact that she had fallen for him. She noticed it when she saw him lost to EXO host club in a volleyball match. She tried to brush off her feelings away. That was the reason to why she was acting so cold and harsh towards Jongup.



And on the same day, Lay confessed to her. Reene was too shocked that her own best friend that she looked up to as her brother had feelings towards her.



She was practicing her dance. She was weak at dancing. She hoped someone could help her.

She played her mp3 song, 'singing my blues' by Big bang. In the play, there was a waltz where Romeo and Juliet were supposed to be dancing together.(Please, I don’t know the real name of that song)



Her dance movements were too stiff. She sighed heavily, closing her eyes as she brought her hand to her temples.



She was sweating cold. Suddenly she felt someone holding her body. She was startled trying to squirm away from that person.



She turned to face the person and shocked when she found out it was the man that had stolen her heart. Jongup.



*dub dub*dub dub*



"Jongup" that was the only word that she could let out from . Their bodies were so close. He put his finger on as he smiled and said "I'll teach you how to dance if you want to teach me how to act"



She was taken aback by what he had just said. He still wanted to help her after what she did. And for the first time, she gave him a smile. To him, it was the most radiant smile he had ever seen from her.



"Thank you"



Unknown to their oblivious, someone was watching them from outside of the room.


(Please note that the song is still playing)


'Tsk... .’ said that person as he left the place.






The destined day finally arrived.



"I'm nervous" said 'Romeo' as he wiped his face with a napkin. They were getting ready on the backstage. His friends were also there trying to give mental support to him.



"It's going to be just fine, so how's the thing with that girl?" asked Yongguk. Jongup answered "Getting better".



"I get a hunch that she likes you too" said Himchan as he turned Jongup to see the purple haired girl.



Their eyes were in contact. She gave him a smile.


*dub dub*dub dub*


Jongup could feel his face getting hotter. Himchan laughed as he looked his friend's reaction. "Don't laugh, tono"


(Tono=prince in Japan)


"Hyung, you should confess to her" Zelo said out of no where. Zelo chided childishly. "Since after this we’ll have a wrap party"



Daehyun nodded in agreement. "I'll try" Jongup said as he managed a facade smile.




[BAP's member POV]

The play had come to an end to a part where Romeo and Juliet would die together.



"I feel like I wanna cry" said Himchan as he wiped his already flowing tears. Yongjae looked at his friend and laughed.



"You're already crying"



Zelo let out his tears. Daehyun gave him a white handkerchief. Zelo snatched it and sneezed with all his heart.



"Jongup-hyung is so handsome" Zelo cried. Jongup was wearing a deep blue tail-coat with golden thing on his shoulders. He looked like a prince. While Reene was in her deep blood-red gown.



'Juliet, please don't go' Jongup sobbed.



Juliet was dying because she was stabbed by a knife.



'My life will not be completed without you in it' and it was damn true.





“Have you seen Reene?” asked the handsome boy to whoever people who passed by him. BAP host club members were also invited to come to their wrap party.



He saw her going out with Lay after the play had already ended. Ten minutes later he still didn’t see her here. He saw Lay entering the room. So he decided to ask Lay where she was.



Jongup tapped his hands on his shoulder. Lay turned to see him. “Ahh, do you know where is Reene?” Jongup asked. Lay looked at him with a slight disgust that only he could notice.



“Follow me” told Lay as he exit himself from the party. Himchan and the others were suspicious of this. Himchan wanted to follow both Jongup and Lay but he was stopped by Yongguk. “This is Jongup’s fight. We should not interfere with it” said Yongguk as he tried to be cool.





“Lay, where is she?” asked Jongup only to receive a punch from Lay. His eyes were sharpened as he growled “Reene is leaving us”



Jongup was shocked to hear this sudden news. “I know you like her” Lay said as he could not accept the fact that she liked him too. “ and she’s leaving us because of you”



Jongup knelt down as he heard him saying that.” She’ll be leaving soon as she knows that there’s nothing for her here”



‘But I’m here, Reene’ thought Jongup. Lay dragged him to his feet with his hands on Jongup’s collar. “She will not return to this place again. I can’t stop her but-“



“You can” Lay closed his eyes as he said this unable to accept that Jongup was the one that Reene needed.



“Go now if you really love her that much” Lay said as he ushered the young man to go after Reene. Jongup was just standing there



” Go now before I regretted that I asked you to do this”



Jongup was running with all his might. He didn’t want to lose her.







Reene was waiting for her plane to depart. She had to leave Korea because her parents wanted to live in Japan due to their work and her parents had told her she was leaving for good. She was given a choice to either stay there or move into Japan with her parents.



And she chose to leave Korea. She wanted to remove her feelings towards Jongup because she knew he deserved a better woman than her. Who will take a good care of him and his feelings.



Her flight would arrive soon. She took one last look before she left.




“When a flight to Japan will depart?” asked the poor boy. He desperately tried searching for her inside the large airport.



“Wait for a second, sir” said the woman who was in charge at the counter. “I’m sorry, I’m afraid that flight has departed a while ago”



Jongup, not bothering to hear any, rushed into the secured area in the airport only to be stopped by guards there. “Reene” he shouted as he tried to squirm away from two guards. He was out of control.



As soon as he saw an airplane flying in the sky, he lost his hope.



He knelt down on the floor, screaming, not caring about the crowds who were looking at him.



It was then when he heard a female voice.



“What are you doing on the floor? People are watching” said that girl. Jongup looked up to see his love of life. Reene. She was glancing nervously.



“Hurry and get up” she told him. Jongup noticed that she was actually blushing. Without a warning, Jongup leaped on her and startled an already embarrassed girl.



“I love you” he shouted as he hugged her tightly. Her cheeks were reddened. Deeper than before. “Don’t shout in front of people. It is embarrassing” she said as she hugged him back. Jongup was glad to see her.



His face was a few inches away. “I don’t care” he said as he smacked his lips on hers. Her eyes were enlarged by the sudden contact. And she kissed him back. ‘I love you too’ she said in her heart.


“Aren’t you supposed to be inside a plane right now?” asked Jongup slightly confused.



“Lay called me and told me that you-” she stopped. She felt very embarrassed as she noticed that Jongup had this sly smirk on his face. She looked away from him and said coldly “Lay asked me to warn you that if you ever make me angry again, you’ll go to hell”



She was staring at him as if she wanted to eat him.



The grey haired boy hugged her and whispered to her ears ‘You’re so cute when you are angry’





“Wait, are you sure we are not going into a trouble if Jongup-hyung found out that we are spying on him?” asked the blue haired maknae. Himchan put a finger on his lips gesturing him to be quite.



They saw Jongup jumping on Reene and were startled by his out-of-character attitude.



“Wait, I think I know where this going to…” said Yongjae as he stared at the new two love bugs.




And his premonition was coming true.



“Zelo, don’t look” warned Daehyun as he closed Zelo’s eyes from witnessing a mature love scene. Yongguk was embarrassed as he saw Jongup kissing with a girl. He hadn’t kissed a girl ever. And it was a fact he couldn’t accept for a man like him.




He had lost his chance to have a first kiss when Yongjae won the competition that had happened when they were having a picnic. (Read BAP HOST CLUB: PICNIC PRINCESS to know further)



Damn that Yongjae.



Zelo wanted to look at the two love bugs that were just having a kiss. “Dae-hyung, don’t worry I already had a kiss” said Zelo as he received a shock gasp from everyone.



No one knew that their maknae already had a kiss. His first kiss. Zelo looked at them and blushed “Hey, don’t bother ask me who the person is. It’s none of your concern” Zelo said as pink colour spread on his cheeks.



“Is this has something to do with the time when you were missing?” asked their prince Himchan. Yongguk could not believe that a person, whom he thought had never kissed, had already kissed someone. “No!!! Am I the only person that had never kissed someone?”





“Hey, who was that guy you’re talking to that day?” asked Jongup. Reene was a bit lost when he asked her that question.



“Huh?” she said raising her left eyebrow. “The one that was at the beach” told Jongup. He was jealous of him. Kai got to talk with her at that time. He sighed heavily.



“Who?” asked Reene again.



She remembered no one was talking to her. “I don’t remember anyone” she said partially truth. ‘I only remembered talking to my brother’ thought Reene.



“Okay, if you say so” said Jongup almost sulking like Himchan.



“Someone from EXO host club?” said Jongup almost pissed off. Reene chuckled at him. She knew that Jongup was jealous but it was unnecessary since the one that was talking to her that day was her own brother.



“Why? Jealous?” she sneered at him. She loved to see him flustered all over such a small matter. “No. I just don’t like to see a guy close to a girl I like” he was blushing as he said this.



He coughed pretty hard just to hide his embarrassment. But to the girl in front of him, it was getting pretty much obvious than before.



“I just don’t go all fancy about that guy” Jongup said honestly receiving a pinch from her.



“Jongup, Kai is my brother” Jongup was tongue-tied as Reene giggled innocently.



“Then what are you laughing about that day?” asked Jongup curious. His cheeks were red enough to be treated as tomatoes. “Uhhh…Nothing”Reene said as she diverted her eyes to the left, obvious that she was lying.





“Hi ,my beloved brother. What brings you here?” asked Reene as she saw someone walking towards her direction. Kai gave her his most vibrant smile. “Reene, I guess you have a fan here” told Kai without any sense of humor.



“You’re such a liar” said Reene as she rolled her eyes. Kai was staring at her with such intensity that you could never stand up against with. But Reene was the more dominant than he was. “How about we make a bet?” asked her brother as he came up with an idea. Reene gave it a thought then agreed. “Okay”



“I know I’m always right in love things and I think that he is in love with you. But if it was proven wrong, you win and I’ll take you wherever you want as long as it will not cost me fortune” Kai said as he scratched his head nervously.



“But if I was right-“and that was when he showed his famous smirk. “You’ll have to work for me for one month”.


“Challenge is accepted” said Reene confidently that she would not lose to her brother. Then they were laughing together.






“Don’t worry about it, Cutie pie” told Reene. ‘It just that I lost in a bet’ she sighed nervously.


The end.


A/N: what?? Yongguk has not kissed someone??Aigoo~~~ how is it? Please leave a comment…Jongup, what a guy you are. Such a jealous man who is madly in love.



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Hi, readers. This is the fifth sequel of BAP HOST CLUB...Please leave a comment


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*coughcoughMypoorLayT.T* awwww I love the dancing scene, nice one...the airport scene LOL at BAP spying on them. Had a smile on my face all the time as I read this xp
Cnt wait for the sequel.. XP and damn!this was suppose to b a GP lesson and and im suppose to revise chemistry as tch didnt teach today and~~~y are your story made me smiling and laughing like crazy...and i dont knw wat am i talking about rite nw XP ur story is so sweet..XP lucky u haaa :p