He'll be Fine.

Suho dropped you off then headed home feeling exceptionally wonderful. The more time he spends with you, the more he’s sure that the two of you are destined for the other. He’s only dated once before meeting you and he doesn’t even think that counts, he was in 6th grade and it lasted two short weeks. Some experience that was… With a soft chuckle and a small shake of his head, Suho headed home with shining eyes, the corner of his lips tugging upwards the entire time.
Just as Suho pulled into his driveway, his phone started to vibrate in his front pocket. Fishing his phone out of his pocket, Suho grew confused when he realized that the text message was from Chanyeol.
“Hyung, are you busy right now?”
“No, why? What’s wrong?”
“Um, do you think we could meet up at the park by my house and talk? I don’t wanna bother you, but I don’t know who else to ask…”
“Yeah, for sure. I’ll be there in ten.”
Suho couldn’t quite put a word on what is was, but something felt odd. Putting his keys back into his car, Suho drove towards the neighborhood he was in just moments before. When Suho reached the park, Chanyeol was already waiting for him on the swings, swaying back and forth with his head down.
“Hey, you okay Chanyeol?” Suho walked over to Chanyeol and sat next to him on the swings
“Oh hyung, hi. Thanks for coming… I’m um…” Chanyeol sighed and blew his bangs out of his eyes. “This is gonna sound stupid but I’m really scared hyung.”
“Scared?” Suho’s eyes widened, “why? Is someone bothering you? Is it those bullies again?”
“No, it’s not that hyung don’t worry.” Chanyeol shook his head as he replied.
“Are you sure?” Suho wasn’t convinced. “Cause if someone is hurting you in any way, they’re gonna be getting a piece of my mind.”
“No, it’s not that hyung. Well, not exactly at least. I’m just really scared of graduating and going to High School. If people pick on me now, what’s going to happen in High School? And what about Soojin? She makes me so happy, but she’s gonna realize how much of a loser I am and I don’t think I can live without her hyung… I just can’t...” Chanyeol’s lower lip quivered and he tried his best to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.
“Chanyeol, Soojin likes you for who you are, not for what other people think of you. From what I’ve heard, she’s known you almost all her life and has liked you for half of that. I’m pretty sure she won’t just change her mind.”
“But… But what if she does change her mind or realize that I’m not good enough for her? What if she doesn’t wanna be seen with the giant band geek with massive elf ears?” Chanyeol was starting to panic now.
“Hey, hey calm down big guy it’s alright. Don’t put yourself down like that. You’re extremely talented and an awesome person, Soojin is lucky to be with you. And you shouldn’t doubt Soojin’s feelings for you either okay? Would you leave her just because a bunch of jerks said she wasn’t good enough for you?”
“Well, no, bu-”
“No buts Chanyeol.” Suho gave Chanyeol a stern look. “You like Soojin and she likes you. The two of you are happy together and enjoy the others company, what more do you need right now?”
“I guess…But even if that were the case, she’s still stuck with a loser boyfriend once we go to High School and I don’t want her to go through all that either.”
“Don’t worry about it, you’re gonna be perfectly fine in High School. Trust me, things will get better for you. I mean, I was in High School just four years ago and nobody picked on me for liking music and singing. Tons of people make music as a hobby nowadays.” Placing his hands onto Chanyeol’s shoulders, Suho gave Chanyeol a reassuring smile then ruffled the younger’s hair. “You’ll be fine.”
“Okay, if you say so hyung.” Chanyeol looked over at Suho and let out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding.
“I know so. Now go back and get yourself some rest. School starts in a couple of days and I’m sure you don’t want to look like a panda on your next date with Soojin.”
“Right.” Chanyeol sniffed and got up right away. “Thanks for um… coming and listening hyung. I know it was stupid, but I was just really scared.”
“Don’t worry about it, and no it wasn’t stupid. You’ve got every right to be worried, but like I said before, you’ll be fine. It’ll get better once you go to High School.” Suho got up and gave Chanyeol another pat on his shoulder. “Do you need a lift home?”
“Nah, it’s a five minute walk and I kinda wanna make sure my eyes aren’t red anymore before I get home.”
Chuckling, Suho nods. “That’s understandable, get home safe and stop worrying okay?”
“I’ll try. And thanks again hyung, I’m glad my sister has someone like you to take care of her.”
“You’re welcome Chanyeol, I’m glad I can be the one to take care of your sister as well.”
“She needs it, you know how much a klutz noona can be.” Chanyeol chuckles and suddenly feels so much better than he did earlier on in the day.
“Definitely. Now get on home, you’re a growing kid who needs sleep.”
“Um, I don’t think I’ll be growing anymore hyung, but right. I should probably go. Night hyung.”
“Good night Chanyeol.” Suho waves Chanyeol goodbye and watched as the younger left before he walked over to his own car. He get’s a text message from Haemi at this time and laughs at the contents.
“Suho! Chanyeol isn’t home yet, but Soojin said their date ended two hours ago. Where do you think he went?”
“Don’t worry so much sweetie, Chanyeol’s not ten anymore. He’s probably out with his friends or something. He’ll be home soon.”
“You think?”
“Yeah, he’ll be fine.”

Smiling, Suho headed home for the second time that day feeling great. He’ll be just fine.
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I apologize for leaving this story in the back burner, I didn't realize I didn't save the chapters I wrote on my laptop when I went to Yonsei >


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Krisy1191 #1
Chapter 27: well damn. haemi should just jump off a bridge already D:
Chapter 26: Awww why suho ?? Why you kill chanyeol. Haemi is going to kill him.
Floqkpop #3
Chapter 1: Suho seems so creepy <.< LOL love this story though :)
Man, this story is starting to get much longer than what I had initially planned for it. I already have the ending written, but I can't seem to find the perfect transition for it yet lol. Gahhhhh. Thanks for reading guys!
Chapter 22: I'm a terrible person! I'm sorry it took me so long to update. Life has been absolutely crazy. I promise that I'll finish up the last couple of chapters asap!
Krisy1191 #6
Chapter 21: Lol I actually understand suho's feelings about chanyeol xD haemi always talking about him is starting to get irritating xD
KrissingExo #7
Chapter 21: Omg author-nim I am sooooo looking forward to how this story will turn out to the first chapter! So exciting! Please update more frequently ~ ♥
papapipame #8
Chapter 21: gahh... suho is just too.. rggh. XDXD
Chapter 21: good chapter...
but i was wondering when will suho show his bad side?
cnsarangkiseu #10
Chapter 20: ah this is so good ^^