When You Least Expect It

My Kungfu Panda

      “Ahjumma, ahjusshi! I’m leaving for school now,” I shouted from my room as I finished getting ready for school. I ran down the stairs into the kitchen and grabbed a bun. I stuffed it into my mouth and swiftly threw my shoes on. “Yah yah yah! Calm down. I know it’s the first day of school, but you don’t have to be crazy,” Mrs. Kim said. I gave her a mischievous grin.

      “See ya after school!” I proceeded to get out of the house while skipping along the way. Mrs. Kim just shook her head in disapproval. Mr. Kim patted her shoulder and chuckled. “She’s a grown up child, isn’t she?”

     After a few minutes of walking, I finally reached the high school I’ll be attending. The scenery outside was beautiful. It almost gave a pre-college feel to it. Benches and picnic tables were placed on top of the grassy floor. Trees were scattered everywhere to provide shade and comfort. I took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh, clean air. I smoothed out the clothes of my simple dark outfit. I looked around and realized that I was the only one who wore all black. I stood out way too much for the first day. Everyone was still wearing bright summery clothing in memory of the passing summer transitioning to fall. Aish, I’m such a babo, I pouted.

     When I found out where my homeroom was, it was already filled up with familiar students from last year’s class. The girls were talking about their vacations and who they dated, while the guys were just lying around dreading school. I spotted a seat by the window, but I was too late. A tall, handsome boy with blond hair plopped down lazily onto the chair. He propped his legs up on the desk. He had a poker face on and I was too scared to approach him. I sighed as I found another vacant seat by the entrance. I sat down and unpacked my things. The teacher came in and we all stood back up.

      “Good morning fellow students, I’m Lee seonsaengnim. Happy first day of school,” he cheered. Everyone stared at him. He cleared his throat and continued with his speech. After that, he announced that there was a new transfer student. The girls started chattering away, hoping that it was a cute boy. The said student came through the door. All the girls were sighing as if they were shot through their hearts with an arrow.

     He was tall like the kid with the poker face. He had a lean, toned body. His jet black hair was tousled about on his head. His jaw was shaped prominently. He had a few piercings on each ear. He dressed in dark tones. Just like me. He turned his head and gazed into my eyes. A rush of emotions ran into me. I turned away. Why was he looking at me? I blushed after knowing that I was totally checking him out like the other females in the room. He smirked at my reaction. I felt an uneasy feeling behind me. The girls were probably shooting daggers at the back of my head. It sent shivers down my spine.  

     The boy stood by the teacher, completely towering over him. “Please introduce yourself young man,” Mr. Lee said. He bowed and said, “Annyeonghaseyo, I am Kungfu Panda Tao. Please take care of me!” The girls squealed at his voice. He sounded really shy and gentle, but his looks said otherwise. 

      “Please take a seat by Miss _____.” My head snapped back when I heard my name. What? I looked at the seat besides me. It was the only one that wasn’t taken…yet. All the girls were glaring at me now. As if they weren’t already. I slumped lower into my chair as Tao walked to his seat. I took a daring glance at him. He was staring at me. I faced back to the teacher and listened to him blabber away. It was really hard to concentrate on the lesson. Tao just couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. I felt so self-conscious. When the bell rang, I thought it was time for my escape. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the end of it. We apparently had the same classes and I was supposed to take him around the school since I was his desk partner. I avoided long conversations by answering with yes’s and no’s. Good thing he didn’t have much to say anyways. All he did was look at me.

     Finally, it was lunch time. I rushed out of the class as fast as I could to the outside of the school. I hid behind a tree and slowly slid down to the grass. God, what the hell just happened? Was that really Tao? Is it the Huang Zitao I know? He did mention Kungfu Panda though. If that was really him, he’s definitely changed a lot.

     I sighed. Why did he suddenly come back? After all, he did stop writing to me a few years ago. We had sent letters to each other. This method might sound old-fashioned, but it made me happy. I’ve always anticipated every week to see his mail. It just stopped abruptly that I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. I had cried for three weeks straight after not receiving anything. Mrs. Kim and Mr. Kim were worried about me, but they left me to solitude.

     I pulled out a letter that belonged to him from my bag. I always picked one out from my collection everyday to reread. It made me feel hopeful that he would come back.

     Dear _____-ah,   

     I’m doing fine here. The new school is big. I feel empty without you. ㅋㅋ, I shouldn’t be saying this right? I don’t want you to feel sad about me going somewhere else without you. Anyways, how are you? Doing great I hope. By the way, I still have the panda. I’ve grown quite attached to it. I’m pretending he is you until I come back. ㅋHe won’t replace you though, if that’s what you’re thinking. ㅋ I have to end it here, sorry! I’ll get back to you soon. Miss you.  


     Your Kungfu Panda Oppa

     Nostalgia filled me up just from seeing his messy handwriting and his caring words inked by his pen. I stuffed it back into my bag as the bell rang. How am I going to deal with him for the rest of the school year?

     After one month of avoiding any close contact with him, Tao backed off a little. It made me feel guilty for being like this. Didn’t I miss him? Didn’t I want him back? What am I so afraid of? I decided that today was the day I’ll confront him.

     When it was lunch break, I ran around the building to find him, but he was nowhere to be found. I went outside and there he was, napping at the table farthest away from the school. I gasped when I saw the same stuffed animal panda that I had given him. He had it under his arms with his head resting on it. I was about to approach him, when a group of girls blocked my way.

      “Where do you think you’re going missy?” the shortest one of them said. I frowned. Who were they and what kind of business do they have with me? 

      “Does it matter to you?” I questioned. The other one gave me a look of disbelief. She shoved me back and I stumbled over, almost hitting the ground.

      “Yun unnie, this girl thinks she’s better than us,” she said to the supposedly leader of the group. Finally, she spoke up. She was really pretty, but her high pitched, squeaky voice was not pretty at all.

      “Hey you. In what ways are you associated with Tao oppa? Just so you know, he’s mine, so you should just back off,” she sneered. Yun crossed her arms and looked at me from head to toe. The other two reflected her actions. “Anyways, I don’t know what he sees in you. You must have seduced him and put him under your witch spell.” She pulled my hair roughly and whispered darkly into my ears, “You’re so ugly and weird.”

     Then, she backed away from my face and said loudly for her partners in crime to hear. “You’re such a loner too. I mean you have like no friends. You’re always hiding behind that stupid tree.” Her friends laughed at me.

     The short one commented, “Maybe she’s trying to make Tao pity her.” The other one snickered. “Sounds like it to me.”

     I pushed her hand away. I shouldn’t be affected by this, but it hurt my feelings. I felt extremely protective after what she said about Tao. I scoffed, “You don’t know anything about him, so you should just shut up.”

     Yun let out a dry laugh. “Oh? So you’re trying to tell me that I don’t know him? It’s funny to hear that coming from the Miss Lonely-Girl-Who-Wants-Tao-To-Pity-Her-And-Thinks-She-Knows-Everything-About-Tao.  

     I clenched my teeth. My hands balled in fists in anger.

      “Oohh. Look at her now. She’s getting mad,” the one next to the short one said observantly. 

      “I said shut up,” I growled.

     Yun said, “Let’s just end it here. This is such a waste of our time. Ugh.” She lifted her arm up, preparing to slap me in the face. I tightly closed my eyes. And then it came, my cheek felt the rough contact of her hand. Slap! My head snapped to the right. Tears started welling up and sting my eyes. I bit my lips to prevent myself from looking weak in front of them. Yun smirked at the sight.

      “You guys should have just stopped when she told you to shut up,” a male voice spoke up. The girls turned to the boy. I brought my hand up to hide the red mark that was starting to glow on my face.

     Yun gasped. “Tao…?”

      “She’s right. You don’t know anything about me,” he ignored her call for him and brushed past her.

     Her minions stepped in front of me preventing Tao to get any closer. “This is none of your business, Tao. You saw how she treated you. We’re only doing this for your own good.”

     Tao glared at them. He pushed through effortlessly, standing in front of me. He turned his back. “You guys are lucky that I don’t hurt girls. If you do this ever again, this won’t be the end of it.”

     He turned his head to nod at me. He crouched down to my level and motioned for me to climb onto his back. I hesitated. Tao didn’t wait for me to decide. He pulled me and up I went into the air. Curse him for being a skyscraper.

     The girls stood gaping at the scene. I hid my face against Tao’s back. He walked us into the school without looking back. He directed us into a vacant classroom. 

     I immediately got off his back. Tao frowned at my action. “Yah, why were you being reckless again?”

      “By the way _____-ah, why were you being reckless back there?”

     What he said years ago flashed in my head. I didn’t say anything. “Answer me.” I chewed my lips.

     He took a step closer, I took a step back. One. Two. Three. Thud! I hit my back against the wall. I prepared myself to walk past him, but he pinned me down with both of his arms at the sides of my head.

     I looked at anywhere, but him. He reached for my cheek causing me to flinch at his slightest touch. I hissed as the pain of my throbbing cheek started to rise again. He caressed it softly, drawing circles on my skin. He gazed into my eyes.

      “Go away,” I muttered.

      “Why? I thought we were friends. No. We are friends,” he countered.

     I ignored whatever he said. “You never replied back. You suddenly disappeared,” I accused him in a low voice, almost inaudible.

     I started tearing up now. “I hate you.

     He listened to me spill all of the hidden emotions that I’ve held in for the years he was gone. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were coming back? Do you know how much I missed you?” I hit my fists against his chest; throwing all of my frustrations onto his body. He held my wrists. “Do you know how much I love you since I’ve met you? Huang Zitao, I hate yo—” he pressed his lips against mine.

     His lips were soft like marshmallows. I pushed him away, but he pulled me right back in. He forced himself roughly against my mouth. I squirmed under his hold. He slowed down when I started to give in. His rushed kisses turned passionate. There was no need for answers. This kiss told me everything. I kissed him back with as much passion, if not, more. He my bottom lip asking for permission. My mouth parted and his tongue slithered in. He tasted sweet and yummy.  

     I pulled away after I almost lost my breath. I felt a bit lightheaded after our make-out session. He rested his forehead on mine. I blushed when he kept staring at me. Those eyes.

      “I love you too, _____-ah,” Tao confessed sincerely. His eyes were filled with nothing, but love. I threw my arms around him. I inhaled his familiar scent. He swung me round and round. Once he settled me down, he hugged me tightly again.

      “Welcome back Kungfu Panda.”

     I reached for his hand and entwined my fingers with his.

      “By the way, when did you learn to kiss like that? Don’t tell me you practiced on the panda when you said you were going to pretend it was me…” 


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i'm glad i read your one shots :D
but your account got deactivated? so did you have previous stories too? are they anywhere else now? can you maybe repost them?
Awe...cute story (✽˘⌣˘✽)
forever_or_never #4
That was so beautiful!
Done reading your one shots. ^^
Tao Panda. *O*
I like it, the ending. ^^
So cute. :">
xDD tao~~ ^^
lol i like the ending xDD
I LOVE THIS STORY! its so cute ^^
awww :3
awww, I loved the ending :)