Chapter 18

My Family with Suju

~~{Kay's POV}~~

I laid in bed, my head pounding with a migraine. I heard my phone ringing again, but I didn't move.

I released the bills from my hand and let them fall on the floor.

" Zhou Mi!! " I called out to my husband, still not wanting to move.

A minute later, he showed up in our doorway.

" What is it? " he asked kindly, coming over to sit on the edge of the bed.

" Bills. Taxes. So much work, " I said with a groan, rolling over onto my stomach and squishing my face into my pillow.

" Take a nap, I'll take care of all that, " he grabbed my hand and kissed it softly. I heard him stand up, pick up the papers and head out.

I laid there in silence, almost immediately interupted by my phone going off for the third time. I sat there for a few rings before actually sitting up and grabbing my phone off of the night stand.

" Yeobeoseyo? " I answered in a slightly scratchy voice before clearing my voice and repeating myself.

" Hello, is this Kay? " the person on the other line asked, sounding proffessional.

" Yes, this is her. "

" Hello, I'm calling from the insurance building to say that your payment is late by one week and if you don't pay it within 30 days, your account will be disabled. "

" Oh. Okay, thank you for telling me. I'll be sure to bring in my payment as soon as possible. "

" Thank you. Have a nice day, " the lady hung up and I put my phone away.

I plopped back onto the bed with a loud groan.

Life is so hard. So much work to do. Bills to pay, taxes to figure out, and a stubborn kid to take care of. And on top of that, Onew fired me from my job, mostly because he thought I was too stressed out.

I heard a knock on the door, even though it was already open.

" Can I come in? " I heard Leeteuk's voice say. I to my side to face him and nodded.

Leeteuk stepped in and sat on the edge of the bed, just as Zhou Mi had.

" How's everything going? You aren't looking to good, " he stated, probably noticing the dark circles around my eyes earned from staying up late to try to keep track of out spending.

I sighed and closed my eyes, shaking my head.

" Do you need any help? I take care of 14 kids you know, " he said with a chuckle.

" Thanks, but it's all just bills and all that, " I said, trying to sit up, but feeling my head start hurting again.

" I can help you if you want, I'm pretty skilled with this stuff, " he patted my hand and smiled, showing off his dimples proudly.

" Are you sure? " I asked him, still unsure.

" Umma knows best! " he laughed and stood up.

" Well, Zhou Mi's trying to take care of the bills right now, so you can go help him if you want. Thanks, " I smiled brightly at him as he left the room.

I relaxed into the bed and closed my eyes, finally able to get some rest.

~~{Zhou Mi's POV}~~

I sat at the kitchen table with the bills. I looked at them for a long time, not sure what to do.

It seemed really confusing to me. These bills were a lot different than the ones I had to pay for my credit card after a shopping spree.

" Appa! " Jian shouted, jumping up into the seat beside me. " What are you doing? "

" Bills, lots of bills, " I said blandly.

" Yikes! That looks like a lot of work! " he said, grabbing one of envelopes and examining it.

" It is, and that's why I'm doing it, " I stated, taking the envelope out of his hand.

" That doesn't make sense! Why would you want to do something that's a lot of work? "

" I'm doing it for your mother. She was doing the bills, and she needs a rest, " I said as Leeteuk walked in.

" Can I help you appa? " Jian asked, leaning over to look at the other bills.

" And me too? " Leeteuk chimed in, pulling out a chair to sit down.

" Thanks, I can use all the help I can get, " I said, mostly to Leeteuk. He grabbed one of the bills and looked over it.

" Oh, this will be easy, do you have your check book? " said with a chuckle before looking at me with a serious look.

" Kay has it, " I said.

" I'll get it! " Jian cheered, jumping out of his seat. For a 10 year old, he still had a lot of hyper-active energy.

He ran up the stairs and soon returned with Kay's striped check book.

" Tada! " he said cheerfully, setting it down in front of me.

" Thank you JJ, " I said. I opened up the check book, still not sure what to do.

I looked at Leeteuk for help.

He laughed and grabbed the check book and one of the bills, starting it for me.

I smiled and watched carefully, willing to learn how to pay bills for Kay.


So, here it is! An update!! It may be late, but it's still here!

I hope you liked it! I'm running out of ideas, so please please please tell me if you have any!

I need to think how this is going to end... it's already got 18 chapters...

Hopefully I'll be able to update more often, but my internet is really slow right now....


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I really wanna work on the next chapter, so hopefully it'll be up soon!!! Leave me your suggestions too btw!


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AnimeKitty #1
Chapter 18: Bills and taxes are the WORST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad you updated! (I should probably dobthe same soon. O_O)
Chapter 18: You updated!!!! *throws confetti* ugh I hate bills too Zhoumi.
AnimeKitty #3
Chapter 17: Jungle Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love that movie!!!!!!!!
Poor Hannie has a cold. :( I hope he gets better soon.
Chapter 16: I love the Henry part sooooo much!
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 16: Wow, Hery still like toys at ...*attempting to calculate Henry's age*... nevermind I stink at math. Such a cute chapter!
P.S.: And that's why I don't drink RedBull. The results will turn my house into a replica of the Barnum&Baliey Circus Tent. (enough canvas to fill the Crystal Palace and still have enough room to fly a kite!... Oh why did I keep my script?)
Chapter 16: love it update soonnn
I love this story , please update soon :)
Chapter 15: So cute! I really love the cuteness in this story.
AnimeKitty #10
Chapter 15: Zhou Mi handled that situation like a pro.
*sigh* the down sides to being 5 foot two and a half. =_="