

          Nam Woohyun. The guy who rarely talks to anyone. The 'strange' guy. But inside, he's just another guy who's dying to receive love. From a young age, he was abandon by his mother. Love? It's a foreign word and feeling to him. Never once did he felt loved or him loving others. 'Love is just another bull' is what he always thought. But one day he met an angel, and her name was Jung Jaehyun.


         "Ouch!" Woohyun heard a girl cried.

    He turned and saw a girl around his age, 5, crying while holding her small cut on her knee. Woohyun look at his pokemon pattern plaster inside his pocket and walk towards the girl. He notice that she was wearing the same school uniform as him. The girl, Jaehyun notice a shadow over her and looked up to find little Woohyun. Woohyun gave Jaehyun the plaster and quickly run away back into his classroom, smilling....


          Woohyun and Jaehyun went to the same middle school and high school, they were never classmates and Jaehyun never noticed him before after the incident. Since Woohyun was not good with words, he never got to talk to Jaehyun. Growing up, Woohyun have been taking care of Jaehyun, from afar. He makes sure that she go home safety, making sure the bullies won't hurt her and all. Like a stalker, almost.His feelings towards Jaehyun was growing each day. Lucky the orphan he lives in is near where Jaehyun live. Jaehyun was beautiful, no doubt.

         It was the first day of high school and Woohyun was nervous. He was going to be in the same class as Jaehyun. Which means that maybe, just maybe Jaehyun would notice him. He was also nervous as he decided that it was time to man up and show Jaehyun how he cares about her, indirectly. During break time, he ran towards Jaehyun's locker and stuck a note into her locker and quickly ran off.

        It was after school ended when Jaehyun decided to go to ber locker and saw a cute note that was fold into a shape of a heart. She started reading it:

   I like you! >_< 

Someone who went to the same middle and kindergarten school as you

       Jaehyun was confused. She did not recall any of her school mates from kindergarten in her middle school. She thought that it was just a prank by the seniors in her school. But she definitely know that it was not a prank after receving the same heart shaped letter everyday consisting of lyrics and poem.


     In a blink of an eye, three years had past and Woohyun and Jaehyun were still classmates but they have never talk, even once. Woohyun keeon sending the letters to Jaehyun, it makes him happy to know that Jaehyun is smilling when she reads the letter. But something changed this year. There was a new kidin the class and he sat beside Jaehyun. Woohyun found himself clenching his fist in anger whenever Jaehyun laughs at something Changjo, the new kid, did. Ot makes him felt, useless. He never made Jaehyun laugh like that. His heart hurts, knowing that there's another guy whk can  make Jaehyun happier than he can.

    Soon, Jaehyun stopped reading the letters Woohyun sent her as she was too busy with Changjo. But this doesn't mean that woohyun would stopped doing what he have been doing for the past few years. It have became into a habit for him. Woohyun wrote lyrics, poem and quotes that fit his situasation perfectly and stuck it into Jaehyun's locker.

    Months later threre was new going around that Jaehyun and Changjo were dating. Woohyun's eyes widen. No, he does not want to believe it. He ran to search for Jaehyun when he saw her with changjo, hand in hand.

   "Oppa! Why must you announce about our relationship to the whole school. I'm shy!" 

   Oppa, oppa. Oh how Woohyun wished she was referring to him.Seeing them being all lovey dovey infront of him, he deckded that he could no longer take it and decided to skip school. Woohyun went to his apartment that he bought last years. He slamed his bag on the floor and ran to his room and started crying. Why was he a coward. If he just had confessed earlier, maybe Jaehyun would be his. He went through his drawer and took a photo album of when Jaehyun and him was in kindergarten . It was a picture of them together. It was taken during their birthday. Yes, they sahre the same birthday. Jaehyun wss smilling while Woohyun had a small smile kn. He hugged the photo while mumbling 'Jaehyun' and eventually fall asleep.

    Woohyun went to school and went to Jaehyun's locker and stuck a note there. He then went to the basketball court to see Jaehyun competting with other girls from different classes. All of the sudden Jaehyun fell and he wanted to help her up but Changjo was faster. This remind him when he gave Jaehyun his pokemon pattern plaster. He then went to Jaehyun's locker and stuck the plaster into it. He always carried the same plaster as it remind him of Jaehyun. Woohyun felt a tear slide down his cheeks and quickky wipe it away. He went out if the school and gave the school one last glance before leaving it, forever.


Jaehyun decided to go to her lockers after a long time. She took out tge nkte that was sticking out and smiled. The old time when she wou,d always run to her locker to get the 'love' note. She opened it and her smile disappears.

   I love you, i'm sorry. But i can't do this anymkre. I don't even have the right to get close to you. Since you don't love me. I live everyday beyond my strength, each day is too much so i cry. Live on with your live. I love you, Jung Jaehyun

     She then saw a fimiliar looking plaster and suddenly it hits her. Nam Woohyun. She quickly ran to Suggyu, Woohyun's only friend and asked him where is Woohyun. Sunggyu said that Woohyun had just left and won't be returning back to school as he moved out . Jaehyun's eyes widen and ran out of the school. She saw Changjo kissinb another girl but she could care less. All she need niw is woohyun. She tried going everywhere she used to see him bjt he was not there. 

     Jaehyun fell onto her knees and screamed"Woohyun dln't leave me!!" 

    Woohyun saw everything that happened. he wiped his tears and continueD riding his motorcycle. 

I can never make you happy. I'm just an outsider. Live your life well, Jung Jaehyun.



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There's a lot of typos but it's still readable LOL. Anyway I hope you write a sequel!
auwwww~~~ so sad~! make a sequel please~~~~ TT,TT
this is so sad!!!!!!!!!! and suprisingly amazing! please make a sequel.. please make them together and live happyly.. author nim.. this is DAEBAK!!!!!!!!
Aww! So sad but awesome! Author-nim pls continue and make a sequel!