The Clock's Ticking

To Fall Into a Rut

Dark, heavy draperies made it difficult for one to know what time it was. It took Joe sometime to realize that he was in Chun's home. The very room that he occupied for frequent sleepovers when they were much younger. His head throbbed painfully while he tried to remember what happened last night.

After talking to Ella, he went straight to his suite and drowned himself in alcohol. And he mourned for his impending separation from singlehood. Is he really bound to marry a girl who only loves money? He loves Ariel. And if he would really think of the right thing to do, he would not see her anymore and return to his normal life as the President and CEO of St. Regis hotel chain. But didn't Carlene say love's irrational?

Joshua wasn't really the best candidate to be Carlene Yang's husband. At least for his grandfather. Joshua wasn't poor but his family wasn't rich either. And Carlene's an only daughter of a real estate mogul. A constant fixture of the social circle and various charities, Joshua, a real estate agent for Yang Holdings at that time, can't help but notice the soft-spoken and stunning Carlene. His father knew it was a long shot but didn't think twice in pursuing her mother. His grandfather, Henry Yang did everything to tear them apart but their love for each other was too strong. And Joshua was able to prove not only to Carlene's father but to everyone that he can give his wife the life she's used to. Maybe even more.

But a nagging voice in the back of his mind was saying that what his parents had was a lot different from what he has right now. They love each other. Until now, he can't believe how lucky they were. He loves Ariel, yes. But how about her? Does she feel the same? She responds to his kisses eagerly but was that proof enough?

"Yo, dude." Chun's head poke from the doorway. He entered when he saw that he was awake. "How are you feeling?" He nodded to a couple of uniformed house help behind him and they both entered the room. The first one opened the drapes for him, letting the natural light through the huge windows and the other one placed a trayful of food on the bed.

"Terrible. You can take that out, I'm not in the mood to eat." He got the glass of water from the tray and the maid followed suit. "Why are you here? Aren't you going to work?" He asked. He didn't know what time it was but he was sure they're both running late for work. He still had his clothes from yesterday and he has no time to change. He stood up and swayed little. He stilled himself to regain balance. But Chun was wise enough not to help.

"Uhm, I got off from work early 'cause you're here." He mumbled.

Got off from. . ? "What time is it?" He snapped.

"Ten minutes before 4pm." Chun glanced at his Rolex absentmindedly.

"What?!" He grabbed his phone on the bedside table and dialled Ella's number. "Can you take me to the hotel?" He asked Chun.


Ella could've measured the floor area of Joe's office by pacing back and forth nonstop. Joe instructed her to wait for him in his office. She walked towards the table and looked at 2009 diamond ring collection from Harry Winston. Two of HW executives flew from New York just to deliver the rings that she requested from them. They brought twenty-five pieces five-carat diamond rings in different cuts and colors and twenty five pairs of wedding bands. All of which, beautiful in their own right. She never really asked what happened yesterday after she locked them up in her suite but since he came asking for rings then she thought it was something good. But then why would his brother be drinking? And his best friend told her that he was not even up yet when Chun went to work.

Then brusquely, the door to his office flew open and revealed Joe and Chun, both looked like they were trying to beat a deadline of some sort. "Where's the ring?" Joe asked. Chun had a distraught expression on his face. Joe didn't wait for her to answer and approached the table.

The black diamond cast in platinum caught his eye. It was a beautifully crafted ring, with intricate details. Black wasn't exactly anyone would buy for a traditional marriage proposal. But their situation wasn't traditional in the first place. He can even consider it blackmail. He gave a humourless laugh. "I'll get this one." He said and took the velvet box placed it inside his jacket's inner pocket. "I'll let you take care of the wedding rings." He tapped Ella's shoulder.

"Yuan Chang," Chun caught his arm before he can open the door. "Are you really sure about this?" He asked in a worried tone. On their way to the hotel, he told him what happened. And he was furious as he was disgusted.

"What's happening?" Confusion was etched on Ella's face.

"Let me give her a dose of her own medicine." He said wryly.

"Can someone tell me what's happening?!" Ella yelled but it he had no time for any squabble.

Jeremy was waiting for him on the doorway. "Young Master. She didn't go to work today."

"What?" It can't be.

"The chopper's waiting for you. I found a clearing a few meters away from their home. Our men confirmed that she didn't leave the house."

"Alright. Let's go."

"Ge!" Ella called but he was in much hurry to even look. A few more minutes and he'll be too late.


Ariel took her usual spot in the beach behind their apartment complex. It was large boulder perched near the small dock. In times that she would have her anxiety attacks, watching the sunset would be cheapest and most effective way to calm her senses. She fought her urge to look at her watch but her earthly self won once again.

Eight minutes before 5pm.

According to the news, the sun will set at exactly 05:36pm. She should let her regrets disappear together with the sun. For the meantime. She knew it wouldn't be easy to forget him. Her first love. But who could she blame? She pushed him away.

Six minutes.

She insulted him. Stepped on his pride. And pride's what makes a man a man. He knew he could never forgive her.

Five minutes.

She finally shed a tear. For a lost love. She wiped the stubborn liquid off her face.

Four minutes.

The eerie silence sent shivers down her spine. She closed her eyes and hugged herself, feeling colder than ever.

Three minutes.

A loud noise broke the silence. Strong wind followed soon after. Moist sand came flying as some kind of tornado came disturbing the peace and quiet. She saw the red and white helicopter a few meters away when she opened her eyes. The rotor blades were still moving. She squinted her eyes and saw a familiar figure jump out from it.

Two minutes.



"Ariel!" He panted. GPS really work wonders during tough times like this. He looked at his watch. 04:59. He made it on time. He ran towards Ariel. She was like a statue, even her lashes won't move. Shock would be an understatement. Swiftly, he knelt in front of her and gathered her hand. He slid the ring onto her ring finger. The flawless black diamond glistened in the rays of the setting sun. It was beautiful. It was rare. It was cunning. Just like Ariel.

"Marry me." It was a command.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Literally the 1st fanfic I ever subscribed to. I hope you're doing well!
no update yet????
angellyn1 #4
how i wish you will update them soon.i can't wait for new episodes.really in love with your fanfic.
zaizaiken #5
Just started reading and I'm hooked. Very well written and the plot is interesting. I hope you update soon.
mayi_jahfy #6
very nice fic... cant wait for the next chapter... :D
New reader here~ XD Halfway done in reading. XD
-dolce- #8
@angelic: Wow, it took me a really long time to update this. I hope you're still reading. . .
Angelic #9
hey! i'm new here and will definitely support ur fic. wow awesome poster! ^_^