About Me

Just your average teenager that likes kpop. I tend to be either extremely calm and always zoning out or ranting like no other. My bias group is every group. I am the fan that will sit there and learn all 12 of Exo in 2 days. When I learn about a group I tend to forget about everything else. At this moment I am Exo biased. Tomorrow I will probably have a different bias group, I tend to be fickle like that. I don't have ultimate biases for this reason. I have a blog: http://black-kpop.blogspot.com/

Not much more to say, I will leave you with a bunch of pictures.



If you haven't given up looking at all the pictures I seriously applaude you right now. But... umm that's it I guess. Did I mention I was a fairly awkward person? No? Well now it is obvious. :) Bye !!!