
Sibling RivaLove




NU'EST's talking woke me up.  I sighed. I was having a good dream, too... When I sat up, they turned to me.   

I yawned and asked what I missed. 

They all had these weird smiles... Like they knew an inside joke. Ren was hiding behind JR. 

"Nothing, nothing at all." Bro said, smirking. LIAR!

"Then what is so funny? I could use a laugh." I pouted cutely.

Dongho looked to JR and JR looked to Minhyun. Aron was standing around awkwardly, was he sweating? Ren-sshi was still hiding behind JR. 

"I was yelling at the pabos because they spilt coffee all over my shoes, ISN’T IT HORRIBLE!?" Minhyun imitated a girl very badly by flapping his hand in a "whatever" matter, and using a high voice. 

Who knew this guy can be so silly? I giggled a little.

"Haha, what time is it?" I stood up quickly and flattened my skirt. 

"It's like... 1-ish..." Ren walked a few steps forward. He had this cute expression on his face... I wasn’t sure what it meant though. 

"And what time does the fansign end?" 

"Ai... I told you, at 2:30!" Bro glared at me. 

"Well sorry, I was sleeping!" I don’t know where this attitude came from.... I tried to stomp away but stumbled on a few wires. I tripped and I started laughing at myself. The others joined me, cracking up and my klutziness. I finally felt secure for the moment. 

"Smooth moves eolin-ai!" Dongho said winking and laughing. I love his smile.

"If you're bored, come sit with us" Minhyun said with a small smile.

I nodded and sat around for the next hour drinking an iced tea and stared at Ren a lot. His face seemed a bit flushed... Maybe ‘cause it’s hot in here? He was wearing a poncho thingy. Omo, so cute and fashionable! Seriously... I had this urge to attack him with a hug... The shy side of my brain held me back. I sighed absently.


When the fansign ended, we packed the few remaining posters and had to navigate through the fans that were still around. 

"Minseo, stay next to me." Bro was in protective mode.

"Yessir!" I clung to his muscular arm until we got to the car.

We sat in silence for a while, until I decided it was my turn to ask random questions. I smirked evilly.

"Hey JR, why don't you have a girlfriend yet, hmmm?" I said with sly smile. 

He looked taken aback but answered calmly. 

"Well now! Aren’t we asking bold questions?” he laughed a little. “But to answer your question, it might be kinda hard to have a relationship when we travel so much."

"But do you like someone?" I wanted to see if I can .

"Why are you so interested?" he was smiling now. 

"Hmph, never mind..." I turned away feeling stupid. 

"Is it ‘cause you love me?" 


For some reason when he said that, the entire car went dead silent. 

All of them were waiting for my answer. 

"Uh JR..." I giggled nervously. "I don't like you in that way." 

"Good, ‘cause I don't either." he put his hands behind his head and kicked back, winking. 

"Aish, you pabo!" I kicked his leg, laughing. 

"Well I asked because all we really talked about is me, and I want to learn more about you guys." Wow, I sound so mature all the sudden!

"You don't want to learn about any of us in specific?" JR was glancing at Ren. Oh god...

"Uh..." I twiddled my fingers.

"Aigoo! Don't grill her too much! You'll bust her brain." Dongho oppa said with a false serious face. 

"NYEHHH!" I shoved Dongho, pouting again. I didn't need Ren knowing how stupid I was. 

Just then, the car pulled up to the hotel.

"WE SHALL CONTINUE THIS CONVERSATION LATER!" I announced, before jumping out of the car and running into the empty lobby. 

Somehow Dongho caught up with me and blocked the only elevator. 

"Hey, whatcha doing? Mooove!" I whined.

"You know you need some exercise." He gave me this look that mom gave me when she made me study. 

Just then the rest of NU'EST walked in. 

"Aish! Can anybody come with me?" I stared at all of them hopefully. 

JR grunted and Ren's eyes went wide for a second. (I didn’t notice, but JR had pinched him, hard.)

"I'll go!" Ren said smiling that cute smile of his. 

"Hey let’s race! Elevator vs. Stairs, GO!" Bro shoved the guys into the elevator and pressed the UP button like crazy.

Whoa... Alone time with Ren! Oh my! 

"Dammit!" We both said at the same time. We laughed and sprinted up the stairs, my purse swinging. I think he was following.... To make things clear, along with ditzy-ness I’m not into sports, so I wasn't too crazy about running and anything that involved exercise. But since this was a race and I was with Ren, I was pretty motivated. 

I turned back and saw Ren behind me, but apparently when I turned back I stopped moving and he bumped into me. We both fell and sorta rolled down a few steps. 

"Aish, I'm sorry! You okay?" I mentally facepalmed my clumsiness. I was already hot from the running and blushing.

"Yeah, but c'mon we don’t want to lose to Baekho do we?" He grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs.

Sounds like an epic scene right? But I started to sweat and I got worried my wrist would slip from his grip. Kinda awkward...

We finally got to our floor and jogged over to the door. Before we knocked, we leaned against the door, catching out breath. 

"Augh, I hate exercise." I closed my eyes and wiped my forehead.

"Me too." He smiled wryly

"Really? Haha..." I was out of breath. Wow, we had something in common...

"Why is it funny?" He said laughing a little.


Suddenly, we both fell backwards on to our butts. Someone opened the door, and we fell through the doorframe. And the door frame is kinda narrow so we got squished together... We’re so close!

"Oh, hi." Aron said. Staring at us. He looked upside down. 

"Aron-ah! That hurt!" I giggled and punched his foot. 

He laughed and walked off. Ren and I sat there for a minute before he got up. 

"Let's go see what the guys are up to." 


Aish... This chapter was kinda short T.T
Ita, you call that SHORT?! This so-called "short" chapter makes mine look miniscule! ~Everglider
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Wow, our story is nearing its close; there are only about two chapters left. We hope you have enjoyed readng. A new story will be coming as soon!


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Chapter 18: oehhh that'd the end.ermmmm i didn't notice..well a good plot but i hink there's more story behind it.. sorry for if i commented rude.. i just pass by on here because i am in search of nuest...im looking for a good character..anyway..thankyu for the story i didn't notice i was hooked by this。
Chapter 18: AIGOO DONGSENG IS MICHOSO. DX MINHANHAMNIDA FOR SPAMMING SO MUCH UNNIS DX I shall be a good student now and do my homework c:
Chapter 13: OH LORD XD Omo~
Chapter 8: This may be gross, but my gum fell out of my mouth when reading this chapter...
Chapter 6: OMO! OTTOKE!!! >__< Aigoo still apologizing for commenting every chapter..
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Mihanhamnida QAQ Dongsengah's still spamming Kekeke losing chopsticks~