
Sibling RivaLove

Bro was taking FOREVER in the bathroom. Ren had already come back, and I was getting a little nervous about being alone with the rest of NU'EST; I barely know them! My heart was beating a little faster. We were pretty quiet and peaceful until JR just had to ask the awkward question EVER. 

"So Minseo... What’s your type?" he asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

Oh my god... What do I say?! 

"Uh..." I stared down at my sandwich. When I looked up I saw everyone waiting for my answer. .

"Um... The few crushes I’ve had... They were all... Muscular?" 

This made everyone laugh hysterically except Ren who giggled softly and Minhyun who had a small smile. 

"WHAT?! YOU ASKED!" I yelled over their laughs. 

I mentally face-palmed myself for sounding really stupid. Why was I telling them these things?!

The kids (wait, why am I calling them that?) rolled around on the ground, laughing their butts off. Annoyed, I threw the tomatoes and pickles from my sandwich at JR. They hit him straight in the face. Dead silence filled the room. Awh shizz... He slowly grabbed his dessert. I grabbed Aron's jacket and flung it over my head, just as JR threw his pudding at me. My ninja reflexes saved my outfit! But... I used Aron's jacket! Whoops...

"JR! My jacket!" Aron took the jacket from me and tossed it at JR, the pudding side first. 

Ready kkeutnaejuge action! I giggled inwardly.

"MINSEO STARTED IT!" JR attempted to make a cute face. 

"Aish, he was laughing at me!" I laughed.

Just then the manager hyung came in, telling them that they had the day off.


YES! Finally some free time with NU'EST! I skipped happily on the sidewalk. 

"You are just like a little kid!" Minhyun said laughing. 

"Adorable right? Ahaha" 

When Ren said that I blushed and turned my face so he can't see. 

"Where's Dongho?" I asked JR, Ren and Minhyun. 

"Oh right... I think Aron went to get him" Ren said smiling. 

"Okay good!" 

My blush was unstoppable. I kinda felt bad for turning away so quickly...

When I started wondering where we were going, I heard Aron's voice come from behind us. 


 Aron and Dongho had to sprint like two blocks before they caught up with us.

"Aiyah! You're late!" Minhyun said in this really high voice that made me giggle all over again. 

"WHATEVER! So, what are we gonna do for the next few hours?" I said hoping for something fun. 

"I think we should rest, and prepare for tomorrow's fansign." Aron said looking at Bro.  Are they okay? 

"Er, yeah we should probably head back to the hotel." he said with a far-away face. 

Something was definitely up, but I rather not ask... It'd pro’ly be too complicated for me to understand anyway. 

We walked all the way to the hotel. Why? I have no idea; I just go with whatever... 

We were all tired when we got there so we all just fell asleep in the living room, with no regard for who was next to us.



Minhyun's voice woke me up. 

"Whaa?" I said blinking and rubbing my eyes. I checked the clock on the wall and it read 3:56. So early...

When I saw Minhyun trapped in my sleeping brother's arms, I giggled a little and fell asleep again. I was warm... Who was next to me? I was too sleepy to open my eyes fully, so I squinted and saw blonde hair. Assuming it was bro, I cuddled closer... he put his arms around me and then I was sure it was Dongho. 



"Minseo... Minseo-ah ~!" someone was tapping my cheeks softly. 

"Nygh.." I rolled over. I can hear bro making breakfast already... 

"Minseo... Can you get off my arm?"

Wait... If Dongho-ah is in the kitchen... Who am I sleeping on?! 

My eyes shot open, and I sat up quickly. Ren was looking back at me with a sleepy smile.

OHMYGOD! I WAS CUDDLING WITH REN, NOT BRO!!! >\\< so embarrassing....

"My arm was falling asleep!" he said with mock annoyance, and tapped me on the shoulder. 

I was still in shock... I was sleeping with Ren? The prettiest boy ever? Erhmagerd!

"I'm sorry! It won’t happen again!" I said, hoping he wasn’t mad.

"Hmph, no worries. I see you take after your brother!" he winked and got up to get dressed. 


We were in the car on the way to the fansign when Ppakgom explained the rules. 

"Just be careful of the fans and paparazzi, they'll all be taking pictures like crazy. And stay close, don’t wander off." 

“Sir, yes sir!" I said, saluting him. 

"Stop embarrassing me, MinMin!” Dongho groaned, pretending to be offended.

"Eheheh... You know you love me ~!” I said, yawning. 

"Why don't you go cuddle with Ren? I'm sure it would be very relaxing." JR said smirking at Ren and me. 

"Aigoo..." I covered my face with my hands. Ren was sitting next to me! 

"You can take naps on me whenever, but please don’t make my arm fall asleep!" he said laughing and putting his arm around my shoulders. So embarrassing!

My body curled into a ball, and I had that weird “trying-not-t-o-smile” look on my face. 

Thank god we arrived just then. I carefully escaped Ren's arm and left the car first, without making eye contact with them. When Bro came out, I backhugged him and buried my face into his back.

"Those guys... Were teasing me too much..." I spoke into his back. 

"It'll be alright, dongsaeng..." he patted my head. He seemed worried about something too...

We walked down this alley and turned a corner. There was a huge crowd of girls! And a few boys I think...

"Minseo, get closer to us." Minhyun said quietly. 

Before I can ask why, some girls noticed NU'EST in their flashy clothes and ran over to us screaming. A lot of them were holding notebooks at their faces and screaming "SARANGHAE!" 

At first I thought it was funny, until someone came from behind and pulled my shirt. I choked and fell backwards on my . 

"Minseo! C'mon stand up!" Dongho and Aron took my hands and pulled me up. 

We tried to get to the CD shop as soon as possible. Ppakgom had them close the store for a few minutes so we can set up the table and posters. After helping then set up, I sat down and the scene when someone pulled my shirt replayed in my head. It hurt, it was scary and I didn't do anything wrong. Was this what they had to deal with everyday?

"Dongho... That was scary..." I rubbed my throat and tears started coming out. I thought an idol's life was full of fun and amazing-ness. I never thought they would have to deal with things like this. I missed Dongho so much, and he had to deal with things like paparazzi and... I was jealous... 

"Dongho..." I said through my sobs. 

I heard JR giggle a little, and I didn’t care if he was famous, I really wanted to scream at him. Bro did it for me. 

"'Hey, shut up alright?!" 

I heard some footsteps come toward us.

"Will she be alright?" Aron and Ren asked. Was he worried about me? Why did he have to see me crying? Augh...

"Yeah, just give us a minute."

"You better hurry up, it’s almost 10 o'clock." Ppakgom said from across the room. 

I felt so safe in Dongho's arms. But I couldn't be a baby forever. 

"I'm fine now; your fans are waiting for you!" I said forcing a smile and whacking him in the arm. 

"Alright, stay back where I can see you." 

"You sound like appa!" I giggled and felt better. 

Dongho and Aron smiled at me and walked over to the table. Ren stuck around a little. 

"Do you need another hug?" he said, his arms outstretched. 

I hugged him right away and hoped to god he didn’t hear my pounding heart. When he walked away he swished his bangs. So stylish and cute... No wonder all the fangirls love him.

I sighed and yawned. Nap time....

Baekho is such an awesome older bro<3 -Italypasta
Wow! This was one long- chapter! Hope you liked it, I was smiling like an idiot while I was reading it XD ~Ever
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Wow, our story is nearing its close; there are only about two chapters left. We hope you have enjoyed readng. A new story will be coming as soon!


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Chapter 18: oehhh that'd the end.ermmmm i didn't notice..well a good plot but i hink there's more story behind it.. sorry for if i commented rude.. i just pass by on here because i am in search of looking for a good character..anyway..thankyu for the story i didn't notice i was hooked by this。
Chapter 18: AIGOO DONGSENG IS MICHOSO. DX MINHANHAMNIDA FOR SPAMMING SO MUCH UNNIS DX I shall be a good student now and do my homework c:
Chapter 13: OH LORD XD Omo~
Chapter 8: This may be gross, but my gum fell out of my mouth when reading this chapter...
Chapter 6: OMO! OTTOKE!!! >__< Aigoo still apologizing for commenting every chapter..
Chapter 5: Aigoo~ Mihanhamnida QAQ Dongsengah's still spamming Kekeke losing chopsticks~