picking a winner

The contest (dedicated to a friend, hope you feel better soon!)

A few weeks passed by and  in front of a nice big recording studio located in seoul pulls up a nice gold  colored limo that had huge 24 inch platinum rims and a a dragon emblem on it's front grill. When the Limo parks out steps G-Dragon, wearing a gold colored sports coat with white pants and white hair,  and followed behind him ,was the little old man who was on the commercial

Both of the men walk towards entering the building looking like an old couple walking next to each other

g dragon: Honestly, do I have to do this.... I mean i have so much better stuff to do, and my god why do I have to do it with daehyun, ugh, I mean like seriously jabow....

The old man fixes his funny shades and look up to g-dragon who was way taller than the 4 ft 11 old man.

Mr. Jabow:  Oh come on G dragon it's not going ju be that badddddddd  come on, come onnnnnn this is gooooooood real goooood, gooood for you both, to work together and do something for you guys fans.

g  dragon: I know,....  in the long run me wasting my time with this would help me out, but it's going to be hell doing this with such a self centered douche  like daehyun...

Mr. Jabow holds the door to the big studio open for g dragon while rolling his eyes behind his sunglasses at him

mr. jabow: Yea... yea... stop complaing an just get it done ok!!!? And plus you have to make up for the last performance you had in america , you had an little attitude, so kind of make sure you pick an american girl....

g dragon eyes grow big in shock after hearing what mr jabow just said

g dragon: Nooo....  i didn't have a attitude...  I.. I.. was just tierd, ehem!!

Jabow looks at G dragon with a blank stare

g dragon: Ok, they are just not my favorite type of people alright!!! geez

Once inside the studio the two men head up a few flights of stairs, as they walk up the stairs they hear someone singing very high and long notes


g dragon: Oh boy, and it starts


mr jabow: Oh, please don't be a hater, thats the voice of an angel!!

They both finally make it up the stairs and head into a room , it was a studio, that had a big beat making machine a big glass window that made you see into a room that Had a mic, and padded walls, and inside the room was daehyun singing with headphones on, and he had on the same outfit g dragon was wearing, even the hair color was the same.

g dragon: Oh... are you serious right now !!!! I can't beileve this!!!

Out side the glass both, there was another man sitting behind the big beat making production machine thingy, that all studios be having, lol give me a break I really dont know what it's called, hearing that someone entered the room, and mostly g dragon bugging out! he turns around and G dragon and Mr. Jabow sees that it is Daehyun fellow bap memeber youngjae.

youngjae: Oh... Hi g dragon. and Mr. Jabow!! good to see you guys finally made it!! glad to see you both

he turns his chair back around press a button and speak into a speaker that was sticking out from the machine

youngjae: yo, yo yo yo, it sounded great man!!! but, g dragon and Mr. jabow is finally here so come on out dae!!!

Daehyun  hangs up the headphones on the mic and walks out of the padded room with a smirk on his face

Daehyun: Oh, come on Grandpaaaaaaa dragon, I mean I know  you want to stay hip with us youth but did you really have to ware the exact same thing I wore today hahahahahahaha!!! anyway, youngjae I sounded great didn't I?? Im telling you, I need to make my solo album... no.... do my own solo tour... no even better have my own solo show about myself and my epic life on BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODWAYYYYYYYYY, with me being the only actor of course, because i mean no one could pretray my beauty, as good as me

g dragon shoves daehyun to the wall and holds him up as daehyun lets out a little girly scream and cringe in fair

daehyun: Please not the face!!! not the face!!! I don't want you to mess it up too bad because I may come out looking like you!!

g dragon: Listen here you little twerp, I'm not that old, got way more talent than you, and.... I WAS WEARING THIS FIRST!!! YOUR THE ONE WHO COPIED ME!!!

daehyun: NAAAAAA UHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH You tottally saw me post my  outfit of the dae on instagram and was like " well lookie here that young feller llook mighty fresh!! let me copy  him to try to make my sack of old bags look beautiful for once" And it failed horrbley... by the way... but yea MEEEEE was the one who wore it first!!!

g:dragon: why... you.......!!!!

The two of them kept on going back and fourth about who wore the outfit first that day intill youngjae finally got g dragon to put daehyun down and stopped them from fighting

youngjae: GUYS GUYS, stop it, you both are great artist, both are good ages and im sure the fact that you two wore the same outfits today was just an conquincidence!!, now let's just focus on picking a winner so we can make one of our fans super happy!!

g dragon and daehyun push each other away, and fold their arms and turn their heads so they are not looking at each other and both say

g dragon and daehyun: Fine!

Mr. Jabow: Thank you youngjae.... sometimes I love managing these two, but sometimes I really hate it, but yes, G dragon and daehyun!!! it is timeee to pick a winna, so here...

Mr jabow takes out an laptop and sits it on a table in the studio, he brings up his email and in it is hundreds of videos sent in by fans of g dragon and daehyun.

Mr.jabow: There you twooooooo go!!! Now you must listen to all of these entries and pic out the one you two like the most!!

g dragon: wooooooo what?? But.....

Mr. Jabow: DONT BACK TALK MEEEEEEEEEEEEE do what i say okayyyyy??? Now i will go, but call me when you both are done

daehyun: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Mr. jawbow: See ya!!

Mr. jawbow leaves  the studio and shuts the door leaving the three stars in the stuido alone with each other and a laptop

youngjae: Awesome!! look at all these fans who sent in covers of our songs!!!, may i help you guys?

Daehyun: sure...  whatever but lets make this quick

10 mintues passes by....

G dragon: THATS IT!!!! i cant take this no more I have things to do and no time for this!!

daehyun: What?? you don't want to miss bingo  time at  the old folk's home your staying at gramps!!

G dragon:ERGHHHHHHHHH  shut up, you little screaming while singing, self centered brat!!, In fact if you really want to know, I have to go get my hair done, and some other stuff done!!, Just be sure you dont follow me and copy my NEW hairstyle I am going to get too!!

daehyun: OHHHHHHHHHHHH old man here think he so busy because he got to go get your hair done, well I  don't have time for thi either!! wanna know why gramps? Because I got a date with three blonde american girls!!

youngjae rolls his eyes as the two stars start to agrue once again because it was preventing him from hearing the covers of the contestents.

youngjae: Guys, guys guys, listen, why don't you both just go do what you got to do, and Ill text you both when i find the best cover ok? and don't worry Ill cover for you guys if Mr. jabow comes in here to check up.... so just go I got it, and have fun and be safe ok you two?

g dragon: Thanks, youngjae maybe you shoudl teach your best friend here a thing or two...

daehyun: Oh shut up.... I can't stand being near you, your not worthy enough to be in the perssence of my beauty, but yea thanks youngjae you are the best!!

daehyun and g dragon both leave the studio room and youngjae stays and listen to all of the  fan's covers

Four hours passes by and youngjae is almost falling asleep after listening to so many covers, but  he is determined to stay up and finish listening to them all,

He finally makes it to the last one and he notice it is a the xx cover

Youngjae: Ah.... the last one from ekusuta eh? will let's give it a listen!!

Youngjae: Opens the email and listen to the audio file of the cover, and when he hears the voice that comes out of it, his sleepness completey goes away and is replaced by shock, shock of how good the cover was and from their he knew for sure he had a winner

youngjae: OH MY GOD!!! this is the one!! It's the most beautiful and unique sounding cover out of all the others I had listen too, I must text daehyun and G dragon, shoot, she even sung this better than g dragon did himself!!

youngjae right away texts g dragon, and daehyun and they both rush... well not rush... come to the studio to listen to the cover themselfs

5 hours later

G dragon and daehyun Finally make it to the studio and give the cover youngjae picked out, out of the rest a listen

G dragon: Wow!!  she do sound good!! I mean not as good as I did when i sung the song, but  still good!!

daehyun: Yea this is just wonderful, and please old man your song sounded horrible HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! should of gave this girl the song would of been more of a hit, as for me i wouldn't of had sung it because it's too easy for a singer of my talent hmph!

g dragon: You son of a.....


youngjae: no no no don't start you two!! look why don't you guy just call up Mr. Jabow

daehyun: For what?

youngjae: To tell him we got a winner.... a real winner!!



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jaajaa #1
lmao when you starting this one??