Chapter 1. the commercial

The contest (dedicated to a friend, hope you feel better soon!)

(Hi, I know That I haven't finished the new story I am currently working on, but I decided too make thi quick story for a friend of mines who is not doing the best at the moment, in hopes that it will make her smile! so if you are a fan of my new story dont worry I will continue working on it!! but also be sure to check out my friend's page, her name is ekushooter on here so be sure to look her up!!! her story is amazing so far!! so check it out asap, here is the link to it!      so check it out, and I really hope you feel better soon emalie, and will enjoy this short little story for ya!!)

A Televesion turns on in a small dark room lighting it up like a fire fly does the dark night when , on the T V is an commercial

Up comes a picture of K pop star G dragon and next to it, divided by a black line was another picture, one of  Bap memeber Daehyun. The commerical looked like a cheap power point made by an 8th grader but, the two pictures of such beautiful men kind of made up for it, Then A wacking fat,old  man with crazy gray hair  a thick mustache, and thick black sun glasses that blocked his eyes poped up in front of the two pictures and he starting talking

crazy old guy: Hey!! is you a g dragon fan!!??? 

he does a spin

crazy old guy: Is you a Daehyun fan?? 

the camera zooms up into his face

crazy old guy: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhh you say  you fan of both eh? well good!! because me got surprize for juuuuu

On the commercial, the old man put's his hands up in the air and fake fire works shoot off behind him 

crazy old guy : well today is your lucky dayyyy because we are holding  an contest for you roveryyyyyyyyy fans!!!!! and to enter is simpleeeee oh yeaa!!!

On the screen flashes an email that says [email protected], it blinks on and off really, really fast through out the rst of the commercial

crazy old guy: All you have to do is cover one of these two fabulous star's songs and email  the video of the cover  to this email address and you could win a dinner with both of them, at one of seoul's  most famous resturants!!!!

the old man does another spin in between the fake shooting fire works and flashing email address on the screen

crazy old guy: And that's not it!!!, THAT IS NOT IT!!!  after the dinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaaa you  get to chose which one of the men you liked the best! and get to have a second date ALONEEEEEE with the one you pick!! and also a chance to record a song with the artist you pick!!

the old man starts doing a crazy dance where he is just waving his arms crazly and twisting his hips

crazy old guy: So email me fast!!! for a chance to win the contest!!! oh yea, oh - oh - yea

the tv shuts off

ekusuta: Wow.... did you see that  cupcake?? I definitly gotta send one of my covers to them and hope i can win that contest it sounds awesome!!

An ugly fat white cat laying on the pretty ekusuta's leg rolls over and let out a big fart with it's, extermely, and freaklish small head and lets out a big meow

cupcake: MEOWWWWWWWWWW  *fart*

eksuta: Ha, don't worry if i win I be sure to bring you too!



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jaajaa #1
lmao when you starting this one??