Never Forgotten

Never Forgotten


“Haha Chunji! C’mon, let’s go on the  tire swing next,” I said as I ran.
“HEY L.JOE! WAIT UP! YOU’RE PUSHING ME FIRST LOSER!” I heard him yell back. I love Chunji, we are the best of friends. Always together, and nothing will get between us I just know it.
“Just..*huff* wait…*huff* a minute..*huff..” He said trying to catch his breath.
“Haha Chunji you’re fine. I wanted to get here before anyone else!”
He gave me death stare, creepy…
“Go ahead… aren’t you getting on?” I asked him.
He eyed me awhile and then had a big grin on his face and plopped on the swing.
“Ready?” I pushed as hard as I could, wanting to send him high in the sky!
“HIGHER L.JOE! HIGHER! HAHA,” he was shouting loudly at me making me laugh at him.
“Okay… here we GO!” I pushed so hard he almost flipped over the branch! 
“YOU TWO! KNOCK IT OFF, SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET HURT!” The teacher was scolding us for having fun, how lame.
“Let’s go over there L.Joe,” Chunji suggested. So I followed him behind a bench in the playground.
“What?” I was curious to why we weren’t playing with the others.
He kissed me on the cheek and I blushed.
“Haha what was that for Chunji? You can be so silly sometimes…” I said giggling at him.
“Hey it isn’t funny… I love you L.Joe!” He said happily.
“Well I love you too Chunji! Now let’s go play!” I stood up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back down.
“What? C’mon!”
“L.Joe…hold my hand okay?” I helped him up and we held hands while going to the other kids by the slide. We got some weird looks from the other kids but Chunji didn’t seem to notice. His face was as red as a tomato, he looked so adorable. We walked around the playground for awhile, the other kids played tag, and we were soon called in because recess was over. Chunji was still holding my hand.
“Stop, we are in the school now Chunji,” I mumbled.
He didn’t let go.
We arrived in the classroom and we continued to learn about animals and shapes and colors.
“What’s everyone’s favorite shape out of the ones you know?” The teacher asked. Chunji raised his hand.
“Chunji? What’s your favorite?” 
“A heart.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because it stands for love.”
“How cute Chunji, that’s right. There is people you love, like your family-”
“And L.Joe.”
I face palmed and became embarrassed, why Chunji? He smiled at the teacher and she smiled back giving a nod and continued the lesson. The teacher gave us snack time and I sat on the floor next to Chunji and a few girls.
“L.Joe, are you in love?” One of them asked me.
“Haha no. Why do you ask?” It was sort of out of the blue.
“Because you and Chunji… you should get married!” My eyes widened and I giggled.
“Haha~ Well…”
“Let’s do it L.Joe! I love you so it’s okay. When you’re in love you get married! Since we are best friends it’s okay!” I choked on my snack. 
“I.. I don’t have a ring for you!” I admitted.
“Well.. We can get some later! You have to ask me properly though L.Joe haha,” he said happily. The girls were giggling and blushing when I took Chunji’s hand and said,
“Chunji, will you marry me?” 
He frantically nodded his head and planted a kiss on my cheek, causing the girls we were sitting next to, to squeal with joy.
“We will set up a wedding then! Tomorrow!” I smiled and gave a thumbs up. 
The end of the day came quickly and Chunji went home with his parents. I told my mom to stop at the corner store and put in a quarter at a time into a machine, receiving two identical rings. I smiled and pocketed them.
The next day I walked into class to see paper decorations and confetti. I giggled and saw all the class in the corner with Chunji sitting. Once he spotted me he stood up and ran over, hugging me tightly.
“Let’s go!” He dragged me over where a boy classmate had a piece of paper.
“My dad told me this is what they say when people get married! Some of the words are big so I made up my own!” We laughed and held hands as he read it. 
“Rings?” He asked.
“Oh, right here.” I took out the rings and Chunji blushed causing me to laugh.
He slid mine onto my finger and I slid his onto his finger. As I did I said,
“I’ll never let you leave me. I love you Chunji.” 
He instantly kissed me, causing the class to break out into, “awhs,” and “how cutes”. The day went by fast, Chunji and I being locked together. We would be best friends forever now for sure. My father came to pick us up that day.
“Where’s my mom?” Chunji asked my dad.
“I’m taking you both out for ice cream… there’s something I need to tell you.” I was a little nervous, father’s news was never good.
Once we arrived and got our ice creams my father sat across from us and let out a sigh.
“I’ll just say it… Chunji.. You’re moving.”
My eyes bulged as I stared at my father and back at Chunji as he dropped his spoon. 
“Wh-what do you mean?” He asked confused.
“Your father got a great job opportunity in another country so… you have to move.” Tears welled up into my eyes as I asked, ”When is this happening?”
“This weekend.” The weekend was only 2 days away! What would I do without him.
“Chunji isn’t leaving me! You’re lying!” I ran outside and sat on the curb, I began to sob. Chunji’s hands met my shoulder and he sat next to me, kissing my cheek. I felt his tears, it felt horrible…
“Chunji… it isn’t true….he’s lying,” I couldn’t stand to believe it anymore.
My father picked me up and put my in the car as I fought his grip, Chunji coming in behind me, grabbing my hand as we drove to Chunji’s house. I saw a large moving van and held in my tears. Chunji kissed my cheek before leaving the car.
“I’ll see you at school tomorrow okay? We will spend all day together. I promise.” I kissed him and tears began to form in my eyes, he wiped them away as they fell. We really were best friends, and he was leaving.
We drove off and I saw him wave and smile. How could he possibly be smiling? My father tried to comfort me,
“You will see him tomorrow. You will make more friends, Chunji isn’t the only one.” I turned my head to look out the window. I didn’t want to hear it.
Tomorrow came too soon, and I arrived at school but Chunji was no where to be found.
“Chunji? CHUNJI?” I frantically ran around the classroom. 
“Chunji’s parents called L.Joe, they left this morning.” The teacher confessed.
I fell to my knees as tears silently fell from my eyes. My best friend, he’s really gone… it isn’t possible! We.. We are married now so he must be here!
The teacher knelt beside me, rubbing my back but it wasn’t doing anything. Chunji was gone, he promised he would be here. I never got to tell him goodbye….
“Haha okay Ricky! Hold on…” I threw my backpack over my shoulder and caught up to the guys.
“High school is rough huh?” Niel joked.
I punched his arm and laughed with him.
“Just because I’m new doesn’t mean I’m not smart! Plus, a girl called me cute,” I said proudly as I raised my head.
Niel just pushed my head down hard, “I was talking about bullies!” 
“Knock it off! Haha, hey stop!” He started messing up my clothes and shoving me, Ricky had to get him off of me.
We walked silently for awhile until we reached the middle school.
“Ahh, middle school!” Ricky said smiling.
“Was it fun?” I asked him seriously.
“Yes! Middle school was the best for me, made plenty of friends and met Niel hyung, CAP hyung and Changjo! Ah, the good times,” he said closing his eyes. Niel gave him a noogie and I laughed at how stupid they were. We walked some more until we reached the elementary school I used to go to. 
“My old school,” I said quietly.
Tears began to form in my eyes, I never forgot Chunji. We haven’t contacted each other since kindergarten. 
“Was it… that bad?” Niel asked.
“Haha no..” I said wiping away the tears, “It was… the best time of my life.”
“That’s where I obtained this…” I showed him the ring on my pinky.
“Me and my best friend got ‘married’ haha. I really loved him,” the tears came back.
“Cute… you loved him? What happened?” Ricky asked.
“He moved away. His father took him away from me… I can never forgive him. We haven’t spoke for a long time, and-” I saw a figure on the tire swing  I used to play on with Chunji. I looked down, and looked back up at him. 
“Is that- You guys go home. I have something to do,” they nodded and I hoped the fence into the school playground. I walked over to the tire swing,
“Excuse me, sir?” I tapped the boy’s shoulder and he turned around and looked at my finger with the ring.
“L.Joe?” The boy asked me.
“Yes. Are you… no can’t be…if you were you’d-” I was cut off by the boy’s lips pressing against mine.
“L.Joe… it’s me, Chunji.” Tears fell from my eyes as I took him in for a long hug. I felt my shoulder become wet from his own tears. 
“Why… why haven’t you talked to me? Visit me… or… Chunji… I missed you so much.” 
We sat on the grass for hours, talking and catching up. It became dark and the stars were already out.
“Chunji, let’s finish what we started,” I suggested. 
He looked at me funny and said, “Excuse me? Haha.”
“Well, I still love you Chunji. I never stopped loving you.” I put my heart out onto my sleeve for him.
“L.Joe… we.. We can’t.” He admitted.
“Haha we can! You’re here now and, Chunji haha. Look,” I grabbed his hand, “Chunji, I love you more than anything. I’ve been waiting, HOPING you would come back for me… and you’re here.”
He took my hand off of his own and stood up, I stood up to meet eyes with him.
“L.Joe. Do you see ANY ring on my hand? It isn’t there anymore L.Joe. We were just kids! I- I don’t know what to tell you. I’m here to visit family L.Joe. My girlfriend is-”
“Girlfriend?” I questioned him.
“Yes L.Joe. I love her, very much,” I saw a tear roll down his cheek. 
I couldn’t look at him, I looked at the ground, the sky anything but him. The last time I saw this face he was smiling and waving goodbye.
“L.Joe… don’t misunderstand-”
“I understand completely… I- I’m sorry. I should’ve moved on too but I couldn’t. You were the only person I’ve ever loved. We might have been kids Chunji… but kids know how to love too.”
He stared at me with those eyes, those beautiful eyes. He took my hand and pulled something out of his pocket and set it my own hand, closing it afterwards.
“If it means anything, I knew I would see you. I wanted to and I never forgot about you.”
He let go and turned around to walk off.
Tears were streaming down my face.
“Can I at least say goodbye this time?” I asked still crying. 
He let out a fake laugh as he cried as well.
“Goodbye, L.Joe.”
“Goodbye, Chunji.”
He began to walk off again and I yelled back out.
“I love you.”
He mumbled something, I couldn’t quite hear it. “Chunji? Wh-What was that?”
He ran up to me and embraced me, whispering in my ear.
“I love you too L.Joe.”
He cupped my face and kissed me, tears continued to roll down my face.
He let go and turned around quickly, walking off into the night, disppearing.
I sat on the tire swing and pumped my legs.
I opened my hand to see the gift he gave me.
It was a ring, identical to the one that used to be on my own finger.
My first oneshot. How was it? :o
I hope it was alright. <3
Let me know what you think! Thanks for reading and check out the other stories c:
Love you all XD
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I love it so much ....
I cried so much and used up a bunch of tissues. It's so bittersweet. Perfect song to go with it! 'Quasimodo' by SHINee. Oddly enough that song was playing while I read this and it made me cry harder. But I love this :')
SuperJenn #3
im crying so much omg i love yu for maiing this <33
dude,, that was so sad..
gah~ i need a lot of tissues here..
.......omg. this is hurts. byunghun T____T sequel plese ;A;
that's soooo sad.... I'm crying for real!!! TT^TT
senias #7
Omg! It sooo sad but cute at the same time and it literally made me cry like I'm being Dead Serious! Please make a sequel I really want them to end up happy together! I can't believe this is your first Chunjoe One-Shot
--chunsa #8
OMG I LOVED IT! Young love is so cute..<3
please make a sequel to this...I want chunjoe to end up together!! ;A;
maybehavethemgetmarriedforreal? >3< ^__^
ChunJoeLover #9
It's so... /sob SAAAAD T0T