Chapter 6



Chapter 6:


“So you came in late huh?”Hyoyeon said as she cleaned the café tables.  Min was just sitting at the counter resting her head.  Min looked up and turned her direction to Hyoyeon. “Yea…it was horrible unnie! He wants me to write a 5 page essay on how the body works and how if our body reacts to different chemicals!” Suzy walked out of the employee’s bathroom fixing her uniform.  Min got up from her seat and dragged her feet towards Suzy.  “Well Suzy, lets get started on our shift.” Min linked her arms around Suzy’s arms and walked to the front door and started to greet the customers.  Suzy left to guide her customers to a table; Min heard the door bell ring and saw the doors open.  Min then did a 90 degree bow. “Ahnyonghaseyo! Naehireun Lee Minyoung im nida! But you can call me Min! I will be your wait-“ “Hi!” Min stood up straight and her eyes widen with shock.  Right in front of her stood Dongwoo and two other members of Infinite.  She heard a couple of girls behind her whispering and screaming. “Min-shi! I didn’t know that you worked at this café.” Dongwoo cocked his head and smiled warmly. “Um, yea I work here! Let me show you to your table. How many are you?” Min tippy-toed over Dongwoo’s shoulder to see if there were other customers behind him and luckily there weren’t. “3” Dongwoo happily smiled.  Min felt her heart flutter with his smile.  She guided them to their table and sat them down. “Would you like the menu?” She turned around and walked to the counter grabbing a couple of menu’s and walked back to their table. All three of them smiled and Min blushed. She handed each of them a menu.  “I’ll give you a couple of minutes to figure out what you guys want.” Min smiled and bowed.  She walked along the aisle bowing and asking people if they needed anything until she heard the doorbell ring.  She ran up to the front door and bowed.  “Ahnyonghaseyo! Naehireun Lee Minyoung-“ “Min-shi you don’t have to do that.” Min stood back up and saw Sunggyu right in front of her.  “Oh, you’re here.” Min placed her hands on her hips. “Is that any way to treat a customer?” Sunggyu leaned closer to her.  She smirked and pushed him lightly away. “Alright, follow me.” She grabbed a menu and walked him to a clear table behind infinites.  “Sunggyu sat down and noticed a bunch of girls squealing. Min was about to walk away until he tugged her apron.  Min froze and turned to look at him. “What?” Sunggyu used his hand to signal her to come closer.  She did what she was told and leaned closer to him.  “Why are they squealing? I mean I know I’m handsome and everything but don’t you think they are distracting the customers? Tell them to calm down and that I will talk to them when I leave.” Min stood back up and scoffed. She turned here head left and right with an annoyed expression.  Sunggyu looked at her confused.  She then leaned close to him. “They aren’t acting like this because of you! They are acting like this because some of the members of Infinite are sitting right in front of you.” He made an ‘o’ shape with his lips and nodded. “Ah Min-shi, we know what we would like to order now.” She turned and noticed Dongwoo calling her, she smiled and walked towards him. Sunggyu looked at the counter and made eye contact with Hyoyeon and signaled her to come over. She walked around the counter and dragged her feet towards Sunggyu. “Ne?” She said as she semi bowed to listen to what he had to say. “so…he’s here from infinite?” Hyoyeon stood back up and looked at the table and she went back to her position. “There’s, Sungjong, Hoya and Dongwoo.” Suggyu’s eyes widen once he heard his name. “Dongwoo? The one that’s going to take Min to the club on Friday!?!?!?!?” He was said carefully trying not to raise his voice. “Yup!” They both glanced at Min and saw the way she was acting.  “She’s so innocent and cute! I haven’t seen this side of her since-“ “Don’t! Mention him…hearing his voice makes my blood boil.”  Sunggyu clenched his teeth.   “Hyoyeon stood back up and moved back a step. “Ah, mianhe…I know that you don’t like him…trust me neither of us do.” Hyoyeon walked away and went back to the counter. Sunggyu noticed how Min was acting and noticed how she focused on Dongwoo more. He clicked his tongue. “Excuse me I’m ready to order.” He raised his hand trying to signal Min but instead caught the attention of another waiter.  Sunggyu turned to the waiter’s direction and glared at him telling him not to come over.  “Min-shi! Darling! Im ready!” Min turned to look at Sunggyu.  Once Sunggyu saw Min looking towards him he smiled and flirtatiously waved.  She glared at him and smirked.  Really… She looked back at Dongwoo, Hoya and Sungjong. “Ok, so two Americano’s, One Iced Latte with skim milk and 3 TB of sugar, Two Chocolate macaroons and one croissant.  Is that it?”  She looked at her notepad and jotted everything down.  She looked up and saw Sungjong nodding his head and smiled. “Ne noona!” Min smiled and walked to the counter.  She gave the note to Hyoyeon. “The table in back of theirs need you Min.” She giggled and pointed at Sunggyu’s table.  Min glanced at his table and noticed Sunggyu shaking his leg and glaring at Dongwoo he then quickly glanced at the counter and noticed Min staring at him.  He looked at her and waved. Min looked back at Hyoyeon and took a deep breath. “Well…” She then walked towards Sunggyu’s table.  She looked at Sunggyu who was batting his eyelashes at her. She poked him and glared at him.  “Ok, what can I get for you.” Min balanced her weight on one leg.  Sunggyu glanced at his menu and leaned his arm on his table resting his head on it. “I want you.” Hearing those words coming from Sunggyu made her blood boil. Why is he acting like this?! She Lifted her hand pretending to slap him which made him react by Shielding himself with the menu.  “Tsk…” Min put her hand down which made Sunggyu put his guard down.  “I want the usual.” Sunggyu grabbed his menu and gave it to Min. Min took it and walked to the counter. “Unnie! This is table three’s order and Table one needs to be cleaned.” Suzy said as she was walking to the kitchen with a tray of dirty dishes. “Ne~” Hyoyeon gave Min a tray filled with finger foods and drinks. Min gladly took it and walked towards the table close to the main door.  “Here you go~” Min cheerfully said to the customers giving each of them their order.  Sunggyu noticed Min a couple of tables in front of him and he couldn’t help but stare.  He then noticed something blocking his way.  He looked at the thing blocking his way and noticed that it wasn’t a thing, It was the back of Dongwoo’s head blocking his view.  “Yah, hyung stop staring at her.” His ear twitched and started lisening.  Hoya elbowed him which cause Dongwoo to chuckle. “Hyung! Noona neomu yeppeo~”Sungjong sang. Sunggyu leaned closer to their table to listen to their conversation. “Yea I know.” He eyed Min up and down and slightly blushed.  “Don’t tell me that you like her!” Hoya smiled widely which cause Dongwoo to shyly laugh. Aish! No you cant have her! She’s mine! Sunggyu then felt a sudden pain. That’s not good…He got up and looked for you.  He saw you cleaning up a table and carrying a tray full of dishes. Ok shes fine…Sunggyu sat back down in his seat. Min walked carefully trying not to slip or fall. She then heard the doorbell ring. Crash! “Unnie!” Suzy yelled from the counter.  Sunggyu and Dongwoo got up and ran next to Min. “Gwaenchana!?” Sunggyu and Dongwoo said in unison. They both looked at each other and looked back at Minand grabbed each of her arms. Min got up with their help. “Ne…aish…i have to clean up this mess.” Suzy quickly ran to the Employees bathroom to find a broom.  Min turned and bowed to the customers. “Chwesonghamnida, chwesong-“ “Tsk…same old clumsy Min.” Min froze and her eyes widened in shock. That voice…She slowly turned facing the figure that was in front of her.  His smile was the one thing that she noticed.  Dongwoo glanced at both the man and Min. Who’s he?... Sunggyu felt his blood boil and he quickly walked in front of the man and grabbed his collar. Min covered with her hands due to the shock.  She felt her heart tighten and she looked at her feet. Why is he here? I thought he was in japan?! Sunggyu clenched his teeth and shook him. “What are you doing here again?!”

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Must re-upload...chapter 1 and 2...why......did i delete them!!! ;A;


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Chapter 9: can u please update this story ????? :'(
WonderfulSayA #2
Chapter 8: Wow such a good ff, I really wish it will be update soon.
I really really wish you update soon, im like begging for a chapter update soon. Updtae soon, Sunggyu and min are really cute, I hope Sunggyu tell her soon that he likes her. :)
4everhite #4
Chapter 9: Aww, I wish for an update soon. Update soon, I hope school give you a break so that you can update. :D
Chapter 9: tsch i was in the midst of fantasy and day dreaming.. and it just stop because im being drag back to reality because the fact that this story isn't complete yet.. aish.. i hope that u can update soon.. ommo sunggyu oppa dont be sad neh.. im still here for u lol.. hahahahah i love u oppa saranghaeyo..... <3
Chapter 9: Asdfghjkl so awesome <3
update soon~<3
Chapter 8: There should be tough competition among sunggyu and dongwoo! Hehe
AnStHa #8
Chapter 8: Aww...Sunggyu, Dongwoo, Gikwang, and now Hongki...tough choices, but definitely not Gikwang. Though I really wish it would be either Sunggyu or Dongwoo :P
i love you ff <3 fighting !!! ^^
Chapter 8: and here is hongki..where is the infinite by the way...