Chapter 1

Stars out of Crosses

  It was a normal day in the lives of the students studying in the Woollim University of Performing Arts. And very normal for a particular student. Lee Sungyeol stood under the blazing sun with beads of sweat dripping down his head. He had been standing there for almost an hour.

  "Five more minutes, five more minutes..." Sungyeol chanted a mantra to keep him from racing around the college with his arms high up in the air and mouth wide open screaming like a begger does when he sees money.

  After a good six minutes, the school bell rang signalling the end of the current lesson and the beginning of break. Sungyeol immediately loosened up and started to stretch. A tall figure walked his way to the stretching giant. His brown hair was messy from all the exercise and for the first time, his nose was pink from the summer heat.

"Woah! Woohyun hyung, what happened to your nose? I thought it only becomes pink in winter," Sungyeol commented once his eyes landed on the boy.

  "It's too hot. So you okay? I mean you stood on the same spot for over an hour," Woohyun replied and asked in a concerned tone.

  "Yeah, I'm used to it." Sungyeol and Woohyun forwarded to the changing room.

  "Honestly, I think all these teachers are just trying to find an excuse to punish you. All you did was bend during the warm-up and Mr Lee went berserk on you. We were supposed to bend and stretch. What the hell was that?"

  "Don't worry. I get lots of benefits from it. Like...endurance! I'm really good at standing now."

  "Wow! That's so awesome! You can now stand!" Woohyun exclaimed sarcastically and rolled his eyes. "Who on Earth cares about that?"

  "Well, somebody must, right?" Sungyeol grinned with his gums showing.

  "Yeah, yeah...Anyways, wanna come to my house tonight? I'm havin' a party, maybe a mixer."

  "Eh? With girls? Oh! Oh! Is Yookyung coming? Maybe Krystal! Or Jiyoung!" The giant jumped up and down in excitement.

  "They're from other schools. But Nicole is coming!"

  "Isn't she from another school?"

  "Yeah but we're close."

  While they rambled on, the bell rang.

  "Change your clothes faster next time!" Woohyun scolded Sungyeol. They were hurrying to their next class, Music history.

  "Hey! You're the one talking about a mixer and all!" The latter replied angrily as he stepped inside the classroom.

  The teacher, Ms Kim shot daggers at the sight of Sungyeol.

  "You're late and talking. Can't you be punctual for once?" She gritted through her teeth. 

  "Sorry, Ms Kim! We----"

  "Not you Woohyun. Please return to your seat," She said smiling and turned her attention back to the giant. "I'm so sick of you! You don't even know what the Baroque period is!" Ms Kim continued lecturing Sungyeol.

  A pair of eyes looked with a curious gaze. He blinked several times to be sure. Why on Earth is that guy getting scolded again? He furrowed his eyebrows as he thought. Kim Myungsoo was seriously sick of seeing the same guy over and over again. He could almost swear he saw Lee Sungyeol more than himself!

  Ten minutes later, there was a giant outside the classroom trying to eavesdrop without getting noticed by the students and the teacher inside. Unfortunately, he failed. Myungsoo's eyes traveled around the room. He was infinitely bored and in absolutely no mood to learn. When he saw Sungyeol peeking in, his eyes shined a mischievous glint as he had found his new object of amusement. He watched Sungyeol taking notes and gaping every time Ms Kim talked fast and pouting when he couldn't finish writing down what she said. By the end of the lesson, Kim Myungsoo had decided to keep an eye on Lee Sungyeol. In case the latter was doing something funny.

  Woohyun and Sungyeol went to their next class together. They talked more about Woohyun's party and other random stuffs. It was dance class so they chose a random spot to sit on. Seconds later, the teacher, Mr Moon started the lesson.

  "Class, I have an important announcement to make." At that, all the students diverted their attention to their teacher. Mr Moon continued, "As you know, the director of this school also happens to be the CEO of Woolim Entertainment. The CEO wants to form a male idol group. I'm going to recommend two students from this class. Ms Lee, the school's senior music teacher will join me for the selection."

  Each and every male student sat in an uptight manner to show they were serious and ready to debut. They faced the door to see Ms Lee and three other boys enter the dance studio.

  "These three are part of the group and have trained for about three months. I want you to learn from them," Ms Lee said and stepped aside to let the boys introduce themselves.

  "I'm Jang Dongwoo. Nice to meet you!" The boy with thick eyebrows spoke first.

  Next was the boy wearing a grey hoodie and baggie pants. "I'm Lee Howon but please call me Hoya."

  "I'm Myungsoo but my team mates call me L." Sungyeol thought the last kid was mysterious with his gaze.

  The selection began. Some of them sang, some danced and there a few who rapped. Sungyeol wasn't sure. The more he saw others' performances, the more insecure he became. Firstly, a guy with tiny eyes and pale skin auditioned. He had a smooth, clear voice. His singing flowed with the melody although when he sang the high notes, it sounded a bit like screaming. After a lot more unknown faces, it was Woohyun's turn. Sungyeol knew his best friend could sing. He just didn't know that good. Woohyun's singing was indeed unique. It was strong but unlike most voices, it was clear and soulful. Next up was Sungyeol. He wasn't much of a singer. Or a dancer. Or a rapper.

  "I'm looking forward to your performance Sungyeol!" Mr Moon smiled and made a fighting sign. He was probably the only teacher in school who really liked him. He knew the hidden potential Sungyeol bore.

  Sungyeol's singing was shaky and he didn't bust his dance moves as clearly and precisely as usual. Mr Moon was disappointed and it was evident in his eyes. Woohyun watched his friend sadly. He knew Sungyeol had stage fright and struggled a lot with himself. Deep down in Woohyun's heart, he understood Sungyeol's brilliance and shine more that anyone else. However, it was hidden under that gummy smile of Sungyeol's.

  After much discussion, the two teachers finally came to a decision.

  Mr Moon announced happily,"The two students we have chosen are...Kim Sunggyu and Nam Woohyun!"

  The tiny-eyed boy jumped up and sreamed in joy. Woohyun was happy at hearing the news but a small part of him was sad his friend, best friend couldn't join him in the happiness. The bell rang again signalling the end of the one-hour long lesson. Woohyun had to stay behind and receive a pratice schedule. Sungyeol waited for him. Students poured out of the room. He saw the three boys leave last. The trio were chattering away cheerfully. Even the Myungsoo guy. Woohyun walked out of the room after what seemed like hours. Sungyeol's eyes lit up at the sight of him. They were talking about random things while making their way to the cafeteria.

  Before they knew it, school had ended and it was time to go back to their dorms. Night fallen, dinner eaten, lights out! Worries, problems, curiousity were all thrown away for tomorrow as each and every member of the school fell asleep.

A/N: Finally finished! This is going to be a 4-part story. Maybe...Happy week-ends, holidays and anything else eventful! ^_^





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I'm stumped right now. Want to update but dunno what. I really wanna upload a long and awesome chapter. So sorry!!! -Stars out of Crosses


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boy-ish_shawol #1
Chapter 1: This is so cool!! Authornim do update! I begged you. My curiousity level is brusting out of the roof of my house! ><
ligninqueenie #2
Chapter 1: Author-nim is this story still ongoing? I really liked the first chapter!
am so curious OHH
waiting for the next
oh, this sounds interesting! :3
I'm curious~
Update soon :D