- Eight -

Two Halves of a Heart

- Chapter Eight -
Falling Hard


Julia’s Point of View:

I was leaning my head against Yi Xing’s shoulder, feeling completely exhausted from our busy night out.  It had been a long time since I had done so much physical activity.  I knew I would probably spend the next couple of days resting and recovering from the physical stress of it all, but it had proved to be worth it.  Now I knew how Yi Xing felt about me.  I was still in shock over the fact that he felt the same way about me as I did about him.  It was more than I could have ever asked for… and definitely more than I had ever expected.  As the cab pulled up to the hospital, we got out and lethargically made our way towards the front entrance.  It wasn’t surprising that Dr. Kris was there, waiting for us with his arms crossed in disapproval.  His sharp eyes scanned my body, scanning for any signs of distress and I winced as he frowned deeply.  Then he turned to Yi Xing.

“I don’t even know what to say to you right now,” he spat.  “And I don’t know where you’ve been, what you’ve been doing, and at the moment… frankly I don’t care.  You better get your asses back up to your room and STAY THERE for the remainder of the night.”

He didn’t have to tell us twice as we slinked away and boarded the next elevator up to our floor.  Surprisingly, Kris didn’t follow us.  Perhaps he was too angry or maybe he knew Yi Xing would follow his orders.  Either way, it made me dread having to face my doctor in the morning.  I was almost certain that I would be getting a lecture.

By the time we reached our room, the two of us were completely out of breath.  Yi Xing was worried about me, and despite his own exhaustion, helped me get settled into bed.  He flashed me an apologetic smile before leaning forward and placing a lingering kiss on my forehead.

“Are you feeling alright?  Maybe we over did it just a little,” his voice thick with concern.

“I’m fine.  I just need to rest,” I reassured him.

He nodded before smiling gently.  It must have been only seconds, but I immediately felt my eyes droop, and slipped off into slumber without another thought.



Yi Xing’s Point of View:

As soon as it looked like Jewels had fallen asleep, I drug myself into the bathroom and quietly shut the door.  Immediately, my legs buckled and I slumped down to the backroom floor.  My breathing was coming in uneasy, yet quiet gasps, and I could feel my heart protesting inside of my chest, begging me not to do anything else.  Although I had never let on to it, this had been happening more frequently.  Each time it did, I mustered every ounce of willpower I had and calmed my sporadic heart.

This time, all I could think about was Jewels and the kiss we had shared.  Her lips had been so perfectly soft and warm.  I couldn’t get the distracting thought out of my head.  It was impossible to concentrate, so I sat there on the bathroom floor, left to the mercy of my body’s weakened functions.  Sure I could call for a doctor… but it wouldn’t do me any good. 

For a year or more now, I had already surpassed the point of receiving help.  Due to my heart’s rare genetic condition, there was nothing they could do.  So I had learned to live with it as best as I could, secretly suffering in silence at the increasing discomfort I felt with each passing day.  I hadn’t even told Kris about it, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to tell Jewels either.  They didn’t need to know.  It would only bring them worry and sadness.  I knew that no matter how hard I tried, eventually my time was going to run out.

Somehow, I found enough strength to shakily stand up and open the door.  Jewels was to her right side, sleeping soundly.  I stumbled towards her bed, clutching at my chest in a vain attempt to steady my heart long enough to reach her side.  Beads of sweat were already forming on my face, dampening my disheveled hair.  The moment I reached her, I pulled the blankets back and slid in next to her.  I lowered my head onto her pillow and covered us in the warm blanket, snuggling in next to her.  As I had anticipated, her presence had a calming effect, and I finally felt my body start to relax.  I sighed in relief as my heart finally steadied itself and I was able to breathe normally again.

I gazed in wonder at her sleeping face.  She looked so peaceful and serene… like an angel almost.  I had the overwhelming urge to touch and be closer to her.  I debated on whether I should, but eventually my chivalrous resolve caved and I draped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me.  She mumbled cutely in her sleep and I smiled to myself.  It was a shame that I would have to leave her some day.  Guilt stabbed at my stomach.  Would she be okay after I was gone?  Would she be able to move on?  Would she have the chance to live a longer and healthier life?  So many depressing thoughts and questions were being tossed about.  It wasn’t like me to be so negative, but I couldn’t help it.  I was falling in love with her... and falling hard.  All I could do was hope that the universe would give me just enough time to prove how much I loved her.

Please… give me just a little bit longer.       




A/N:  Sorry guys... just a short update today.  I also updated my other story "The Revenge of Twelve"... so I feel pretty worn out after all that typing.  :P  Two updates in one day is pretty good.  :)  Wish I could have updated sooner, but I had a bad week... lots of weird stuff happened (including a lady crashing her car into our building at work... thankfully no one was hurt).  Hopefully... this next week will be better and I can write more updates!

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8/6/12- TWO HALVES OF A HEART will be on hold until AFF is fixed! 3 of my stories have deleted/missing chapters!!!! >:(


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Chapter 8: this was amazing i still can't believe i cried
Chapter 9: ㅠ.ㅠ...I'm crying so hard now... it's so beautiful and sad... and it's freaking 2.12am now... and I'm crying my eyes out...ㅠ.ㅠ... Thank you for this amazing story author-nim... ♥♥♥
naznew #3
Chapter 9: Second time read but i'm still crying..
this was so sad, but it was so beautiful, this is so so good :)
reachforthesky #5
Chapter 9: too beautiful for words...

WAHHHHH! at least they got their happy ending even if they had to die :)

this story made me go from okay to smiling to having heartwarming feels to feeling sad to being giddy because they got together and then it went back to sad then back to heartwarming.

This was really beautiful and it took my breath away!! <33
I really love this story sooo much!!! ^-^
unicornmochii #7
that was really really beautiful. crying sobbing mess in the last chapter ;~; thank you for this sweet but heart breaking story author-nim ;A;
i can't even...
This is very beautiful. the words you used, the emotions, everything...
I don't even know how to put it.
it was sad and yet i felt happy to see them together in the end, even though they're no longer alive.
anw, i love this and you're a great writer :)
pita21 #9
Aw T_T...a beautiful ending for a beautiful story....thankyou author-nim ^^
naznew #10
Gomawo update. ..
Wonderful and beautiful ending...
I'm happy when Yi Xing confess his love to Julia..
I'm crying when Yi Xing die but happy he died with happiness when he see Julia's smile...
I'm smiled when Julia take over Yi Xing's position in hospital to make another patients happy..
Finally Julia dies and meet Yi Xing and Samantha in their own world a.k.a heaven...
Its sad ending but happy ending···
Great story..thanks for write this story..'bow'