May I Still Love You When We Stand Up On Different World?


God.. Give me one more time. I just want to fulfil my promise. God, give me a chance to marry her. 


[Sad song probably needed in my fanfic :D]




"Hello? Taemin? Where are you now?" I asked him while searching.

"Oh, I forgot! Please wait for me." I stopped my step.

"What?! You forgot our date? Oh, God. Come on, I give you 5 minutes, or I'll leave."

Now, I'm mad. No, I'm sad. I want to cry, I've waited him for 3 hours.

"No, no, don't, don't leave!"

"Ok. Hurry up!" I hang up the phone and walk to outside.

I look the sky, "Oh, it's a plane.. EH? WHAT IS THAT?!!" Am I dreaming? I pinch my cheek. No, This is real.

There's something in the sky..

HAPPY 6th ANNIVERSARY, Han Eun Hwa!!! Saranghae<3


My phone's ringing. "Yes?" I answer the phone while still look at the sky. 

"How is it? Like it?"

"No.." I'm crying. "I don't like it." I fell to the floor.

"Ah, really? I'm so sorry.. I just prepared it one week ago. I'm sorry. I will give you a big surpise later.." He said.

"Babo. You're so stupid. Why the hell I like you.." I wipe my tears. But tears keep came out.

"Eh?" He asked with his stupid tone. "Ah, seriously, I love you." I can't stop my tears.

He's laughing on the phone. "Yeaaaah, I love you too. Just wait for one year again, I will marry you." I smiled.

"Don't lie, Taemin. Keep your promise." "Sure!" 

Please, don't lie..





I’ll protect you, My love
I have nothing else to give you but love
That’s all, hardly valuable
Though I’m clumsy and am lacking
My love, my girl


I’ll protect you
Will you promise me just one thing
That no matter what happens
We will love each other
That’s it


Will you marry me? I do





-Marry U












I'm sorry for my bad english. I'm sooo sorry. Please comment :) This is my reaaaaaally first ever fanfic. Please, please, please, I beg you. Thank you soooooooo much! Have a nice day, fighting! 


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naznew #1
please update!!!!!
CinqLuna #2
CinqLuna #3
update update
shawolminah #4
so sad. update soon please.
atikarhm #5
@ImWeird : Yes, this is sad :( okaaay, fighting!
ImWeird #6
awww this is sad! why??? aishh... update soon!~
atikarhm #7
@SHINee_Baby : omo :o okaay, I'll update soon~
i am seriously crying right now...Taemin :((((((((( updateee
atikarhm #9
@minhae_014 : Well, that's a secret behind it, actually. Anyway, Taemin lost his memory, and of course he didn't know that he was sick, but just see in the next chap :D:D:D
OMO! Eventhough Taemin is sick...he wants to be an artist?!..XP<br />