Chapter 2

Living in with Byun Baekhyun

-- Your POV --

After god knows how long , my eyelids slowly opened.

* Uhh... where the hell am I ? *

I sat up from the big, comfortable and soft bed as my vision got clearer.

I looked around the room. The floor was made of marbles and the room was filled with classy gold furnitures.

"Omo." I jumped as I saw a guy using his laptop , sitting on one of the couches.

He turned his head a little and said , " You're awake."

He was facing his back , so I can't see his face.

'Who-who are you?" I stuttered.

" You don't need to know." he said and walked out.

I blinked a few times , realising that he just snapped at me.

* What 'you-don't-need-to-know' --*

I stood up and went out banging the door , then I only realised I was not in my house.

I lokked around and my anger was gone.

The house was so big , like maybe a mansion or a castle.

" Oh , you're awake." a person said. She was wearing a maid outfit.

" Come with me , you'll go bathe and change into other clothes." she continued.

I just followed her , because I don't want to get lost in this house.

" Wait , I don't have any clothes here. Where am I? Who's that guy just now? " questions came out of my mouth.

All she replied was , " You'll see later"

The bathroom was big , VERY big , like half of my house.

Some maids pushed me into the bathroom and on the shower for me.
They placed a set of clothes beside the shower place and a piece of towel.

I stared and checked out the bathroom for a few minutes.

* The water isn't poison , right? * I used my finger to touched the water , and it isn't poison. 

I sighed and went in to take my bath.

* Why did they bring me here. The maids don't look evil , and the house isn't somewhere secretive. Where am I ? *


Chapter 2 is up ! :D

Hope you like it , Comment & Subscribe ! ^_^

Read this 2 of my fren's fics !! :D

Byee <3


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mustaches #1
are you going to continue this?
Chapter 4: Update soon! Story is so good im speechless!!
-ximini #3
totally thought about kris when i read that.
EunKyung90 #4
I wonder why Baekhyun forced her to live there...And how did he know about her in the first place??? Anyway, Thank You! Update soon~
-ximini #5
that's a scary way to take someone. omg.
EunKyung90 #6
Oooo...Interesting~ Update soon^^
-ximini #7
Chocola #8
UWAAHH , why didn't I see you writing this at school !!?? *hits u a million times* T_T update 24/7 !!!!