The Time that Passed

Seeking the New World - Book 2 - Separated

Chapter 6 - The Time that Passed

Hye Young clenched the left side of her chest. She felt like half of her heart has been taken away. This wasn’t the first time she experienced this pain, but it wasn’t from her condition either. She felt emptier ever since she was released from her ice coffin and imprisoned in this place. The dark room didn’t help her loneliness either. Her power seemed to be sealed and suppressed, which would explain why she was still alive even after her Crux was manifested. When the Daemens entered her room, she didn’t speak to them.

Hye Young was donned in an elegant black and red dress, replacing her tattered outfit from the camp. Her long ebony hair was brushed and tamed. The dark theme made her fair skin stand out like light.

“Ja Young,” she whispered in worry. 

Hye Young never felt so alone in her life. Her anxiety began with the first dream she had after her reawakening. She saw a terrifying image of a dead Ja Young, impaled by that Daemen and left to die at the camp. Her eyes were still open while laying there. There was no life left within her. Hye Young blinked in her dream and her seemingly dead sister disappeared.

Hye Young’s vision transitioned to darkness and suddenly saw an ornate mirror facing her. It wasn’t reflecting her image. She saw Ja Young fade into the mirror and closing her eyes. Hye Young called out her sister’s name but the mirage didn’t answer. It shattered in a few seconds.

Hye Young’s tears started to fall down her face but she didn’t do anything to stop them. She didn’t move when the door behind her opened.

It was Wu Fan. “Why do I always come when you are crying?”

His deep voice made her regain her conscience. She hastily wiped her tears with her sleeves but remained where she was.

“I am telling you for the umpteenth time: the last of your family, your other half, is dead.” She gripped her fabric. “Why do you hold onto feeble hope? You know it well by now. I have no need to remind you every day.”

Hye Young didn’t move. She had no courage to stand up for her sister or herself.

Minutes turned into hours. Hours turned into days. Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Hye Young still didn’t utter a word to Wu Fan. She was still scared and intimidated by his presence. She felt like her energy was leaving her whenever he was there.

She was a coward - a shrinking violet.

There was nothing she could do to defend herself. She was weak and she knew it. And yet, she didn’t give up her kindling hope. 

Sweat drenched her short hair as she swung her sword in an intricate pattern. The cold wind stung her neck with some of the stands getting stuck. She didn’t let the sensation distract her. She danced within a shower of peach blossom petals in the middle of the forest. She let her feet glide on the ground and her sword pierce through the air.

She was Yin, for eight months, with minimal memories returned. Her training stalled her search for answers but her patience grew and grew. Hong Ja Young was sealed away inside her consciousness and the mirror, Yin, takes over to continue the path.

Tao’s words echoed in her mind as she continued training. You are the sword and the sword is you. Only you have control of your own strength. 

Yin kept her arms steady as her left hand held the sword and the Origin hand held the sheath. In the first few months of training, Yin tied the tassel at the end of her hilt to her hand. Now, it just hung free.

No other man, Argent or Daemen can take it from you. 

Her legs obeyed her silent commands and lent her body the power and momentum she needed. She slid on the ground, made a low kick and hopped up on her feet again. She stopped where she raised the blade to the sky. She went on demi-pointe, staying still.

Only you know your weakness and secrets.

She spotted a fully bloomed blossom swaying in the air and silently made the next movement sequence. Before the flower got too low, Yin balanced on one leg, extended her arm so that the tip of her sword would catch it and toss it. She leapt up and kicked it to the side.

Tao caught the flower and Yin landed safely on the ground.

The only weakness is yourself.

“Zhang Yin. Pass.” He let time resume. “Next time, you will be tested without the sense you depend on the most. Rest well and we will push your limits harder tomorrow.”

Hye Young was reaching her limit. She still refused to eat or sleep. She kept looking out of her window and gazing at the dark sky. Darkness was continuing to eat her away. 

Hye Young heard Wu Fan walk closer until he was a foot away from her back. They stood in a tense silence until she clenched her fists and said, “Kill me.”

Wu Fan was dumbstruck. “What did you say?”

Hye Young’s voice was raspy and shaky.

“Didn’t you hear me?” Hye Young turned around and locked her eyes with his. “Kill me,” she repeated. After watching Ja Young have that steel in her eyes so long ago, she wanted to use the last of her energy to fight against her sister’s killer. Wu Fan could see her tired pupils. She was indeed at her limit.

Wu Fan simply obeyed her abrupt request and his hands started to move towards her neck. “But I will tell you one thing before you do.”

His hands froze. Hye Young continued, “Even if you kill me; slaughter me; or abandon me, I will never give up on Ja Young. I’ll keep believing that she’s still alive.”

Wu Fan suddenly couldn’t move his hands. He took one look at Hye Young’s face and he suddenly sees Yin Fei, mouthing her words. Why couldn’t he give Hye Young her wish? 

Hye Young sensed his struggling and her eyes widened. What was going on? She didn’t expect something wrong to happen. Wu Fan mumbled a name she never heard. Given a chance to figure him out, she held his cold hands.

Unable to control her power, a fraction of phenomenal rejection flowed from her hands to his, trying to lift the dark power. When Wu Fan felt something surge within him, he flinched away. The two couldn’t express what just happened so they stayed silent.

“Are you...?” Hye Young trailed off.

She saw something dust off his hands as if they were slightly crumbling away. Wu Fan rubbed his hands together and avoided her sad gaze. 

“You’re undead.” Her voice was barely above a whisper.

Wu Fan turned his back in shame but Hye Young gently grasped his wrist. They both stayed still. “Look at me.” With much hesitation, Wu Fan faced her. With trembling hands, she touched his face. She felt something peel off his cheeks. It was dusty skin.

“What happened to you? Who is mocking the dead like this?” 

Wu Fan pulled away and stepped back. “I’m different than other people in this world.”

“But who resurrected you? Who wants to abuse your power?”

Abuse? You are mistaken. I am a boundless Daemen who is in control of their own power.”

“This person won’t let the dead rest until it is the end of the world. Please let go of your false purpose and be at peace.”

“There is no peace when the end of the Old World is drawing near. No one, not even us Daemens, can stop it.”

“You’re wrong. Please don’t believe in such an ill fate. If a sickly person like me can hold onto hope that is a size of a mustard seed, then so can you.”

Wu Fan didn’t talk back this time. “Even in the most darkest hours, something good will come. Will you wait for it with me?”

Hye Young’s outburst made her grow dizzy and weak. Her eyes closed and her legs gave out. Before she could hit the floor Wu Fan caught her. He laid her on the bed and quietly whispered, “I can’t control my actions, but I will wait with you. Let’s hope that this ‘good’ you believe in can come.”

Yin stood in the same forest but she had a black blindfold over her closed eyes. Her sword wasn’t drawn yet. She was waiting for the wind to blow the petals. When it came, Yin started the same sword sequence again. She was hesitating on whether she did her movements correctly because she couldn’t see her surroundings.

You can’t trust your ears.

She blindly looked left and right for some sort of clue, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see. Yin was starting to lose her focus.

Your enemy is in front of you! Why are you striking so aimlessly? Do not let your movements go to waste.

She continued the sequence with a bit more confidence and power. She stopped because she thought she sensed something in her way.

You can’t trust your memory.

Yin started to trust her instincts and skills. She turned to her right and leapt to kick into her outstretched palm. When she stopped on her demi-pointe again, she felt a flower brush against her cheek.

After pivoting away from her spot, she caught the flower on her blade. She didn’t move because she wasn’t allowed to drop the blossom. Slowly, she lowered her back leg until it touched the ground.

Do not relax until you complete the hidden tasks given to you.

Yin tossed it in the air, and kicked it towards Tao. The flower landed gracefully in his open palm. Yin landed on her feet and pointed her sword at him. There was no hesitation and she did not waver. She saw through her closed eyes and blindfold, resulting her in completing this test.

“Open your eyes, Yin.” She obeyed. Yin was four feet away from Tao and he had a little smirk on his face. He held out the flower and said, “Pass.” Yin sheathed her sword and bowed in respect.

“You grew well. You've come a long way. The last nine months training with me did not go to waste. Do not forget all the teachings I have taught you. Now, you have one last challenge to face.” He stopped and got into his battle stance. He placed his hand on his upper abdomen and a faint glow emitted from there. Yin stood back as the glow grew bigger and shaped itself into a purple hourglass-shaped crystal. He tossed it up and sliced it in half with his sword to summon his Crux: Hu Li the White Fox. It had three tails with red tips and stood proud by Tao's side.

“Come at me and my Crux!” Yin got in her stance and the two warriors along with the Crux attacked at the same time.

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Chapter 12: Speechless. What food do you eat author? You must be have an something-I-can't-describe-with-word brain!! Goddamn, this is the most fantastic fantasy story I never ever read<3 So much in love with ur story now:) sorry to not comment in each chap author, busy to scroll down and press next button keke-_- Fighting for everything you do now okayy?! ILYILYILY«3
Chapter 12: I gotta admit that your story is as complicated as The Hobbit and as adrenaline switcher as Angel and Demon. Well done, writer. Gonna finish all your books!!
ezbaby #3
seriously, my friends and i obsessed over your story,we made it known all over school. even people who're not that into exo are attracted. that's just how amazing your writing skills are. I'm so glad to be able to read this again!
Chapter 13: Wooow, what a story, of to the next part...
Chapter 12: THIS.. THIS IS JUST SO AMAZING /sobs uncontrollably
if this gets published into an actual book, i'll buy it avdnsjievwibxosv i'm looking forward to the next part ;A;
Chapter 12: WAIT. I AM SO CONFUSED. I need to reread the first book again. When did Kai become a Daemen? When he was captured? OTL I need to reread everything again, because my sleep-deprived brain is not functioning. At all.

But Yin's moral dilemma is difficult: she finally found Kai, but she doesn't know who she is...Can't wait for the next book :)
Chapter 5: This is so well written I swear I feel like im reading an actual book HWAITING! :)