I never thought I'll meet you again..

So Close
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Jess POV

“do you remember me Jess?” the familiar figure asked me

“S-Sooyoung?” my heart stopped as I saw her.. my first love..

“it’s been a while since I saw you.. where did you go? You disappear for the past few years..”

“something happened to my family…” I smiled slightly to her

“I’m glad that I could find you again…” she smiled widely “ah yeah.. I’m going back to Japan tomorrow.. my flight is on 2pm.. here is my telephone number..” she handed me some written paper

“you still worked at the same place? Still making some anime?”

“yeah.. I’m still working at the same place and doing the same thing.. how about you?”

“umm.. I have my work.. it’s different..” I smiled

“okay.. umm…. I really hope I could see you tomorrow before I go…” she shakes my hand and waved goodbye


I waved back to her.. I never thought I might see her again.. I drive home and starting to thinking about what just happened today..

“home sweet home…” I walked in..

Our house is not that big.. two floor only.. well three if you counted the basement.. we have a swimming pool and small garden for us to practice.. all high tech installed in our house.. uncle K brought us a parabola and installed it for us.. he even brought us a computer with 10 monitors.. the newest technology.. cassette, VCD, DVD, Diskette, all types of it, we had the machine that could play all types of that.. some hidden place to hide our guns and riffle.. CCTV camera to monitored all surrounding our house.. alarm.. and other standard stuff..

One big bathroom.. two bedrooms.. one living room.. one kitchen included the table for us to eat.. balcony.. and from there you could see the view of the sea clearly.. I love our place..

“hey sist.. I’m home..”   



Krystal POV

“unnieee…” I hugged her “where is my cake?”

“here..” she handed me one box of cake

“yey!! Thank you unnie…”

“I’m hungry…” she walked to the kitchen and searches anything to eat

“ I cooked some spaghetti earlier.. It’s on the plate.. I already ate mine.. eat yours while it’s still warm..” I smiled to her

“thank you…” she grabbed the plate and walking towards my sanctuary.. the computer.. to check what’s going on now at the Chow’s building..


I started to filming her blank face starring on the screen.. it’s like she’s having something on her mind.. she even playing with her half eaten food..

“the baker must be upset you..” I turned off my camera and sit next to her

“what’s wrong sist? What are you worried about? All clean you know..”


She looked at one of the screen with a confused look.. she raised one of her eyebrow.. I looked at the screen and feel confused about it..

“what is that fuzzy thing?” I pointed at the screen

“it’s a…. hair..?” my sister answered


It started to make some sense now after she pulled away her head that it’s too close earlier from the CCTV camera..

“is she that tall to reach that CCTV camera??”

“I don’t know..”




Meanwhile.. at the crime scene…

Amber POV

“hey you over there.. who are you?”

“umm.. let me explain.. I’m not tall enough to reach this ceiling.. so I climb up the ladder to see this hole.. this hole is really interesting.. it’s about 7mm wide and approximately 5 cm deep.. a hole like this can only be made by a very very sharp and strong thing..”

“I’m not asking what are you doing there.. I’m asking who are you?”


I jumped down to the ground and started to explain myself..

“my name is Amber.. I’m from the forensic department.. I’m new here..”

“ah.. amateur..” one of the other police said

“then.. what are you doing here? Go back where you belong..”

“*sigh* okay sergeant Kim..” I walked outside the scene and heading to the elevator..



“h-how did she know my name? who is that girl?” Sgt Kim asked with an annoyed tone..

“I don’t know..” one of the man said

“I do…” I said “she’s Amber Liu.. she just finished her training on LA.. she go back to Seoul to continue working here.. she’s the smartest forensic in this town..” I smiled to them

“and who the hell are you??”

“I’m Key.. I get assigned to be her assistant.. you didn’t tell me to go.. so.. I’m still doing my thing…” they looked at me in a sarcastic face

“okay.. right.. I’ll get going sir..” I walked away and searching for Amber..




Krystal POV

I switched into elevator’s camera.. me and Jess just look at her disbelief.. what the hell is she doing?? Why is she punching her fist through the air and kicking thin air?? Boasting her martial art skills?? Acting like she was being attacked by somebody.. and ended up by leaning on the elevator’s door on her thinking pose..

“is she crazy?” I furrowned my eyebrows..

“don’t underestimate her my little sister.. I bet she could get her arm around you.. I want to get some shower..” she patted my head and walked away from the computer, heading to the bathroom


“if she really that interesting… hmm.. let me know her more…”


*sound of typing on the keyboard*


I search for any clue about her when she still leaning on the elevator door.. hmm.. let me zoom on her necklace.. maybe there is some clue about her.. (a/n : this is how her necklace looks like.. I just search random necklace.. hahaha… hope you like it..)


it’s a cool necklace.. but there is nothing more than just an ordinary necklace.. hmm.. is there any identity card somewhere? Hmm.. Ah!! There it is.. I zoom on her identity card..

Amber Liu

Forensic Department

ID number : 31111217

Let me search at the Interpol database..


*typing sound*


“Password? Ckckck.. Interpol should really improve their system to protect their data..”





“let see.. Amber.. Amber.. Amber.. hmm..” I type her name

“Ah!! Hmm.. not bad for her record..” I looked through her profile “Hey Sist!! Her birthday is the same with you!!” I yelled to her but she didn’t respond anything.. she might not hear that.. since shower and sleep are her sacred ritual.. “no wonder she’s smart..” I mumble and found myself smiling like crazy looking at her on the camera.. her thinking pose and serious face.. interesting..


Jess POV

I was still taking my bath until I was spacing out.. I never ever thought I would meet her again.. Sooyoung… my first love…


I was still a fun ordinary teenage girl.. I have my best friend name Tiffany.. I still remembered it clearly.. it was Christmas in 2008.. she asked me to go with her to spent our Christmas holiday together.. and she said that she will meet her cousin on that Island..

“hey Tiffany.. why are you doing that? Are you in cold or something?” she warm her hand with a match

“no.. I’m fine.. I don’t want my hands got cold when I greet my cousin.. she may live in Japan but she doesn’t like cold weather…” she gave me her trademark eye smile

“TIFFANY!!!” someone from far away called her and waved.. Tiffany just ran towards her and hugged her tightly.. she pinched her cheek and hugged her again..

“Sooyoung.. this is Jessica.. my best friend.. Jessica.. this is Sooyoung.. my cousin…” she introduced us

“hi.. nice to meet you…” she shakes my hand

It was a fun Christmas holiday.. we enjoyed ourself.. Sooyoung be the photographer and we are her model.. she always look at me with a deep thought.. I saw her creation in so much amazed feelings.. when I was near her.. my heart always beats faster.. she feels the same with me.. Tiffany and I just spending our time together in so much fun.. since we don’t want Tiffany to be hurt or something because of our closeness, we made some silent agreement between us.. we never told Tiffany that we had feelings towards each other.. we promised to meet here again next year.. but something happened during that year..


“TIFFANY LOOK OUT!!!!” I yelled, I ran towards her to protect her..






I manage to grab her but that car was too fast.. Tiffany’s body was the first one to get contacted with the car.. followed with my body.. both of us got badly injured.. I had some broken bone and ribs.. Tiffany’s head was severely injured.. citizens around helping us and brought us to the hospital.. we go to the emergency room together.. I still had my consciousness a little.. I look at Tiffany that already completely unconscious and half of her face was covered by her blood that flowing through from her forehead.. last thing I knew was I already been moved to the other room.. Krystal and both my parents beside me.. I asked about Tiffany but they said she couldn’t make it due to her serious bleeding in her head.. I couldn’t say anything.. I couldn’t even cry.. my tears already dried out.. and the day when we supposed to meet together again at that island, I came there alone.. waiting for her to come..


“Sooyoung..” I gave her my hand.. she respond it and shakes my hand..

We’re going to the cemetery together.. she cried a lot.. she mourn.. I want to comfort her but nothing came out from my mouth.. we spend all day in sorrow.. and after that.. she’s going back to Japan immediately.. during that time I was lost contact with her.. and not so long after all scenes, my parents got killed..



*knock knock*


The sound of door knocking wake me up from spacing out… what she wants now?

“come in…” I said

She make her way in.. her hands are behind her back..

“they already transferred the money to our account…” she smiled

“what do you want?”

“you already know…” she smiled with full of hope

“no way..”

“but.. why you never let me do the mission by myself?? Why I always be the one who is behind the computer?? Why I was always be your assistant??” she whining

“first.. you’re not skilled enough.. second, you still can’t control your emotion.. did that answer your questions?”

“fine… you said that I’m not good enough.. let me try..” she pulled out her handycam and started recording me on my bathtub.. my body is covered by the bubbles.. (a/n : don’t get a dirty mind..)

“uuu.. you look so y sist.. what if.. I could record you when you’re ?” I closed the folding screen and grab my towel..



Author POV

The sisters was playing fight together.. the younger insisted to record her older sister with nothing on her body.. the older sister has a better skilled of course.. she manage to kick her younger sister out from her bathtub and throw away her camera.. but the younger sister had a good reflect too.. she jumped highly upside down and grab her camera.. she’s rolling in thin air to grab her camera..

“not bad..” the older sister give her younger sister a small applause..

“I will get you…” the younger sister now bite her camera so she could fight against her sister with both hands..

The younger sister finally could grab the older sister’s towel and want to pulled it off.. the older sister keep it tight for a while until she release it.. making her younger sister fall to the bathtub..




The older sister used the folding screen to cover her body and walked out from the bathroom.. leaving her younger sister taking her ‘bath’..



Back to the crime scene..

Amber POV

“this killer is really something…” I said when I discussed it with my assistant

“what do you mean by that?”

“she shot the guards on the legs.. it’s harder that you just shot him on the head or kill him…”

“umm.. what’s your point boss?”

“if you got shot in the legs, you can only said ARGH! And then passed out in pain.. no time to react..”

“why do you said ARGH! And passed out? Why it can’t be OUCH! And then passed out?” haish.. this little kid..

“let me show you…” I stomped on his feet

“ARGH!! What was that for?!!” he raised her feet and tried to reduce the pain


“okay.. okay.. I got it boss…” and we continue walking

“and she hacked all the system here.. you know that this building is protected by the finest security system.. she must be so smart..”

“ummm.. I got something that you might wanna hear.. this song is the one which interrupted the communication system back th

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Yellowjacket #1
Chapter 20: I recently re-read your stories. Please come back. I miss you. One lock Two keys still wait for you to finish.
foneall #2
Chapter 2: I think the scene on chapter 1 & 2 is familiar with a scene in film with title as same as you story (So Close). Are you write this story inspired from that film??
bizzle030194 #3
Chapter 20: this is awesome ^__^
im happy i found this
Chapter 20: i finally finished reading this story! i'm glad that you tried hard to describe the action scenes, i know it's hard :') i love that you modified the story (and made the sequel too!), because i really hate the scene where Shu Qi died while protecting Zhao Wei :'(

i also love Taeyeon's role in this story! she truly acts like a knight :D

i had fun reading this fic and can't wait to finish reading the sequel :D
Chapter 2: this is one of my favorite scene in So Close! imagining Sica as Shu Qi really made it better XD i'm really excited to read this :D
nice story, author. i missed night reading yr story. keep up the good job.
Omoo *wipes tears of joy You mentioned me though i haven't commented much as i wanted to T.T! I promise to do it on the sequel :D, I'll have a bit more free time now ^^! Will go check the sequel already :D! And i kinda know who that woman is ;P
by the way.. I already post the first chapter.. have a peek.. :D http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/271732/so-close-the-forgotten-one-sequel-kryber-soosica-yoonhyun-sunyeon

and I'll wait for comments from you guys about it.. :D
@ all commentators : please don't get bored if I make a sequel.. since it's really really out from the original storyline.. I will try to make that more interesting.. but it's still on the process.. please be patient.. :DD love all of you readers and commentators..^^