Chapter 1

Innocent Sorrow[HIATUS]


We can tell a lie with silence as well as with words.

Fingers scribbled rapidly in annoyance on the marred, once white, sheet of paper. The lyrics just didn’t sound right at all. Doo Joon wasn’t sure whether it was him, distraction, or simply the fact that he didn’t feel like writing any songs but had to do something for the time being until the others came back from the market. Lee Gi Kwang, Hyunseung, Jun Hyung, and Dong Woon had decided to go to the market leaving only him and Yo Seob to do nothing except wait.

It wasn’t his choice to stay home waiting until they came back but he had to write the lyrics for their next song and they had decided to leave Yo Seob there for good measures. Honestly, he couldn’t think of a reason to leave the guy to watch over him so that he could write. Yo Seob was more of a distraction than anything else and he seemed to be the only one to realize it.

Seob was lively and charismatic even when no one else was. He was simply the cutest of them all and he didn’t seem to realize it. He had an innocent sense of humor and open personality that could draw in anyone. It was the reason why he had become so easily attached to him. But as his overseer…he was doing a terrible job at it.

The man was sitting there flipping through channel after channel without properly looking at them. Half of them though, he could tell, were highly boring and barely possessed any entertainment. Whenever they sat down to watch television it was for something entertaining, but who would stop to watch talking animals and cooking channels? They were guys! What did they need the cooking channel for?

“Write, Doo Joon. Don’t watch me.” Yo Seob laughed clicking pass another channel without care.

Doo Joon rolled his eyes and flicked the pen at him which, although missing, landed back onto the floor a few feet ahead of him.

“Stop flipping through channels and then we’ll see how far I get.”

Seob grinned and pressed the “OFF” button, tossing the remote beside him and scrambling down onto the floor for the pen then rolled next to his friend.

“How far did we get?” he asked, handing Joon the pen.

Yawning, Doo Joon slid him the piece of paper filled with scorches caused by mistakes and, of course, his black pen. “Not very far.”

Yo Seob crossed his eyes and started laughing. Really, in over thirty minutes Doo Joon had managed to write on one line and it held a single word: goodbye. He knew that he could do better but maybe he just wasn’t in the mood for it. The song didn’t even have a title yet. Normally, the title was written first because the title showed that you knew where you wanted to take the song but seeing that there was none, he concluded that there simply wasn’t a thought to be formed at the moment.

“I want you to explain this one to Jang. One word in over thirty minutes…hey, that’s a new record!”

Doo Joon shoved him playfully and sat up, raking a hand through his flattened spikes. How was he supposed to explain that one?

Hyunseung was the only one who he told every little detail to. It wasn’t because he didn’t trust them, it was simply because they were more like brothers and the others were his sisters with the exception of Yo Seob. Yo Seob was much more than that but it was the reason why he couldn’t tell him every little inch of his feelings and thoughts. Hyun was someone he could tell everything to. Did brothers normally tell their sisters things? He wasn’t sure but if he had a sister then he surely wouldn’t tell her. The same principle applied to the band.

“Well, come one.” Yo Seob said, extending his hand to Joon who was still sitting on the floor, “I call snack time to rejuvenate your brain cells.”

Doo Joon took hold of his hand and pulled himself up to his feet and followed Yo Seob into the kitchen. Leaning against the island, he placed one of his feet onto the stool. He didn’t need a snack, he was sure of it. What exactly was a snack going to do? Yo Seob called it brain and energy food but he called it Yo Seob just wanting something sweet in his mouth.

The blond tossed him a popsicle out of the freezer and started to unwrap it just as the door unlocked.

“There goes snack time.” Doo Joon waved the still wrapped popsicle in the air at the door.

“Oye, Hyun! You won’t believe how far we got with the song today.” Yo Seob chirped teasingly as Joon eased his way out of the kitchen before Hyun could see him.

Gi Kwang shuffled in with a few bags as Hyunseung handed him the bags in his hand to close the door. He didn’t know how far he had gotten but something was telling him that it wasn’t very far at all. Yo Seob was a sure catalyst for destruction.

“Half of the song is done?” He asked clasping his hands with misleading hope.

Yo Seob the cherry flavored popsicle and shook his head.

Hyunseung’s eyes trailed from the vibrant man toward his friend who was still trying to sneak away without being noticed by his watchful eyes.

“How far did you get, Doo Joon?” Yo Seob asked, smacking his reddened lips.

“Well…you see…” he began to answer.

“Goodbye?” Hyung read aloud as he held the paper in his hand, eyebrow raised.

He wasn’t sure what that single word was supposed to mean but it surely wasn’t somewhere. The scratched out words showed that he was trying to make some progress but it still wasn’t really any progress.

“So much for leaving Yo Seob to oversee.” Gi Kwang remarked from the kitchen.

“Hey, I was doing my job. He just couldn’t come up with anything.” He pouted.

“The song isn’t due for a while so we’ll just make do with that word for now.” Dong Woon stated.

Hyunseung walked over to Hyung and took the paper out of his hands. He felt as if it was time for another one of those heart to heart conversations that they had but he would leave that for later. It was almost time for dinner anyway. He could save it for later then hear the back story behind it.

“You ever just had that feeling that something might go wrong?” Doo Joon asked quietly, arms behind his head and legs suspended against the wall.

“All the time. For instance, during our recording, I have a feeling that I won’t sing my best. Why?” Hyunseung responded.

If he said that he didn’t enjoy the role of being the band’s personal psychologist he would be a compulsive liar which was also a psychological disorder characterized by excessive lying. A person who lied excessively was a person who couldn’t be true to themself; therefore, a psychologist could do very little for them in his opinion.

Doo Joon looked at him in disbelief. “You really do worry about ridiculous things.”

Hyunseung simply shrugged. “What’s ridiculous for me might not be ridiculous for you. Same thing about you and Yo Seob. He can either tell you yes or no. Like I told you before, you’re afraid of rejection.”

“I am not afraid of rejection. I’m just-”

“Afraid of him rejecting you.” Hyunseung explained. He didn’t know how many times they had been over that one. It was almost like they were continually going around in a repetitive cycle.

“Yea, but…”

“Three words.” Hyunseung raised three fingers. “Get over it.”

The man rose from his seat and walked out of the room. Doo Joon simply had to figure it out on his own. Whether he was willing to have his heart broken and possibly lose a friend. He couldn’t stop that from happening and, quite frankly, he didn’t want to.

He and Doo Joon had been friends for so many years before they formed B2ST, yet the man never acknowledged the feelings he had. Hopefully, if he did decide to go through with it his heart would be broken by Yo Seob, thus leaving him as the only source of comfort. It was simply selfish, he knew it, but it couldn’t be helped. After all, the title of the song he had liked the most from the group was “I Like You the Best”.

He simply wasn’t going to lose to Yo Seob like this.

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10 months already~~
mariel-of-fantasy #2
Hiya! It's warriormaid15 from dA ^^<br />
I finally found time to read your fic, and so far, it's pretty interesting.<br />
So Doojoon likes Yoseob, but Yoseob doesn't know it. And Hyunseung likes Doojoon, but Doojoon doesn't know it.<br />
It think this will add some drama later on. <br />
Well, once you get your plot figured out for this, I'll be here waiting to read more! =D