Fallen Angel

He, She and Ego

It's a hot sunny day, a girl is cycling down the hill with her delivery. It's one of her duties every single day but today is different. It's busier than ever since her mother just got a contract for a cafe university. She have to double her work than usual. She stops her bicycle in front of a laundry shop and bring her lunch box along. "A delivery for Hodong ahjusshi." she walks into the shop with a smiled. "Ah, uri jajangmyun is here! Kumawo Dara-ya!" a round face, huge man dashed to her as soon as she called out. Dara opens her lunch box and put the food on the counter. 


"Here's the bill. Keep the change for you." he paid. "Kumawo ahjusshi." Dara count the money before putting it in her bag. "Ah, matta! I heard that your mother got the cafe contract and today is your first day, right?" he stops Dara as the girl is about to leave. "You heard? Hahaha... My mother's food is incredible that every inch of this town knows about it." Dara jokes. Hodong ahjusshi chuckles. "That's right." he agreed. But then his face changed. "Waeyo ahjusshi?" Dara blinked her eyes. 

"Ani... Just... You're the one who's having it tough." the ahjusshi mumbles. "That's what I'm trying to said to her everyday! But does she even listen to me?!" suddenly a middle age woman walks into the shop. "Haemi ahjumma!" Dara bowed at her. Hodong quickly hides his food. "Yah! Noe! Do you think I came here just to eat?!" she shouts. Hodong just stared at her. Deh!  

Haemi rolled her eyes. "Noe!" she turned to Dara. "Don't you have any pride at all? Ani! Don't you have any dream at all??! Look at the other girls out there." she points to the street where girls at Dara's age are busy with their studies, get involve with boy and friends. Dara smiled. "I do have a dream ahjumma." she replied calmly. Haemi shut but still feel unsatisfied. "I just need to work harder than.." she looked outside to the college girls. 

"That's right. Stop pressuring her Haemi-ah. Look at her condition as well. She wasn't like those ordinary girls out there." Hodong said to Haemi. Feeling guilty, Haemi exhaled heavily. "Mian. I was too angry at your mother and your step father that I step over the line." she apologizes. Dara just smiled. 

"Kwenchana." she walks out the door. "Ahjumma, ahjusshi! Come over to the cafe anytime!" she shouts as she paddles her bicycle. "Okay!" Hodong and Haemi just watch the girl goes away. 





It's not like I never thought of having an ordinary life like any other girls at my age. Things changed ever since I was a kid. I was actually once living in a big house happily with my father and step mother. My biological mother passed away when I was still  baby. So I never had felt the warmth of my mother's hand. All I ever knew is her name and her face which I barely remembers now. 


And so it happen during my 7th birthday, my father was annouced bankcrupt because his bussiness partner betrayed him. In the time of chaos and desperation my father begged for help to all his friends. But no one ever help us and no one ever opens the door for us. My pitiful father died when due to a car accident when he tried to chase his friend down the road. 


My step mother? Yes, I manage to live with her for a long time. No. Not because she love me. It's because I beeged her not to left me alone. I still remembered that day when she said it. 

"Fine! Let's live and die together! You!" she glared at me. "Don't ever complain how hard our live will be! It's all happen because of YOU!" she grunts angrily. She tried to left me on a bus when I was sleeping! Can you ever believe that? 


But that's all in the past. My step mother meets with somebody else who took us in. Both of us made our way through now. Well.... For her maybe... Not for me. 


I stop my bike and chained it to the pole. I rushed to the cafe with the lunch box. "Dara-ya! What took you so long?" my mother asked as soon as I reach the kitchen. "Ah.. I meet up with Haemi ahjumma." I replied short. "Where's the money?" she asked me. That's all she cared about. Money and her sly husband. "Here." I give it to her. "Next time come back early. It's almost lunch hour and we're going to be busy soon." she nags. "Aish... Stop nagging her for once. She's tired enough from the delivery." Chan Soo appears. I hate the way he looked at me. It gives me chill. I never once like Chun Soo ahjusshi ever since we meet. Jangmae is calm down. "Go and change your clothes, fast. We need to prepare for the lunch." she told me. "Deh." I replied short before going to the back to change.





Dara pull the curtains so she can change into clean clothes. A pair of eyes is peeing her while she was changing. Dara could felt the presents and quickly turned to her back but saw no one. She slips her new top and wears her cap and mask before dashing out leaving the storage room. Stealthily, Chan Soo comes out from his hiding place before continuing his work. 


"Dara-ya!" Jangmae stops Dara as she cleans out the tables. "Wae?" she looks at Jangmae with lunch box in her hand. "Stop cleaning. Send these food to the Director Kwon's house and come back fast." she ordered her. Dara exhaled as she watch Jangmae walks away from her after putting the lunch box in front of her. Without a choice, she makes her way out to her bicycle.


The director's house is in the university itself. So it wasn't that far. About 10 minute, she arrived to a huge mansion like house and park her bike. "Excuse me, I'm from the university's cafe. I was told to give this to the director." Dara said after the maid opens the door for her. "Ah, deh. Come inside." she leads Dara to the kitchen. "Just put it on the table. I need to go out, so after you put the food down you can leave. But close the door behind." she left Dara alone in the kitchen. "Ok." she smile and begin to serve the foods on the dinner table.


"That's about it." she finished up and looks around. "Wow, the director sure is rich. Wonder if the director is a man or a woman." she mumbles to herself. "Ahjumma!" a male voice suddenly greets her ears. "Get me a cold water!" he ordered. She looks around and couldn't think anymore. "AHJUMMA!" the guy shouts. Due to shock, she ended up grabbing a cold mineral water in the fridge. 

"Ahjumma!" the guy made his entrance into the kitchen with only a towel covering him. Dara hand him the mineral water while still hiding behind the fridge door. "What are you doing? Are you trying to get into the fridge?" he asked. Dara didn't reply. "Yah, ahjumma! Why are you acting so weird?!" he tries to see Dara's face but she keeps holding on to the fridge door. 


"Kyaa!!" she screams when the guy pull her out. "What in the world? Who are you??!" he startled in seeing Dara. Dara who realize that he's only wearing a towel turned around with red face. The guy smirks. "Are you our new maid?" he begin questioning her. She shook her head. "Ah... Then you must be one of my stalker then?" he conclude with made Dara turned her face to him. He's got fierce looking eyes and very charming look but something about him doesn't feels right. 


Dara scoof, disbelief to what she just heard. "Nuguya, chagiya?" a girl wearing only bath robes appears. "Ani, just some stalker. Yah! You get the hell out of here!" he shooed her. "What? A stalker?! In your house?!" the girl exclaimed. "Why are your house security so low?! You mother should have at least a better security system!" she complains while clinging to Jiyong. Dara felt disgust just by looking at them lost in their dirty mind. 


"Who are you?" a female in middle age appears. "O-omma!" Jiyong stutters. Both of them lossen their embraces. "D-director-nim. I'm...." "Noe! Get change now or I'll have you expelled by tomorrow!" the lady glared at the girl. Shocked, the girl dashed to change her clothes leaving just the three of them in the kitchen. "And you! What bussiness do you have with my son?!" she sounded very angry but not shocked. His son must have done it many times before that she is used to it now. 


"I came to deliver the food." Dara looked to the table where the food is serve. "I was about to leave." she adds. "Go." she told her. Jyong just watch the girl hastily made her way out of the house. The new lunch girl huh? He smirks. "This is going to be fun." he thought to himself.










Wow, it's been a long time that I plan to write this. 

but I got lost in my stories. Don't worry... I'll update all of them time to time. ^_^



Here's a fanfic for DARAGON fans. one of my favourite pairings. kekekeke... 

Happy reading Yeorobun! 

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This reminds me of Autumn Concerto which starred by Vaness Wu and Andy. I just hope that there will be a twist so it won't be predictable. I hope I did not offend you authornim. I am anticipating this story.
Chapter 2: jiyong, the BRAT
Chapter 1: Yay! Please update next week! ^__^
i want this! SUBSCRIBED (^__*)v
mikoh_lim #5
fields #6
Sounds interesting......
MYRAsaurus #7
i cant wait~~~~