|| Chapter Two ||

What We've Been Looking For

Italicized on the last part: Amber's point of view



It’s hard to believe, that I couldn’t see- oh, good morning Ambro.” The smell of frying bacons filled the entire kitchen as Victoria greeted Amber with her sing song voice. The morning becomes extra special every time Victoria cooks breakfast, and she always does. Today it was all-American; complete with a western looking girl cooking it.


“Still addicted to High School Musical? Vic you’re way past your teenage years, grow up.” Amber joked as she tousled Victoria’s hair, her way of saying good morning. But seeing as though Victoria will not make a move to arrange it, Amber arranged it herself, clicking her tongue at Victoria’s lack of care.


“Well well... For someone who still watches Power Rangers every Friday night, you are too confident to talk to me about growing up.” Victoria countered as she poured a combination of hot and still sizzling bacons and hotdogs on Amber’s plate.


Birds chirped in their veranda, the morning sunny but breezy, and a hefty breakfast laid out before Amber, this is what they experience when they both wake up on the daily basis. Amber walked past Victoria to their cupboard and reached for their coffee mugs; a plain black mug for her, and a heart embellished one for Victoria. She prepared their coffee, adding foam atop the viscous liquid.


Victoria tinkered with the kitchen radio but an ear-splitting shriek blasted from its speakers, making the two jump in surprise. It was a good thing Amber wasn’t holding their mugs when that happened.


“Okay Vic, just like every other day, you ruined my morning with that radio.” Amber said, her hands still pinned on her ears.


‘I swear Am I didn’t turn the volume up! You should really buy a new kitchen radio instead of wasting your money on your girlfriends.” Victoria stressed after turning the radio off. “I can clearly sense ringing in my ears...” Head scratching and ear massaging was what occupied Victoria after the ‘radio-tastrophe’. Amber made her way to Victoria, as if a reflex, she grabbed the latter’s hand and massaged it.


“What are you doing?” Victoria slowly opened one eye to see what her best friend is up to.


“Well for one, I am clearly massaging your disaster-bearing hand. And two, I am trying to extract bad vibes from your body.” Amber said with a chuckle. Victoria’s open palm changed color as the tomboy carefully pin her thumb on certain areas. Victoria’s eyes travelled from her hand to Amber’s face, expecting to see the tomboy booming a smile at her, but what she saw made her look at Amber intently.


Amber’s eyes are closed, her face ignited by her natural radiance and glow. The blonde tomboy started humming; still with her eyes closed and her hand on Victoria’s, massaging it lightly. Like an amused kid, Victoria just stared, transfixed with the beauty she is clearly seeing. She even titled her head to one side, totally lost in the flawless face in front of her.


Her features are too good to be true; it hurts just looking at her divinely created physique.


She had always admired the contours of Amber’s face; even when they were younger, Victoria would see to it that she gets to caress those cheeks.


She was enjoying the full view of Amber’s face up-close that she hadn’t realized that the tomboy’s humming had long stopped. Amber’s eyes slowly fluttered open and she caught Victoria looking at her with a simper on her face.


“Enjoying?” Her word brought the almost hypnotized Victoria out of her reverie.  


Those eyes. A pair of almond shaped eyes fixed on a flawless face just above a perfect nose.

She’s an angel.

She should be my angel.


“What am I thinking?” Victoria blurted the words out before it even registered on her still disjointed brain. As soon as the words escape , she waited for Amber’s reaction at what she said, waiting for what she’d might make of it. But the other blonde just looked at her and said, “How was I supposed to know?” Amber raised a brow at Victoria.


Victoria’s mouth opened but words seemed stuck on . Realizing that she may not control what she might next say, she just closed it altogether.


“Oh I know what you’re thinking...” Victoria stood rooted on her spot, unable to decipher how in the world would Amber know what she was thinking. She felt her hands getting clammy as she avoided Amber’s scrutinizing gaze, as if trying to bust her.


“...that I am such a waste to the female population. That a girl as beautiful as I am is unfortunately, a lesbian.” Amber said with a satisfied grin glued on her face. Victoria mentally sighed in relief, as if she was proved not guilty of something.


“Yah, I never thought you are that conceited.” She said, ruffling Amber’s styled hair. Amber groaned in irritation but still managed to offer Victoria an irritated smile before making her way back to her chair and to her abandoned breakfast.


“Would the massage from her majesty bring me good luck?” Victoria queried as she crossed her arms in front of her, waiting for Amber’s response. “I have the feeling it might come in handy today…”


“100% guaranteed. But oh, there are consequences…” Amber said before carefully chomping her food, totally lost in between eating and thinking about work. She carefully laid down her fork as thoughts of Hyuna suddenly crossed her mind. Her initial reaction was of course, to feel sad and bad about the relationship she ended. But she really thought hard about the real intentions of Hyuna, and as much as she didn’t want to believe Victoria, she knew she was right.


On the opposite side of the rectangular table, Victoria started humming a tune, and this got Amber staring, cutting thoughts of Hyuna altogether. Victoria’s eyes are drooped; a smile is evident on her face and even if she was clearly bowing, Amber still saw it. It was almost as if Victoria was humming at the coffee placed below her. Amber smiled despite the nagging thought of problems at work tugged on her mind.


“What was that song you were playing late last night?” Victoria asked as looked up from her coffee to meet Amber’s gaze.


“So you heard it.” Amber replied, with a faraway look on her face as she played with the bacon on her plate.


“Well the fact that my room is situated next to yours made it possible for me to do so. Yah, don’t play with your food.” Victoria added as she hit Amber’s arm to stop it from playing with her food.


“That’s a self composed song; and luckily, those ears of yours became the first ones to hear that masterpiece.” Amber’s grin broadened. They are always like this; offering small jokes to each other, being lost in their own world of small talks and affectionate name calling.


“I’m touched and zealously proud, your highness. My ears are now blessed with your awesomeness…” With a hearty chuckle, Victoria reached for Amber’s head and patted it.


“But seriously Vic I never got past that first verse. I guess I’m still lacking something…”


“An inspiration maybe?” Victoria queried before burying on the foam of her coffee. It was years ago since Amber stopped playing the guitar, it was a direct response to Victoria’s father’s death. He was a famous guitarist, and even if Victoria wouldn’t admit it, she felt sad whenever she saw guitars and when Amber plays it. Though she never told Amber to, she stopped playing altogether just to leave Victoria’s mind at ease.


“A girl… But yah, don’t look at me like that, I’m not on the hunt to look for some girl again, I’d give myself time. Just like what you said. But I guess I’d be able to finish that song only when the right girl came. Only then will I be able to complete it.” With a faraway look set on her face, Amber sipped her coffee, deep lost in thought.


Victoria ran her hand along her silky blonde hair, not commenting about what Amber said. She stood up and walked towards the sink, humming to herself while opening the faucet; she let the running water ran down on her hands.


“I better get going. I’ll see you later Vicky.” Amber placed her plates on the counter and reached for Victoria’s chin and affectionately pinched it, leaving a red thumb marking on her chin.


“And oh, Vic?” Victoria spun around to look at Amber. “Hmm?”


“May my epicness be ever in your favor...” Amber said with a wink before finally closing the door behind her. Victoria’s mouth broke into a wide grin as she took in what Amber said.


“And may you ever be with me...” Instead of feeling good after muttering those words to no one in particular, Victoria became troubled. Something is brewing inside her, and she knew full well that it won’t do her any good...


• • • •


Someday, I know I’ll find you. You’re too clever baby, but I’d soon catch you.

The second line of my song.

I know how pathetic it would seem if anyone would hear me humming to my self-composed song. It would seem like I was even promoting it. But after thinking about what Victoria said yesterday, I found myself engrossed in composing a song for that ‘girl that will really love me minus all that’, as Vic put it. I broke up with Hyuna, who in turn admitted her real intentions. I thanked her for that, at least she revealed the truth, but of course I despised her for it to.

I was used, again. I guess I just never learn.

I never got past the first verse, and as I explained to Vic earlier, I may be lacking inspiration.

The vast Korean highway is packed today, an impossibility I can’t adhere. Am I running late today? Uh-oh, I hope not. Cars are bumper to bumper, and the earlier breezy morning turned the sun into a raging ball of fire sending its rays biting my skin. The heat penetrated through my car roof and I suddenly found myself debating whether I should just turn the car air-conditioner off to avoid the inevitable nosebleed, or to leave it as it is.

The turn-the-air-con-off side of the argument won.

A large breeze of air pollution made its way into my nose after I rolled the car window down. I risked a look around the back of the highway and saw the huge crowd of cars impatiently waiting on my tail, impatient in the sense that all their car horns are being exhausted from too much fist slamming. I swear those people behind me is on the verge of exploding, they are all angrily shouting at the cars in front of them to move. Those that are in front of me are still not moving, and I am growing impatient by the minute.

Four minutes left until I become officially late for work, and unfortunately, I still need to travel a distance of 8 minutes from here to my office.

I turned my car radio on, and turned the volume up just to drown the cursing of the impatient drivers around me. I started to hum along with the tune, even if I never got any notes right since the radio is blasting an unfamiliar song. I didn’t care; I just want to drown the angry voices around me.


3 minutes left. I gripped the steering wheel harder.

2 minutes more. I pursed my lips as I sense a sweat travelled down from my forehead to my chin.

Tick. There goes my last minute.

“Arg!” I groaned in frustration; the fact that I was now officially late and the mixed angry voices around made me want to wrench my hair out its root. I breathed in and out, before finally deciding to embrace the foreseeable heat I will experience after closing my window. But if I wanted to rid myself of this entire morning catastrophe, it needs to be done.

As I was about to roll my tinted car window up, I glanced at the black sleek car beside my own. The person beside me was just about to roll his or her car windows down. I didn’t know what made me stop, but I did. I waited until the person inside roll his or her window down before I roll mine up.

It played in slow motion; at first all I ever saw was the mass of blonde hair, and then next came a pair of big and beautiful eyes; a pair that is clearly not like the typical Korean chinky eyes. My hand felt clammy as I gripped the steering wheel tighter, unable to move a muscle as I wait for the person to finally show herself.

The window lingered for a bit, as if teasing my anticipation.

Finally, a set of pulp lips.

Then and there, I found the peace I yearned for. Cliché, but yes, time literary did stop after I saw those eyes looking through mine.

She smiled. And awkward as it may have seemed, I simpered.





A/N: Some shared fluff is already starting to bloom between the two! But wait, who’s this girl that suddenly caught Amber’s attention? Got any hunch? Read on to find out who the girl is. And oh, I am listening to Day by Day of T-ara while writing this. *wink*

My dear eight followers, my mind is filled with nagging thoughts; at the start of my story I made it clear that this may not exceed 6 chapters, but after days of writing, ideas came bustling its way in my mind. (I'm still having troubles with fillers but I think I can conjure scenarios up) I am thinking of extending this story to 10 chapters or more, but I need to know what you all think before I do so. (I need to know if you think I should still continue on with this or no. LOL.)

By the way, I thank you from the abyss of my mind and heart for taking time to read this story.


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I accidentally deleted my drafts for this story! I'd have to rewrite every scene for the next chapters :'( BUT I'LL DO IT. That's how much I love AMTORIA.


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Chapter 2: This is awesome!! Amtoria~~
Update Author! ;D
Yay! Keep updating your stories! Even I didn't started reading this I know this will be GOOD, as expected from you! I surely can't wait for the updates. Thumbs up! :D
Chapter 3: Keep it coming,i can't wait for the updates :)
naruyu93 #4
I think that the girl is Jiyeon!?? Or Qri?!! O.o
They are both beautiful!!
naruyu93 #5
Yeah an Amtoria story!!!!
Nice fic! :) Loving it~
aloha77 #7
nice :) update soon...
Skyblueberries #8
Keep get inspired! ;) Looks forward to your Amtoria story ^^