Chapter 9

Paper Rose

“How was your class this morning?”

“Not as fun as dodgeball day.” Maya said as he fell onto the couch in the teachers lounge.

“That was a week ago, was is really that fun?” Aiji asked as he sat down next to the other handing him a bottle of juice.
“Mmmm well, not as fun as you.” the blonde replied with a smirk.

Aiji rolled his eyes as a small chuckle escaped. “Well you have to behave because we're at work.”

“what if...” he said as he got up and straddled the other. “We're really, really, REALLY quiet?” Maya finished whispering the last word.

Raising an eyebrow Aiji looked skeptically at the other. “Can you do anything quietly?” He asked poking the blonde's cheek.

~ ~ ~

“Ruki it's so nice that you could join us for class today, is your brother feeling better?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah, he's feeling much better thank you for your concern.” The blonde replied as he took his seat ignoring the curious murmurs and looks he was receiving from his classmates.

“Why is Saga-sensei creating excuses for him, we all know he was ditching.”

“You know that for a fact?” Kai countered as he opened his notebook.

“Well it's not like the goes out of his way to hide it. For math he'll flat out ditch even after the teacher has greeted him.”

“And yet, he still turns in more homework that you do.”

“You know, behind that cute and innocent exterior is a cunning and devious.....”

“Demon” Tora said joining the conversation.

“Yeah, demon.”

“Alright class today you’re going to have a work day, so go ahead and form your groups and get started on your Hamlet project.” Releasing his students to their task Saga turned back to his desk and opened up his laptop to play some online scrabble.

~ ~ ~

Opening the door to the teachers lounge Aoi was ready to enjoy a small break, from what, who knows. Frozen in the entryway with his hand still on the doorknob the physician couldn't help but grin at the opportunity he was given.

“This is gold.” he said to himself as he took a quick photo with his phone. Slipping the device back into his pocket the raven haired doctor closed the door as quietly as he could. Hanging out near the entrance to the room Aoi made sure that no one else would walk in on the two as they had a little private time. Giggling Aoi toyed with the idea of wrapping his tie on the door knob.

~ ~ ~
With twenty minutes left in class Saga looked over his computer screen, scanning around the room watching the scattered groups working on their projects. A Slight twinge of concern crept into his mind as he watched a group of four near the back. Wondering if more dragons would be making an appearance in Shakespeare. Stretching his arms and back before he stood up the teacher made his way to the closest group. Looking over their shoulder, he smiled pleased with their progress. Continuing around the room, he observed what two groups had, or the lack of. It was quite noticeable that both groups haven't even read the play yet. Moving to the groups to the back Saga sighed as he rested his palm over his eyes in disappointment as he did his best to resist the urge to shudder seeing that the dragons had indeed returned, though not in the group he expected. Sliding over to the second to last group (or for those keeping track group 5). 'At least someone is trying to keep me sane.' He thought to himself as he watched his best student working with his friends. After lingering over this group for a couple of minutes Saga dragged himself away from a place of tranquility to the last group. Picking up a rough sketch out of the many that were littered among the four desks Saga was relieved to see that there weren't any major alterations to the original story.

Doing his best to be discreet Kai lost all motivation to work on the project, leaving his friends to do the work.

“Hey Kai.” Tora called as he shook his friend out of his daze. “Come on Sensei is letting us out early today.”

“Heh, looks like he's already gone.” Reita said. “How was the dream date this time?” he added.

Sending his friends a serious look Kai collected his things and left the classroom. Grinning to each other the two boys followed their friend out of the room with a couple more jokes lined up ready to go.

~ ~ ~

“Maya you need to get up now.”

“No” the other said as he snuggled closer to Aiji using his lap for a pillow.

“Maya, I have to teach class soon.” he said as he struggled to lift the gym teacher.

“Now what do you suppose is going on here?”

Rolling his eyes Aiji leaned back into the couch so he would be comfortable, combing his fingers through the blonde locks on his lap.

“Could this possibly be the so called fraternizing I've been hearing about? I'm shocked Aiji in such a public place.” The new comer added as he placed his hand on his chest.

Staring lazily at the raven haired man Aiji continued to comb his fingers through the soft blonde locks as he waited for the school physician to finish his lecture.

“I mean what if it was someone other than I who walked in, they might not be as accepting. What if it was another teacher, or the Head Master, or worse...” he gasped “what if it was a student.” walking farther into the room he clicked his tongue.

“You done? Aiji asked.

“Yep!” Aoi replied energetically.

“Great. Help me then.”

~ ~ ~

putting his backpack in his locker Hiroto slipped out another bag. Shutting his locker door Hiroto jumped slightly as Ruki placed his hand on the brunette's shoulder. Calming himself down Hiroto avoided his friends gaze as the other looked at him suspiciously. Joined by the other two Hiroto sighed inwardly knowing Ruki wouldn't bring up in front of them...... or so he hoped.

Shall we?” Miku asked leading the way to their next class. As the boys gathered around they're cooking station, looking to his right Ruki scrunched his nose as he noticed a certain blonde idiot staring at him. Quickly the blonde's stare turned icy towards Ruki as he turned back to his friends. Ruki's own stare changing, he grabbed a sheet of paper, quickly scribbled on it. Crumpling it up into a ball and threw it at Reita hitting him in the back of the head causing him to turn and glare at the small blonde who had a smug look on his face as he brushed him off,adding more fuel to the fire as Nao would say. Picking up the paper Reita was getting ready to throw it back at his little pest problem as the teacher walked into the room. With a low growl his fist tightened around the paper. Dismissing Kai's concerned look he shoved the paper into his pocket.

“Good afternoon class I hope that everyone is ready to make some sweets today.” Aiji said as he tied his apron on securing it around his waist. As his students secured their own aprons he proceeded to connect his computer to the built in projector so the recipe would show on the main screen for everyone to see while they work.

Looking around he was pleased to see everyone was situated and ready to work. Clapping his hands once he brought his class to attention. “Alright, today we're going to start off with something simple and easy to fix if messed up.” he added looking at Miku and Nao with a smile, sliding his gaze to Reita. The responses from the boys of coursed varied with Miku grinning, Nao blushing, and Reita a blank stare as he shrugged his shoulders.

“Also lets try and keep the fires down to a minimum today, hmmm” he said winking to Shou who also turned a light shade of pink.

“Shall we begin? Today you will be starting off with chocolate chip cookies. The recipe is here on the screen. Materials and ingredients should be in the compartments and refrigerators near your stations. Go ahead and get started and I'll be here if you have any questions. Don't forget to start pre-heating your oven while you’re mixing.” with that said all students got to work gathering ingredients and materials that they needed.

The minute Aiji released his class to work his phone vibrated. Pulling it out of his pocket he read the text message he had just received.

*From: Monster
Told you I could be quiet ;D*

*To: Monster
Yep helps when your mouth is
occupied. Where did you get that
er anyway?*

*From: Monster
Wouldn't you like to know. ;>*

Chuckling Aiji slipped his phone back into his pocket and made his way to the students work stations to check on the groups.

“Okay. The oven is heating, we have our bowl, spoon, and ingredients. First we have to melt one cup of butter so it's soft.” Nao said as he unwrapped two sticks of butter placing them in a bowl so he could soften them in the microwave.

With the butter softened Kai started to add the rest of the dry ingredients and mix them together. “Hey bring those cookie sheets over here will ya.” He told Reita as he passed the bowl to Tora so he could add the liquid ingredients and finish mixing everything in.

Grabbing four spoons Ruki handed a pair to Miku; who had managed again to get covered in flour, also catching Hiroto in a light dusting. The two began to place small balls of dough onto the cookie sheets so they could begin baking. As they filled the sheets, Ruki, Nao, and Hiroto had a difficult time trying to keep Miku from eating all of the dough. He wanted to skip the last step and just eat. As Aiji circled around the room he smiled as he saw many groups also skipping the baking and eating the dough, it was one of the best parts of making cookies. He himself had to make a double batch solely because Maya always ate so much of it himself.

As the group finished up their last batch Hiroto took a peek over at the blonde only to see him frantically pulling a tray out of the heavily smoking oven. Quickly the brunette rushed to the windows opening several of them so the smoke could escape. Placing his hand on the shoulder of the pouting blonde, Kai started at the cookies Shou held in his mitten hands.

“I did just as you said.” the blonde sniffed. “I didn't touch the temperature and I set the timer for eight minutes.”

patting his friends shoulder Kai moved to the oven turning it off. Noticing that after opening the windows Hiroto hasn't moved more than an inch, he smiled at the small brunette noticing his want to help though Hiroto wasn't sure what he could do. Shou dumped the hockey pucks in the trash and washed the tray. Putting the tray away Shou sighed as he collected his things and made his way to his last class. Hiroto stayed unmoved watching as Shou walked out of the room with his shoulders slumped.

“Hey” Nao said as he shook his friend from his daze. “One more class yeah?” Nodding Hiroto took his bag his friend was handing him and they split to their respective classes.

~ ~ ~

“You won’t believe what I saw today!” Aoi said excitedly to his love and friend. As he joined them at a table near the back of the cafe.

“I'm always worried when he says that.” Saga said to the other as he took a sip of coke. Chuckling Uruha stood up to hug his love, then went to get him, his usual cup of coffee and check on his employees, since he still had a cafe to run.

As he was returning to the others Uruha slowed his pace as he saw the literature teacher's expression of shock and horror as his face paled.

~ ~ ~

“Well hello there cutie.” Miku said as he sat across from a young boy who was coloring. “Is there anything I can get ya?”

looking up at the blonde with a wide smile he yelled “Ice cream” excitedly as he threw his arms in the air.

“And what kind of Ice cream do you want?”

“I want...” Looking around the boy picked up two of his crayons and showed them to the waiter. “Dis Kine.”

“Let me see, that's strawberry and chocolate?” Miku asked as he pointed first to the pink crayon and next the brown one the boy was holding.


“Alright.” Standing up Miku ruffled the boy’s hair as he went to check on a few more customers.

“Whose kid is that?” Reita asked as he pointed to the boy happily coloring.

“Why do you care exactly?” Tora asked as he munched on some pie.

“Don't you think it's odd he'd here by himself.”

“He's adorable.” Shou said smiling “Wonder what he's drawing.”

Rolling his eyes Tora continued to eat his pie.

“Hey Ruki, your brother just ordered ice cream, is that okay or should he have something else?”

Hopping off his perch on the counter the blonde made his way to the boy. Sitting down next to him Ruki watched as the boy drew more squiggly lines adding to the colorful mess on the page.

“Ice cream huh?”

Without even looking up the smaller blonde nodded as he continued to color.

“How about we make a deal” Ruki said as he picked up a blue crayon and a sheet of paper from his brother's large pile. As he started drawing his own picture the blonde continued. “How about you eat the yummy dinner uncle Uruha made you and then I'll bring you some ice cream.”

“pwomise?” The boy said as he looked at his brother with large eyes.

“I Promise.”

“Okay!” nodding to his brothers agreement Ruki stood up and made his way to the kitchen to get the boy some actual food.


Yeah?” he said turning around.

“Can I have more drink pwease?” the boy asked as he held up his glass with both hands.

“Sure” patting the boys head before he took the glass, smiling at his brother Ruki went to refill his drink.

Coming back to the table Ruki helped the boy clear the table, putting some crayons back in the box before he could place the plate of mac and cheese and a small glass of soda on the table. As the boy started to eat Ruki put many of the drawn on papers in the boy's race car shaped backpack that had fallen onto the floor.

“Huh, I was actually worried for that kid. Guess he can be nice.”

“Huh?” All of his friends said looking at him with curious and confused expressions.

“You thought he was gonna be mean to Takeru?” Miku said involving himself in the conversation.

“Takeru? Wait where did you come from?” Tora asked.

“Duh, I work here.” Miku said winking.

“So is he here often?” Kai asked gesturing to the boy enjoying his dinner.

“No not often, two maybe three times a month.”

“Why, is he waiting for someone to pick him up here?” Kai asked still curious.

“No, Ruki picked him up from school.”

“Why?” Reita asked stiffly.

“What do you mean why?” Miku chuckled “That's his brother.” He added before he walked away.

“Wait what?! You mean Sensei was right?”

“Why are you so worked up about it, why do you still care?” Tora asked becoming bored of this topic.

“Sensei was right about what?” Shou asked confused.

“Where have you been?”

“Here. Should I be somewhere else?”

Reita sighed as he face-palmed at how spacey their blonde friend was today.

“You're here physically, not mentally Shou. Just what are you thinking in that pretty little head of yours.” Tora said joking. As the blonde blushed rubbing the back of his head messing up his hair a little.

“How is that his brother? That kid is cute, and nice, and everything opposite of that one.” Reita said as he pointed to Ruki who was talking with Hiroto behind the counter.

“Don't point!” Kai hissed as he hit Reita's hand out of the air. “What does it matter if it's his brother or not. It's not like he's causing you any trouble.”


caught off guard by the sudden out burst of the four looked at the boy who was obviously now done with his dinner.

“Hiroro c'om here pwease” he called again.

“Who is Hiroro?”

“Seriously Reita?” Tora asked in shock of his friends stupidity. “I bet even Shou knows who Hiroro is and he's practically in space.”

“Alright fine, who is it then?”

“Shou would you like to answer?”

Pulled from his thoughts as Tora called his name Shou pointed to the brunette who was on his way to see what the little boy wanted. “It's Kitten.”

“Whats up bud?” Hiroto asked as he sat down across from the boy.

“Why he sad?”


“Him.” Takeru said pointing across the cafe.

“Him?” following the boys finger Hiroto turned back around quickly. “I'm not sure, what makes you say he's sad?”

“B'cus he just sits dere, he not laughing wif his fwiends. Do you know why?”

“I don't know.” Hiroto said


“Why, what?”

“Why don't know?”

“well because...” Hiroto paused

“Is he Hiroro's fwiend?”

“ummm, well not really.”


Hiroto chuckled. 'Now I've done it.' he thought 'He'll keep asking why until he's satisfied, and if he's anything like Ruki.....I'm screwed.'

“You know” Takeru started. “If he isn't your fwiend maybe dat's why he's sad!”

“You think so?”

“Yeah! I be sad if you weren't my fwiend.”

“Oh you would, would you?”

“Uh huh!” the boy said confidently “Hiroro is the bestest fwiend in da whole world!”

“No, I think you are.” the brunette replied as he poked the boy in the nose.

“Hiroro, if I make him a card do you fink he would like it?”

Stealing a look at Shou, Hiroto smiled and nodded at the boy. “Definitely.”

“Hewp me hewp me!” Takeru said excitedly.

A few tables away Shou sat again not paying attention to anything his friends were saying as he watched the small boy and Hiroto laughing as they colored on some paper.

Shou wasn't the only one distracted that evening. Kai kept stealing glances towards the back of the cafe where his beloved was with his own friends. Pulling his phone out he decided to send a quick message.

*From Kai:
Are you alright, you look pale.*

*To Kai:
Fine, fine, don't worry.*

“ooh is that the family you babysit for? Are they telling you that Jr. can't sleep until you give him a goodnight kiss?” Aoi said laughing.

“One day you'll get what’s coming to you.” Saga mumbled as he put his phone back in his pocket.

Finishing the last detail, Takeru put down his crayon so he could hold up his paper to examine his work. Something he's seen Ruki do many times. The card was very colorful. The cover was littered with bunnies and puppies while the inside had stars and kittens. Takeru had even tried to make some leopards. There in the middle of the right panel was the message he asked Hiroto to write in bright blue crayon. Smiling wide the little boy handed the card to Hiroto.

“looks good, ready to give it to him.”

“No.” He replied smiling.

“How come?”

“You do it!”

“Oh no buster. You wanted to make the card so you deliver it.” Hiroto said as he blushed slightly at the thought of handing such a childish card to the blonde. “If that's all I have to get back to work.”

“Oh yeah! Hehe I fowgot.” Takeru said as he crawled on the table. “Danks for da Hewp Hiroro.” He said as he gave him a kiss on the cheek. Chuckling Hiroto picked the boy up off the table and set him on the floor. As he stood back up he blushed as he saw a pair of brown eyes staring at him. Quickly Hiroto made his way back to his usually hiding spot behind the counter trying to hide his blush and not bump into tables as he went.

“Hey old geezers, is there anything more you want? Like coffee.” Ruki said as he approached the three men at the back of the cafe.

“Geezers! Did you just call my lovely Uru a geezer?!” Aoi asked shocked at Ruki's brashness.

“No, because A) He's like ten years younger than you.”

“Closer to five Ruki.” Uruha corrected in passing.

“And B) He owns the place he can get himself whatever he wants.”

“So. You called ME a GEEZER?!!”

“Ding Ding, that's correct Dr. .”

“How come you’re not upset he called me a geezer?” Saga asked defensively

“Because you're his teacher. All of your students think your old.”

“How is that different from you? Your the school physician.”

“Ah you see I'm not in a disciplinary position. They come and see me and they relax and sleep. You make them work and give them meaningless homework. Also my dashing good looks and medical coat draw in their curiosity...”

“How do you deal with this?” Saga asked Uruha who chuckled.

“They come to me day after day with injuries just so they can gaze at my beauty. Take little Roro here.” Aoi said as he grabbed the boy by his waist and pulled him onto his lap. “He comes to see me almost daily with his hands covered in paper cuts just to see me.”

“I do not, let me go.” The brunette said as he struggles to get free.

“Ah, he's just too adorable for words.” Aoi said as he nuzzled the boys back.

“Stop that, let me go!”

Aoi, stop traumatizing my employee.”

“Oh! Sorry love.” The doctor said as he immediately release his grip from Hiroto, who got as far away from the creepy doctor and that table as he could.

“Man your weird.” Ruki said as he also walked away.

“Hey punk!” Aoi called after him. “Aren't you going to take our orders?”


“What? What do you mean no, why not?”

“Huh I thought 'no' was universal, I'm not taking it Geezer because its closing time.”

“Oh my.” Uruha said as he looked at the wall clock. “He's right, you are the last two here.”

As Uruha walked his guests to the door another server came and cleaned the table they had occupied.

“Hiroto, Ruki you two can clock out. I'll lock the doors after you leave.” Uruha called to them as he walked back to the kitchen to take care of some things.

After Ruki had his brother secure in his safety seat he watched as Hiroto walked down the street. It's true that he didn't live far away, and most of the time he'll just wonder around the city well past mid night. But that didn't change the fact that Ruki would feel better if his friend would accept his offer for a ride. Even if it doubled Ruki's driving time and took him far out of his way he would still do it without hesitation. But he also respected his friends independence In fact that's why he also took a job at the cafe as well. Of course he didn't need to work, his parents of course provided and paid for anything and everything. If Ruki was to be completely honest he would say he greatly admired his friend. Even though he was small he could do anything. Ruki's own reason for taking the job was to protect his friend, or that's what he told everyone. But, if he was to tell the truth, he took the job for himself, he's never tried to do anything himself, someone always did it for or at least with him. Even now it's not that different, here at the cafe he still has Hiroto to lean on but it's a step right. A baby one, but if you fall far its hard to get up. You need a little rock to lean on, not all the time, just when you need it.... you'll try again. And, if you have a supportive rock it will help you to keep going.

Hiroto is definitely that rock. He thought as he got in the car and started the drive home. As he drove, Ruki thought about the relationship he had with his brother. Although Takeru was only 5, Ruki sometimes wonders how different it could have been. If he never met Hiroto would he be more like his parents, never there, leaving his brother to be raised by the house staff just as he was?

Turning off the car, parked safely in the garage Ruki looked at the his brother through the rear view mirror smiling, He didn't want to think about that, as far as he's concerned, nothing would be different, he would still be there for Takeru, Always. Stepping out of the car Ruki quietly shut his door waving off the staff that had come to greet him. Quietly he opened the back door, first he handed the race car shaped backpack holding all of Takeru's drawing to a maid. Unbuckling the sleeping boy Ruki picked him up and carried him into the house. Refusing any help from the other staff the blonde carried the sleeping bundle up the stairs and changed Takeru into his bunny pajamas. Laying the tyke down Ruki ran his fingers through his brother's own blonde locks, moving his bangs off the peaceful face.

“Rui, Shou is pwetty, and weally nice, can I mewry im?” the innocent voice asked breaking the tranquil silence.

Chuckling Ruki kissed his brother's forehead. Tiptoeing out of the room Ruki turned off the over lights leaving the room in a dim glow provided by the bunny shaped night light.



Look at that two chapters in one night......morning, whatever it is for you. XD

hope you enjoy!

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MishaRen #1
Chapter 12: I didn't know there were alice nine fanfics on AFF! I'm n love with this story. No lie
Chapter 12: I like where this is going, but poor Hiroto needss some lovin'. Get your in gear, Shou!
Chapter 12: Aww Yay....wait.....what a tease in the opening!!! XD And I don't know what happened on that rooftop, but it seems I randomly showed up!!! I was stalking them....sorry.
Chapter 11: I love this story! I hope you come back to it!
Chapter 11: Ha ha it weird I really enjoyed Byo picking on Hiro? Wah......this story has come a long way. Will wait for ch 12 patiently. BTW.....I was the customer in the cate yelling "Fight Fight! Kiss Kiss!" XD
deathberry015 #6
Chapter 11: Love your story! *(Impatiently)Waiting on update!*
Mmmm I like the new adjustments. Keep it up!!!
Ganbare!!! I still love this story, so kepp going!!! Don't stop no matter how long it takes!!! XP