The Diva is on Diet

The Diva is on Diet

"Kibummiee~~ Let's eat together.. Minho and Taemin are waiting.." the eldest of the group knocked their shared bedroom door while trying to persuade the diva to come out.
"No way! I've kindly made those dinners for you so just eat them deliciously! You don't have to wait for me!!" Kibum shouted back.
"But you haven't eaten anything since lunch, right?"
"I ate. An apple"
"You'll get sick if you act like this"
Kibum, getting irritated because of the leader, opened the door abruptly and found Jinki's face right in front of him.
"Can't you see I'm already this fat?? If you tell me to eat once more I'm sure I won't cook you anything from now on!!" then Kibum slammed the door.

Jinki felt frustrated because of his dongsaeng weird habit these past days. 
Kibum said he has to go on diet because he gained 4 pounds.
"He's not even that fat. I really can't see if he gained weight or not" Jinki muttered in low voice while walked to the dining table.
"So, Key umma doesn't want to eat with us today?" Taemin asked Jinki with disappointed tone
"Yeah, he.." Jinki haven't finished his sentence when he heard the front door opened.

"I'm hoooommeee!!!!" Jonghyun declared with super loud voice
"We know hyung! You don't have to shout like that!" Minho grumbled as he saw Jonghyun walked into the dining table with oh-so-bright face
"Waaaahhh!!!! Meatballs!!" Jonghyun immediately stuffed one whole meatball to his mouth
"Hyung! Wash your hands first! We ate this too!" Taemin complained while hitting Jonghyun's hand
"Where's my Bummie?" Jonghyun said after gulping the meatball
"Bedroom. He won't eat with us tonight. He said he's fat and he won't eat dinner" Jinki told him with a sour face.
"Really? He's skinny enough. And I don't see any unnecessary fat in his body except his " Jonghyun giggled at his own sentence afterwards
"Go tell him to eat with us, hyung. I haven't eat dinner with Key umma for days. He listens to you the most.." Taemin begged Jonghyun as he swung Jonghyun's hand back and forth.
"Okay okay.. You guys go eat first, I'll take care of Kibum" Jonghyun walked to the refrigerator and took out 2 pieces of chocolate.

"Bummie baby~ Open the door.." Jonghyun knocked the door and it opened surprisingly quickly.
"What?? You want to tell me to go eat too?? If yes then get lost because I won't!!"
Jonghyun then pushed Kibum a bit so both of them were on the room then he closed the door behind him.
"No.. No Bummie. I'm here not for that thing"
Kibum's face immediately changed and replaced by his sweet smile "Oh really? What do you want then?"
"Nothing sweetie.. I just missed you so much.." Jonghyun said in a playful tone then put one of the chocolates in his hand inside his mouth and started to chew it in front of Kibum.

Jonghyun knows Kibum loves chocolate so much that he can't resist himself from eating it.
"Don't be a jerk Jjong. Don't eat those in front of me anymore!" Kibum stared at Jonghyun who still chewing the chocolate deliciously.
"Really? I didn’t know you don’t want chocolate now.." He put another one between his teeth and smiled widely at Kibum
"Who said I want it? It has so much sugar on it and a lot of calories, I'll get more fat if.."
Jonghyun quickly silenced Kibum by moved his head closer so the chocolate between his teeth met Kibum's lips.
Kibum, who surprised because he just almost ate the chocolate yelled at Jonghyun
"Don't make me eat that, Dino! I'm serious!" as giving Jonghyun a death glare
"I'm serious too, baby" then Jonghyun closed the gap between them again and locked his lips to Kibum's
Kibum tried to pull away but Jonghyun held him tight so he couldn't move, he didn't want to eat the chocolate but Jonghyun transferred the chocolate to his mouth.
Actually Kibum loves this so much, eating his favorite chocolate in his lips’ favorite place. But he has to lose his weight so he doesn’t really enjoy the kiss.
So in the end Kibum had no choice but ate those chocolate because knew Jonghyun wouldn't let him go if he didn't eat the chocolate.
"Like it, babe?" Jonghyun smirked after he pulled away from Kibum
"My ! You ruined my diet you know!!"
"Aww.. I'm sorry baby.. I just want to eat the chocolate with you"
"I have to lose 4 pounds you know! I'll look like an ahjuma if I don't!!"
"Who say that?? You're always beautiful you know?"
"I know I am. But look at me now! I have stomach fat!"

Jonghyun knew if he continued that conversation, he would end up losing against the diva, so he kissed Kibum once more to seal him from saying anything else. The kiss last long enough until Kibum pushed Jonghyun away.
“You don’t have to go on diet you know? I always love you whatever you look like, baby”
“Really? Even if I’m as fat as Big Momma you’ll love me?”
“Of course Bummie”
Kibum chuckled at his boyfriend’s statement and gave him a peck on the lips
“Now, forget about your diet thing and let’s eat dinner together”
“Okay Jjongie”

After that, they walked out of the bedroom, Jonghyun’s hand was on Kibum’s waist, and they walked to the dining room. But they found the dinner on the dining table has gone completely.
“Yaaah!! Why don’t you guys left some for Bummie and me??” Jonghyun shouted, a bit angry
“You said we can eat first, so we ate. I didn’t think you want to eat too” Jinki made an apologizing tone as he put a i'm-really-sorry face while the two maknaes are laughing.

"These people.."

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Chapter 1: Hahaha... I really like how Jjong forced Kibum to eat the chocolate... naughty x) ... i love this!
aww that naughty... <3 loved it author ssi... he hee... JongKey, you guys can eat eachother tonight... <3
haha! just as he got key to come and eat!!! <3

This was so cute! You should make a sequel

lol Key always follows in the end. keke
susumiya08 #5
hahaha only jjong can make key eat!!! so sweet ^_^
jongpeeniekeynips #6
so cute, fluffy and funny xD
ya! how can you made fics like this >,<
i love you~ thx for this :D
jongkey248 #8
Hehehe that was cute