That Red Bunny ^o^

That Red Bunny ^o^



You snuggled up in your blanket to muffle your sobs while you waited for the door bell to ring or a knock at the door. But shockingly. it was neither. Insted, he swung your bedroom door open "What's wrong?! What happened?". 

About 20 minutes ago, you called up uoir bestfriend, Yongguk, crying. Your boyfriend had just dumped you and you were feeling terrible. 

"H-he dumped me." you chocked out before sobbing some more. Yongguk's expression went from panic to worry.

"______.... You..." he stuttered. In a fit of instinct, you jumped up and threw your arms around his waist. "just stay with me for a while..." you said, half sobbing. He slowly brought his arms around your head and gently stoked your hair. "You don't need him. You can do a lot better, I know. Please don't be upset about this... It hurts to see you like this..." He said softly. Even though it was somewhat cheesy, it made you feel a lot better to hear that come out of his mouth. 

"Okay... You're the only guy I need, right?" You lifted your head up to look at him and smiled. He shot you one of his half-smirks  and looked away slightly. You put your head back down on his chest and squeezed him a bit tighter. You heard his heart beat so close to you. You could hear it pounding like drums in his chest. You lifted your head slightly.

"O-oppa..." you stuttered. "your heart beat..." you put your hand on his chest as his face turned bright pink. His heart pounded faster and faster as you gazed up into his eyes. "do you... like me?" You said instinctively.

"Why else would my heard beat like this everytime you look at me?" He said deeply, his face still bright pink and his lips still curved into a half smirk. "It's okay if you don't like me back, I-" You cut him off by pressing his hand onto your chest, over your heart. It was beatinf just as fast as his. You could feel it speed up as his face lit up with joy and he smiled that wide smile you love so much.

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Chapter 1: Such a short story~ But thank you Author-nim ^-^ Keep writing and supporting B. A. P \(^0^)/ Hwaiting~ p(^-^)q
Aaaaa....I melted.....I know you warned me...but still.....(Oh I like Yongguk....and his wide gummy smile....^^)