Winter night

To the Birthday Girl: r3diavolo89 unnie!!!!!!!!!


It’s another cold winter night; the sky is covered with a dim layer of mist. Yesung waved bye to his best friend, KyuHyun as they parted their way home. He looked at the night sky, and wondered what is the man doing right now? As he felt the cold air kissing his skin, he pulled up his scarf a little, covering his mouth as he rubbed his small hands, earning some warmth…
He took out his phone, just remembering that he still have some unfinished business. Yesung reread the text that it has sent-ed.
“ Want to go out with me this Saturday? I will be waiting for your reply..."
As Yesung trying to think up another excuses to decline his offer, he decided to finally give the man an answer. He doesn’t want to run away anymore…. So many years he thought about the man's confession..
“ I love you. I would wait for your reply no matter how long it would be.”
Every season, the man would text him, asking him out for a date. Yesung, knows his answer to the question very well, but he is scared to start it..... and 7 years passed like this. Hurting the one he loved and hiding his own feelings, leaving his heart barren.
Yesung took a deep breath, inhaling some courage as he text-ed back his answer, he want the barren field to fill with love. 
“The number you have texted is not available anymore……” Yesung whispered the words appeared on the phone screen.
He whispered once more under his breath still can’t believe that it is true. The patience man had stopped waiting…… Yesung still can’t believed it.... that man had promised him that he would wait for his reply no matter how long it is.
He dialed the patience man’s number in case there is somehow a mistake... even though he, himself doesn't even know what the mistake is and what could make the mistake.
It went . . . and then a lady is speaking… the same words appeared on the text except replacing text  with dialed….
“The person you have dialed is not available anymore…..”Yesung let-ted out a low cry as the lady’s voice diminished through the obscure, dim air on the cold winter night.
He holds onto his anachronistic phone that he had for 7 years. His best friend, Kyuhyun often scoffs at his out of style phone that barely even work right and Yesung could merely just stares at the floor. He also wanted a new phone, but this anachronistic phone is the only way; the patience man could contact him, but now is the patience decided not to wait for him, he is abandoned again....
Tiny little drops of water streamed down his face uncontrollably, his heart aches. For the first time had he felt like this, like somebody is hammering his heart. It hurts....
The stinging in his heart is all Yesung could feel, he cried out loud, feeling that it would at least less his suffer, but he know the pain didn’t go away at all......
He can't blame it on the patience man, since he is the one who dragged on to this confession so long. Who would be able to wait for a person that declined every offer the other party had offered him and enduring the unsatisfying feeling that the other party had for 7 years?
He blamed it on his own arrogance
He blamed it on his stupendous thought: that he could take all the time he need cause he believed the man would wait for him.
He blamed on his selfishness that make the other party waiting for him that long. 
He blamed it on himself, his pathetic self.
As Yesung about to take out his frustration on the anachronistic phone, a strong hand turned him around. Yesung widened his eye as he realized the man in font of him. The man is panting with sweats.
Seeing the man, flabbergasted and frustration that caused by pain erupted. Yesung hammered at the man's chest as he whimpered, " Why are you here? I thought you don't like me anymore, Siwon!"
Siwon caught his hyung's hand as he begin to feel the pain on the chest. He gripped both of his hands and dragged him to the nearest alley. Siwon pined him against the wall and kissed him passionately, shutting his love one up from all the cryings. 
For one thing, he certainly knew why his love one is crying. How could he not know?
He clearly know Yesung's feeling for him since the day he confessed to him.
He knew that Ye sung loves him also, but isn't mentally prepared to start a homoual relationship. The mental state that hidden Yesung's feeling.
He knew that one day the three words that he longing for would come out of Ye sung's mouth that's why he dropped off the ridiculous words before he go.  
Siwon had rushed to Yesung's house the moment he dropped his phone on the floor that shuttered the scare connection. He is too well keen of what Ye sung's reaction would be if he can't reach him. All along the way, he had hoped that he would get there before his love one realized that the scare connection is gone.
When he saw a person standing beside the street wall under the neon orange light, crying his heart out in front of his destination place. He knew that he had found his target, and also knew that Ye sung had realized the lost of the scare connection. At the same time, he is happy that his love one finally realized his own feels but also pain that he made Ye sung cried. 
So he kissed Ye sung, taking the pain away and shutting his love one from further whimpering that disturbed his chance of explaining. 
Siwon withdrew as he felt the resistance on the grip is getting loos. 
“ Now can you listen to what I have to say?” Siwon asked blandly.
Ye sung looked at the man in front of him with his neon red check and nodded in ramification.
“ I was cooking at home and then I accidentally dropped my phone on the floor. The phone is old so it broke into pieces.” Siwon explained
Ye sung looked down on the floor, he can't seem to believe it. He can't seem to believe that a person can wait for another person for so many years. 
“ Why! Why did you wait for me that long? I'm not worth of your waiting. I'm a selfish person. I thought that I could take all the times I need since you would always wait for me..... I'm sorry..”
Siwon sighted and hold his beloved's hand and stared out to Ye sung.
“ Listen hyung. Let me re- confess myself again”I love you Kim Jongwoon.  I have waited for you for 7 years.  I could wait for you longer if you want me to wait longer. I would always be waiting until you want me stop waiting. Would  you go out with me or do you wish for me to continue waiting? ” Siwon knee down on one of his knee, took Ye sung's hand and laid a gentle kiss on it like a prince does when he is proposing to the one he loves. 
Tears trickled down his cheek, washing away the pain in his heart. His red cheek covered with  tears as he whimpered,” I'm sorry, I love you.”
Siwon hugged Ye sung as he say in a bland voice, “ Don't be sorry. I love you too.”
After that they both shared a mellow kiss and headed to Yesung's apartment....
A/N: I'm back like this monday, but got mixed into something. I apologize for my late update. Hope your guys like it!!! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Sry Trias unnie!!!! Btw lhappy ate, late, late..... etc. late b day unnie and I leave the after thought of what is happening in Yesung's apartment to your guys!!!!! XDDDDDDDD  <3
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401 streak #1
Chapter 2: aaah... Now I know >___<

bittersweet story! Love it! Upvote~
401 streak #2
Chapter 1: uh? what? why?

neverimind, I just realized there's still 1 more chapter XD silly me!
finally you decided to make a sweet ending, girl!! XD sorry for the late comment, Amanda.. and welcome back to you btw.. really miss my dongsaengs and this website :D
oh, you're being so nice now with Yewon, made them together in a sweet confession moment *giggled* Siwon even fell onto his one knee to confess his feeling.. why didn't you make him purpose Yesung also, presenting a red velvet box with a beautiful simple ring and instead of saying 'will you in out with me', he said 'marry me' XD hahahahaha, my fangirling mode..
btw.. i love you, dongsaeng.. take care of yourself, kay?! ^^
KcuLL22 #4
Nuff said!
yuyumunaw #5
hard to believe someone could wait for that long.. oh siwon i love youuuuuu haha :p
happy that after 7years yesung finally confessed his feeling T^T
great story.. i love it^^
The so evil author is back!!!!! O____O Oh people, Be careful and Go Hide Somewhere!!! >.<
And where is the for this fic?! Of course you would let us dream about it, you naughty naughty! è_é aish what to do with this child?!!!! >_<
But happy to see you back saeng! :p It's been since forever! I'm really lucky to have a connection for today! '^^^At least I can leave you some comments! :p
Hope you are alright through! :O Do you feel much better now?! Hope that you aren't bored sweetheart! ><

Oh and thank you really so much for the story, it's better like that! ;) Love it! ^.^

rayie_159 #7
happy ending.... i love this fic #giggling
hope U'll write moreeeee yewon next time
what do you mean with 'the vacation hate?'.. no, don't hate it, you should enjoy it. sometimes you'll need something that can make you off of your stupid daily routine (don't ever think i'd already forget about your blog).. you need to refresh your mind and enjoying your days, kay?!.. so please, relax and don't rush yourself, i swear i can wait forever for this.. understand what i mean, girl?!
and about this chap 1.. Yesung, he hang up Siwon's feeling for too long, what he was thinking? Oh God, 7 years? i bet Siwon loves him too much.. that made me glad and sad at the same time.. hope everything will work well for them..
Where are you going Oh So Young Amanda Saseng?! hihi :D
Appa will be okay for that! Just because you are still injured you little rascal! *Mouhahaha! She is always with Kibum, so if she said something hurtfully just know it's from Kibumie! :p The same think with me and Chulie! You know it's just complicated! Don't pay attention! And try to enjoy your vacation! >.<
I really want one too but instead, I'm stuck boring at home, so stop complain! :p

Oh between, did you make Yesungie crazy or something?! Oh God! Siwon really most love him so much! He actually wait 7years and he didn't let go, he was there till the end! WOW! *.*
Yesung should feel really sorry for him and he must apologize! Come one! One he thought that Siwon left him, he cried and feel so weak and sad! So, can he imagine Siwon's feelings for 7 YEARS?!!!! O___O
aww Siwon, you're my hero! I love yaaa! <3<3<3 What he did was really adorable, a so damn good amazing proud of true love! And it's just make me so curious! I wanna read more about these two! :D
Can't wait for your next update honey! Fighting! <3<3<3

Love yaaaa! *Kiss and Hug* <3<3
cloudy91 #10
7 years?????
That's long!!!!
But it sweet that siwon waiting for yesung's answer for 7 years...
I hope you'll update soon!!!