Clingy Koala

Moving On Can Be Hard But Worth It~

I tried ignoring the nagging feeling I had as I made it back home. My heart ached and my eyes burned with tears that needed and wanted to escape. He had always had that effect on me. I was paranoid, looking all around as I fumbled with my keys. I was hoping he wouldn't decide to follow me home for any crazy reason. When I finally managed to get the door open, I pushed the stroller inside just enough before turning around and quickly slammed the door shut and turned every lock. I finally felt the tears I had held back start to stream down my cheeks. I had never wanted to see him again. I jumped as I heard Sunmi start to make a fuss and then start crying as well. I rushed around in front of her and took her out of the stroller, holding her in front of me and cooing quietly. That's when it happened. Her cries continued as she reached out and ran her tiny hands through the streams of tears on my cheeks, trying to wipe them away. It only made me cry more as I hugged her, telling her how much I loved her and giving her kisses. 

After I calmed down, she seemed to as well. I quickly prepared her bottle and fed her before I started making dinner. Sunmi was screaming and making gurgling noises at one of her toys so I didn't hear the many locks being turned, the door opening, or the approaching footsteps. I almost screamed when I felt arms wrap around my waist. I heard Minho's playful chuckle as I turned in his arms to pout at him. "You scared me to death, pabo froggy.." He just smiled and kissed my pout. "Why did you have this place locked up like a prison, hmm? Did something scare you? Did someone mess with you?" He glared at the last question he asked. I shook my head quickly, knowing I couldn't tell him. "I guess it's just a habit of mine kicking back in." I smiled and kissed him reassuringly before turning back to the cooking food. His arms tightened around me and he kissed my neck gently, making me feel safe and loved instantly.

The boys returned home right as dinner was being put on the table and we all ate, listening to Minho's wardrobe malfunction story. I giggled and blushed when he explained how his too tight shirt had shredded in the back and revealed the long red welts down his shoulder blades from our session the night before. Of course only him and I knew the origins of the scratches. The children were completely clueless. After the three tired angels were put to bed for the night, we laid down in our own bed and I instantly snuggled up to Minho's chest and clung to him tightly. I laid my ear right over his heart and smiled as it sped up a little. I felt him kiss the top of my head gently as he pulled me closer and then he said the one thing I needed to hear all day. "I love you, Minnie. More than anything." I smiled as another tear slipped down my cheeks as I closed my eyes. "I love you too, Minho.. So much it hurts.." We fell asleep that night feeling happier than ever. 



It's been so long omg... I'm just now starting to feel better honestly. That Minho was the love of my Tae's life. But I'll give you a quick update on Tae. After the whole breakup happened, Tae was heartbroken. I was very close to deactivating him. But I didn't for the adopted children's sakes. Tae slept around a bit to try and fill the now empty void in his heart, but it didn't work. Finally, he talked to that Jonghyun that his first husband had left him for and he was introduced to a Taiwanese photographer (he's a singer, actor and model in real life) named Yuzhe Tang. He prefers to be called Danson. He's very sweet and I love him a lot. He makes Tae really happy~

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Also quick update about Taemin. Since Minho left, he's been sleeping around a lot to try and fill the void. But now he's dating someone named Danson. He's happy


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Beau1996 1381 streak #1
Chapter 5: Definitely some cute babies!!
Beau1996 1381 streak #2
Chapter 3: Ok - I think I understand now!
Beau1996 1381 streak #3
Chapter 2: So I can't tell if this is his ex or someone who looks like him??
2minJongkeyBiased #4
Chapter 26: Since i forgot the baby's ages can you tell me please?
I love this!!!
Chapter 20: I love when authors manage to put and fluff into the same story and make it work. YOU totally did it!
Chapter 19: This had me smiling as soon as Minho knocked on Taemin's door in the very beginning.
i like this story its so cute. i hope you update soon. :)