Vanilla ℒℴve ♡

''KIM YUNA''!! arent you gonna go work?? said big unnie.

'' yes unnie! im going ! '' said  I.

I bathed , wore my clothes  . comb my hair , took my bag and went out that door.

As usual, i'll be sitting down there alone and I will be waiting for customers to buy my vanilla ice cream.

To pass time, i'll be reading my love novels. The more i read all these novels the more i want to meet the guy of my dreams. But that will never happen you know why??? CAUSE IM A NERDY GIRL! and no boy will ever like nerdy girls like ME!

When i was reading a customer rand my bell.I looked up and coouldnt believe my eyes.This customer was a man. He was a tall,handsome,cute looking kind of guy. I said this to myself '' OMG !! HE IS SO CUTE!!! ACT NORMAL GIRL''!!

I said:'' HI ! sorry... may I take your order''??^^''

He said:''Hey! its I would like a vanilla ice-cream please''.

I was saying this in my head:'' YIPP!! his so nice and his voice is soooo XAAYYY''!!

I said:'' SURE''!

[ I scooped him some vanilla ice - cream ]

I said:'' There you go 1 vanilla ice - cream ''.

He said:'' Thanx! um..whats your name''?


I said:''owh! my name is KIM YUNA''.

He said:'' cute name..mine is Taecyeon I just moved in the neighbourhood''.

I said:''Its really nothing though/blushing.REALLY?cooL! YOUR gonna love it here the people here are nice and cozy''.

He said:''Im glad.OOPPSS! I almost forgot to pay you.Here $1.50 $''.

I said:''Its okay its on me today''.

He said:'' REALLY??? hey thanx ! your pretty cool yuna, hope to see you more often''.

I said:''REAL! sure''!

He said:''Yuna I need to go..nice meeting you''.

I said:'' see ya around''!!

[seeing him walked away was so sad to me,those 5 minutes of my life was THE GREATEST 5 MINUTES OF MY ENTIRE LIFE''!!!]

                                                                                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED.....

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Awww cute!! <br />
OMO!! i wanna read more!!
please update!