Why kai?

Why kai?

Kanon's pov:

it was just a boring afternoon...

me alone with the couch and the tv...

I'm not that kind of girls... I prefer go shopping, or hangin' out with some friends...

uh... but Minnie-oppa is appearing on the gag concert today, and I like those kind of shows...

I sat down, and waited for the show...

it's finally begining!

oh! Kai-ssi is there too!

Looks handsome as always ^^

too bad he's not coming to our house anymore... but I don't know why... why kai?...

after the show, I called my best friend

me: "hey! Sulli!"

Sulli: "Hi! wussup gurl?"

me: "not much, I want some ice cream, come with me?"

sulli: "sure! meet you at the ice cream store"

I ran to my closet and picked my favourit dress.

I walked to the store and found Sulli who was waiting for me outside...

Me: "sorry for keeping you waiting"

 I grabbed her hand and pulled her inside

we ordered some ice cream...

she ordered the lemon flavour, and I ordered chocolate mint.

sulli came closer to me and whispered

"I heard Taemin and Kai talking about you"

my eyes opened wide as I heard those words.

me: "what? what did they say?"

sulli: "Kai is coming for a visit after the gag concert, and asked taemin if you'd be home or not"

of course, sulli knew about my huge crush on Kai, and she's been helping me to get his attention...

we took our orders and decided to go window shopping...

after a few hours:

Sulli: "I'm tired"

Me: "so do I, let's head back home"

we turned around to go home, but I suddenly bumped into someone and fell down...

"O-oh, I'm sorry Kanon" that person said

he knows my name? who's he?

I looked up to see him, and...


"that's ok, I'm fine" I said as I got up with a little help of him.

Sulli: "I'm late, umma (by that she means victoria) must be waiting for me, bye"

she waved goodbye and gave me a little wink

I blushed a little bit, then told kai that taemin must be waiting too.

"I'll walk with you" he offered

"worried about me?" I asked

"u-uh, you're a girl after all" he blushed

we took a short way to my house since it was extremly late...

it was a dark narrow path, with only some lights, just like horror movies,

Kai: "sorry about your ice cream"

ah! right! I was holding my ice cream, but when I hit him, it fall to the ground

Me: "that's ok, I don't prefer chocolate anyway"

kai: "liar! you adore chocolate! I know you"

me: "kekeke, but you're the one who hates it right?" (dunno if it's true or not)

Kai: "dae... eventhough I wanted to taste it"

me: "too bad, I have no more chocolate"

kai: "no... there are some"

Kai's pov

I don't know what happened to me...

I just couldn't hold myself anymore

I crushed my lips to hers, and her beautiful, kissable lips...

 but suddenly she pulled back

her surprised face...

her teary eyes, made me feel guilty...

what if she doesn't like me back?

"it's tasty" I said then I ran away


Kanon's pov:

I was totally shocked, I entered the house... SHOKED

I entered my room... STILL SHOCKED

I touched my lips...

"K-kai... why?"

my phone suddenly viberated as I recieved a message

from: Kai

can't sleep, thinking about our kiss

I blushed even harder, then texted him back

from: kanonbeauty

I can't sleep either... Kai...I'm shocked

from: kai

I wanna see you... open the skype

I grabbed my laptop and set it on my lap, then checked my hair, and opened the skype.

I saw his confused face on the screen... I felt like kissing him again, but now..
he has to explain some stuff...

Kai: "I-I missed you already..."

Me: "kai... you need to tell me somethin' "

kai looked away and bit his lower lip.

I held the water glass beside me, but I was shaking so hard, so it broke in my hand


 in less than 3 minutes, Kai was knocking our door.

Taemin opened up
"kai? what are you..." and he was cut off by kai yelling


he entered my room to see my bloody hand and the broken glass

Kai: "I'm s-so sorry"

then he bowed down and collected the shattered peices of glass, then went to the kitchen and got the first aid kit...

he slowly grabbed my hand and started covering it.

"does it hurt? tell me"  he asked

"just a bit" I answered

he looked at me and said

"do you know kanon... I love you..."

he continued

"I've always loved you since I was a trainee, and I stopped coming to your house, because I started to realise that you're a beautiful young lady... not a kid I can play with anymore"

tears started rolling down from my eyes

"I-I love you too kai... but I just couldn't think that an idol like you will ever..."

I was cut off by him putting his index finger on my lips

"don't ever say that again..."

then he pulled me closer and pecked my lips

"ehm" Taemin said from behind Kai

"she's my sister you know, you can't kiss her in front of me" he said angrily

"but she's my girlfriend now Minnie" he said with a sweet smile

the end




AHHHHHH!!!! tell me what you think ^^

hope you enjoyed this XD

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Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww kyaaaaaaaaa so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^
Chapter 1: hahaha your endings are always the best.
thanks for reading ^^
>//< <3
cupcakesvanilla #5
So cute *blushing* <3
Sooooo...cute, simple n sweet ♡(●^―^●)♥, I will pray now so Kai will do that to me ​​​‎​​‎​‎​​‎​‎​​みϱ"̮みϱ"̮みϱ"̮みϱ (⌒˛⌒)╯
kekeke ^^ I'm thinking of making a "part II" what do you think??
LOL oh Taemin don't be such a er :p
kamsa ^^ hope you liked it ^^
chacha94 #10
It was really nice. :)