Ice Cream Boy

Ice Cream Boy~♥ {Oneshot}

Minho’s POV

I woke up in the morning as usual, tired still out of my mind. I hate mornings so much. I stretched and trudged into the bathroom with my phone. I noticed it had a bunch of texts.

Guess what?! They put new flavors!

It was from my best friend Jonghyun. What he means from this text is that they put new flavors of ice cream in our favorite ice cream shop. We always go there; we always have since we were kids.  Every time they put out new flavors, we must go. I decided to text him back:

Alright, let’s meet up there.

I sighed and put my phone down, stretching one last time before showering and brushing my teeth.


I got to the ice cream shop before Jonghyun so I decided to just go inside and sit. I was looking forward to seeing Krystal; she’s the only one who knows me and Jonghyun and how we love to come here. I walked in ready to say hi to her, but instead, I see…this boy.

‘’Hello! Welcome.’’ He said sweetly smiling brightly.

The shop was really busy. I wonder why. Maybe it was because of this incredibly cute boy! I walk over to the counter. I told the people in line that I’m not skipping them, but just asking a question.

‘’Uh, excuse me?’’ I asked. He looked at me cheerily.

‘’Yes?’’ He asked.

‘’Um, do you know if Krystal is here?’’ I asked, my eyes not leaving his beautiful face.

‘’Uh…lemme check. ‘’Please wait for a minute!’’ He yelled to the line. Is he the only one in today?

He walked quickly to the back for a couple minutes and came back out.

‘’Um, she’s gonna be here in about 3 hours, that’s when her shift starts now.’’ He said smiling soon after that. That smile!

‘’Okay…wait, what do you mean ‘starts now’?’’ I asked. ‘’Well, I’m new here, so…the hours had to get moved around.’’ He said. I nodded slowly.

‘’And your name is?’’ I asked leaning forward. He blushed a bit. How cute!

‘’T-Taemin. It’s Taemin.’’ He said. Taemin…okay. Thanks, I’m Minho. ‘’ I said.  Taemin. I might just have a tiny crush on this kid. This new Ice cream boy.

About 10 minutes later, Jonghyun arrived.

‘’Where were you?!’’ I asked standing up.

‘’Sorry, my umma was bugging me about getting fat from eating so much ice cream. She just doesn’t get it! We come here to get ice cream, but sometimes we come here just to hang out.’’ He said. I laughed.

‘’That’s your umma for you.’’ I said.

‘’You don’t have to remind me.’’ He said rolling his eyes.

‘’C’mon I’m really craving the usual.’’ He said walking towards the line.

‘’Where is Krystal?’’ He asked waiting behind a lady and her two kids in front of us.

‘’Oh…Taemin there,’’ I said pointing, ‘’Is new, and the hours got switched around.’’ I said smiling still looking at him. I looked at Jonghyun after a while and he was giving me a stale face.

‘’I know you don’t like him.’’ He said.

‘’…It’s just a small crush okay?!’’ I said laughing. He sighed.

‘’Seriously?! You’re always falling for those kinds.’’ He said.

‘’What kind?!’’ I asked. ‘’you know, cute and fluffy.’’ He said. I rolled my eyes. That may be true but I can’t help it. I always do fall for those kinds, but I think this one is really him.

We were next in line.

‘’Oh, hi Minho again.’’ He said giggling. I just smiled. I couldn’t spit anything out like a big idiot.

‘’…ANYWAY, I’m Jonghyun. Now, we are usual here…’’ I let Jonghyun explain our usual while I take a long look at the cute boy. I think he knew I was staring because he kept glancing at me and shifting around. Damn, I think I’m making him uncomfortable. I looked away and he says, ‘’is that all?’’ Jonghyun nods.

‘’You’re so dumb.’’ Jonghyun said as Taemin went to get our ice cream.

‘’What?! Why?!’’ I asked loud.

‘’Keep is down…you’re so dumb! You were staring at the poor kid!’’ He yelled at me.

‘’Oh, I’m sorry, his face is just too beautiful…’’ I said looking at him again.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes as Taemin approached with our ice cream. Jonghyun gave him the money and nodded as a thank you. We sat and ate there. I wanted to.

‘’I think we should come here every day.’’ I said eating some. Jonghyun scoffed.

‘’YOU can. I’m not coming here EVERY day. We only come here like 4 times a week, you know that.’’ He said his cone.

‘’So what! Well, you’re right. I’LL come here every day.’’ I said nodding and I continued to eat my ice cream.


The next day I woke up a bit excited. I was going to go to the ice cream shop, the same time, to see if Taemin would be there.  I didn’t bother shooting a text to Jonghyun because I know he would think I’m stupid…more stupid than he already thinks I am.

I sighed and started my way to the shop. When I got there, I looked inside the window first to see if he was there. I didn’t see more than a blonde head at the counter, so I assumed it was him. I walked inside.

‘’Hello! Welcome!’’ He said. The same thing he said to me yesterday. I smiled.

‘’Hey Taemin-ah.’’ I said. I hope he doesn’t think I’m informal.

‘’Minho-sshi! H-Hi.’’ He said wiping his hands.

‘’Can I have the usual? Do you remember?’’ I asked leaning on the counter.

‘’Ah, y-yeah.’’ He said putting in my order. I followed him on the other side of the counter as he got my ice cream.

‘’So…you like working here?’’ I asked.

‘’Of course! I love Ice cream! And it’s just a small job so I’m making money.’’ He said putting in a scoop into my bowl. I nodded. I leaned over a little more.

‘’I-Is there something wrong?’’ He asked nervously. ‘’Yeah…why are you blushing and shaking?’’ I asked. ‘’Ah…N-No reason…’’ He said walking back to the register. I followed.

‘’Here you go.’’ He said looking down.

‘’Say, Ice cream boy.’’ I said. He looked up blushing up to his ears.

‘’Y-Yeah?’’ I smiled. ‘’….thanks.’’ I said taking my ice cream. I sat across from him. We actually talked until I was finished my ice cream. The store was somewhat empty, which was good. For me at least.

After I was finished, I said my goodbyes to him. Before I stepped out, I heard him cal my name. He called my name with his beautiful voice.

‘’Ah, Minho-sshi…a-are you coming back tomorrow?’’ He asked. I nodded. ‘’Of course. See you.’’ I said stepping out. I think I got him!


The next morning, I literally sprung out of bed, and hurried myself up to go and see Taemin. I walked there as fast as I could. I saw him waiting patiently at the counter when I walked in. The place was empty again, except for one lady eating a cone in the back.

‘’Taemin!’’ I yelled. He smiled. His face lit up.

‘’Hyung! I-I mean...’’ He blushed. I ruffled his hair.

‘’You can call me hyung. How are you?’’ I asked him. He smiled.

‘’Great! I’m so glad you came, I was getting bored.’’ He puffed his cheeks. I laughed.

‘’Well I’m here now!’’ I said.

‘’Want the usual?’’ He asked.

‘’No…say Taemin…how about we go out?’’ I asked. That came out wrong. Damn! I want him to think go out for lunch or something, not go out as it…date! I mentally slapped myself as Taemin blushed.

‘’W-What do you mean?’’ He asked looking into my eyes.

‘’I mean for lunch or something, t-tomorrow, since it’s the weekend.’’ I explained. I started to blush. Dammit! This never happens!

‘’Oh…sure! Of course! Same time?’’ He asked. Yes!

‘’Yep! Same time.’’ I said. We talked for like the whole day. I couldn’t get enough of him. I loved seeing his laugh and smile. Hearing his voice…I think I love this kid.


The next day, I met Taemin outside of the ice cream shop. Before I arrived though, I made sure I looked the BEST. I saw him sitting on a bench outside of the shop.

‘’Hey Tae.’’ I said. He stood up.

‘’Minho!’’ He said hugging me. I laughed.

‘’Ready to go?’’ I asked. He nodded.  We ate lunch at a café, and decided to walk around in the park, and do other stuff. It seemed like we couldn’t get enough of each other.

It continued to be like this for days. Days that turned into weeks, weeks that turned into months. We grew attached to each other, just from a simple ice cream shop. On the days when Jonghyun came, Taemin and he became good friends, but we just kept becoming GREAT friends.

I couldn’t take it anymore though, I wanted him to be my boyfriend, I just had to! I couldn’t wait anymore. So when I met up with him again for lunch, I decided to ask him. It was after we ate, and we were sitting on a bench in the park. Jonghyun wasn’t there.

‘’…Taemin-ah?’’ I said looking at him.

‘’Yeah?’’ He asked looking back at me. ‘’…do you…wanna go out?’’ I asked. I mean the other go out this time.

‘’Yeah, where?’’ He asked. I giggled. How cute. ‘’I mean…do you wanna be my boyfriend?’’ I asked. Taemin blushed and almost fell off the bench. But he calmed down and moved closer. His reply was a sweet kiss.

‘’Yes. Of course.’’ He said after.

‘’…I love you…you little ice cream boy.’’ I said, and our lips reunited again.  And so, that cute boy I met in the ice cream shop is now my boyfriend.


A/N: Yeah so,it was bad, I already know haha I just had the idea and write it xD Well I hope you enjoyed it~


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Chapter 1: This sweet stuff hits the spot just what I need after a hectic day.
It's just enough to perk me up and continue with life.
Like a scoop of my fav ice-cream
Thanks so much.
Chapter 1: Adorable~~~ :333 I can really imagine Tae-baby as an ice cream boy! A really cute ice cream boy :3
Chapter 1: awh, that was cute <3
tell me once you edit it so i can post! that way, it'll be easier to read for the others.
Chapter 1: i loved this one :) it was so cute. but you should separate each line of dialogue so it would be easier to read. like:

"yes, of course," he said after.

"i love you, you little ice cream boy."

and minimize the ellipses (periods). by the way, i'm recommending this on too much 2min so if you have the time, you should edit it :)
Chapter 1: qwdbjhawfbhifbhafbkafbkakfhfbhabhkfbhkfbhkfsbhkfsbhksfbhafkbafs (stupid 30 characters TT__TT)
OMG awww so cute ~ little ice cream boy lol XD
Nawwww, i love oneshots. =)

This was too cute >.<