Part 1

Me and My butler

*Ami's POV*

"Ne,Ka-chan~" I asked.

"Hai, Nani, Ami?" asked Ka-chan

"Who's that guy?" I asked as I pointed out to the guy who was standing in front me. He was wearing a tuxedo and blue tie attached to it.

"Watashi Takaki Yuya. Ami-sama no suji,"said the guy.

"Ha? sujii, nade? Why? Why would you and to-chan hire a butler for me?" I asked as I looked at the guy. He has big eyes, long eyelashes and a charming smile. He looks a bit older than me.

"Ami," said Ka-chan, while storking my hair and continued, " you know that to-chan and I always work until very late at night and always have business trips. So, we decided to hire Yuya to be your butler and take care of you," then she went to work.

At that time, I was 12 and Yuya was 13.

-After 4 years-

Now, I'm 16 while he's 17. He was been taking care of me for 4 years. Everyday, without fail, he'll wake up early in the morning and prepare my breakfast and my lunch bento. Then, he'll send me to my class and spends every break and lunch time with me. Many girls in the school was jealous of my close relationship with him. Since he was the school so called 'popular guys', many girls had been rejected my him. In my friends and classmates' eyes, I'm just Yuya's best friend and he's my bulter. But for me, he's more than that. He's the one that I want to spend time with, he's the me that I want to be together with and finally, he's the one that had stolen my heart.

-One day- 

"Ne, Yuya~" I asked

"Hai, Ami-sama?" he answered me while doing the house chores.

"Do you have anybody that you like?" I asked hoping for a NO.

"Eto....... Ami-sama,........why would ask me this kind of question?"

My heart skipped a beat when he answered me back.

"Ermmmm....... I-I-I just w-want to ask you for fun. Please don't mind me," I said and quickly ran into my room. I quickly locked the doorand lied not the bed. I looked up to the ceiling. *Should I confess to him?* I shook my head..... No..... What if rejects me? Like how he rejects the other girls at school? I though for a while . Okay.......... I'm going to confess. I gathered up all my courage and went outside . I walked up to him and hugged him from the back for a while. Then, I released him and I walked in front of him. I looked into hs charming eyes and said, " Y-Yuya... I-I like you..... No, I meant I love you. Would you like to me my boyfriend?" I looked down and I continued. "I don't expect you'll give me a sweet yes as your answer, I-I....," I was about the say 'I don't mind if you reject me, as long as I can tell you how do i feel about you' when Yuya gave me his answer for my confession. "Ano, Ami-sama..........gomen..... I can't return the exact same feeling tha t you have towards me," said Yuya.  I stood there and blinked my eyes for a few time. I tried to hold it.... But his answer hurtled me a lot. I ran back to my room. I slammed the door, I locked the door. I curled myself on the floor andstarted to cry.

-Skip this part-

After the confession, I tried to pretend like nothing had happened between me and Yuya. But, it was useless. Whenever I look into his eyes, it reminded me about the confession and how he rejected me like how he rejected the other schools at school.

-One day-

i decided to apporached to Yuya. I walked out of my room and went to Yuya's room. I knocked the door and waited for a while. No answers. I opened the door. And I saw a clean and silence room without seeing any human being inside it. "Where did he go?" I mutterd.

"Looking for me?" I suddenly turned around and I saw Yuya leaning against the door with a cloth on his hand.

"Ah! You scared me., I just want to tell you that can we make up and become friends aga?" I asked while looking at the floor.

"Sure, why not," he answered. Then, I walked out of his room and went out of the house. I closed the door. My tears came out of my eys.

*End of Ami's POV*

She started crying. Then ran across the road, without rerealizing that there was a car driving towards her.

-On the other hand-

Yuya sighed as he went back to do his chores. *How could I love her? I am just a butler.....* he heard the honk of a car and the loud screech of tires. Yuya ran out of the house only to find Ami. He didn't expexted to see Ami lying on the floor in the pool of blood recklesy. Without thinking twice, he ran towards her. He dropped his knees and cradled her head in his hand. "Ami-sama!!! Wake up!!!!" there was no respond. Tears slowly started to drip down on her face. He screamed into the crowd which had gathered, "CALL THE AMBULANCE NOW!!!" Yuya forgot everything and only cared about Ami. "Ami-sama, wake up...please.... You have to wake up?...,. He mumbled on between sobs. Finally the ambulance arrived and they lead Ami into the ambulance and Yuya followed them.

-Inside the hospital-

*Yuya's POV*

 I was pacing the hallway waiting for the operation to finish. *What the hell?! What is taking them so long?!* suddenly the doctor came out looking I tired. I rushed up to him and asked, "How was she?" The doctor shook his head and saied sadly, "She in a coma," I dropped on my knees and started to cry. I walked in the room to see the girl that I love lying lifelessly inbred. I walked towards her and held her hands. "Please wake up!! Aish!! I'm so stupid,  I should just accept her confess. Why am I that stupid?!!" I hit my head.

"Mr, are you her guardian? Cause you look too young to be a parent. If not, you need to leave the hospital now. It's not visiting hour no," a nurse came in and woke me up.

"Oh, I'll leave now...thanks for waking me up," I stretched and stood up.

" any of her parents here?" the nurse asked again. "Ermmmm, no, they are in a business trip to China for some business issues," I replied.

"Oh....okay, then have a nice trip back home. Be careful," said the nurse while changing Ami's liquid bag. I walked to the door and turned back to see Ami lying in bed. I walked. "I'll visit you everyday until you wake up. I don't want to give you burden. I'll quit my job," whispered to myself. A tear dripped down my face. I quickly whipped it and walked out of the room

-Next day-

"Yeah, you don't have to rush your interviews, I'll take care of her.""Thank you, I owe you one, I'll leave the job to you then."

"'re welcome. Have a good day. Good luck on your interviews, bye," I put down the phone. I had a long talk with Ami's parnts, convincing them that i'll take care of her, so they don't have to worry and cancel their interviews.

 I walked to my closet and changed into a sole blue and white checked shirt and a pair of jeans. I took of the house to the hospital.

-At the hospital-

I walked to Ami's room to see her. But she still sleeping. 'Can't you wake up? I'm really sorry about rejected your confessn. I know that I have a feeling for you, but it's just that I'm your butler and you're my mistress. There's no way I can do that'

i sat down at the chair and stared at her pale pretty face. Without knowing, my hand reached out to her face. I scrunched her face, those scars at her face is ugly. 'I wish it's gone,' I though while smoothing her scars. How I wish i was there to protect you. A tears dripped my face. This time I didn't wipe it away.i just let it flow down. 'I'm so sorry you have to go though this'

*End of Yuya's POV*

-Few days later-

Ami's parents came back from China and went straight to the hospital to visit their daughter. They opened the door to see Yuya was sleeping to next to Ami while sitting down. Her father walked up to him and wake him up, "Son, it's time for you to go home. We're here. Visiting hour is going to end soon. Go back home and sleep. Thank for taking good care of my daughter," he said. Yuya woke up and said, " Oh, you guys are back... Okay, oyasuminasai! And you're welcome," he stood up and walked towards the door and contiued, "Oh, I'll come tomorrow morning so that you guys can rest, and wash up. We'll take turns to take care of her. Is that okay?"

"Yeah, it's fine with us, right honey?" Ami's dad asked her mom. Her mom nodded and turned back to check on her daughter.

-Months and months later-

Yuya and Ami's parents took turns to take care of her. Yuya in the morning and her parents during night. It was tiring at first, but they slowly got used to it. Days by days, Yuya's panadaeyes got worst, as he couldn't sleep at night. His mind was full of Ami and guilt. He wanted to say how much he loves Ami, but he's being a coward.

-One day-

"Yah! Yah! Wake up!" a voice said.

"Who are you?" I woke up to see a white place. I was surrounded at a plain white place. Everything was all white.

"Where am I? Am I in heaven?" I asked.

" No. You're not. You're just in a deep dream! I'm your conscience by the way," the voice came out again.

"Really? Okay........what's your problem?" I answered. Suddenly, a hard bang hit my heart. " Ouch! Ahhh!"

"Does your heart hurts?" asked the voice.

"Errmmm, yeah... How do you know that!" I asked.

" Someone that you love in real life is begging you to wake up so that he can be reat in peace. He's hurting much. So you must wake up and back into the real world."

"Huh? What happened to me?" I asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, you got into an accident, and went into coma. A guy called Takaki Yuya helped you can went to the hospital," it replied.

'Takaki Yuya?!' a hard bang hit my heart again. Its like I'm being stab in my heart by an arrow.

"Yeah.l..he saved you!" the voice said.

i got shocked, can it read my mind?

"I'm in your mind, of course I can ad your mind, Baka!" it said.

", what am I suppose to do now?" I asked

"Now? Wake up! Go back to the real world and see what is awaiting for you. Love, friendships, care..... Whatever it is," it said again.

" But how?" I asked

"You need to figure it out yourself. It's your body, I can't help you," it replied.

*End of Ami's POV*

*Yuya's POV'

"Wake up~ it's our turn now. You can come tomorrow afternoon', someone woke me up.

I looked up and to see Ami's dad looking at me. I rubbed my eyes and stood up to stench.

suddenly, something caught my eyes. I saw Ami's hand was moving. "Do you see that?" I asked while pointing at Ami's hand.

"See what?" Ami's parents turned to see Ami's hands moving.

"Oh my gosh! She's awake! I'll go find the doctor~!" Ami's mom exclaimed. I stood still frozen in my place. I looked at her slowly opening her eyes.


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i'll update "me and my butler" and "love girl" soon............. maybe within this week..... ^^;;


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arashiakb48 #1
Chapter 2: Make a sequel to this story
Chapter 2: more~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<
<3 update pweaaase!! :D
Reia_Na #4
Update soon,,please!!!