Peeping Tom


"This couldn’t be karma. It just couldn’t. The good part didn’t even happen yet."


We have all done something we regretted, right? Whether you sit back and remember those times, and laugh your heart out, or cringed whenever it crossed your mind. This is a little story about a Japanese student getting into mischief. However, she isn't the only one who had a little fun that day...


^^^ Yey for irrelevant pic! <3 It was really cute :D  K. This is more reasonable, LOL.

Anywho, I originally incorporated this story from one of my recent dreams. But after finishing this, I realized that they were NOTHING alike. At all. My dream was about seeing Taemin flash his abs in a library (they were doing a concert in the library). o_o 

So yeah. I just needed something to remember that night by. Why? It was the first time I dreamed of him.


So please leave a word! Tell me what you think! *raptor claws*


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NappeunYeoja #1
LOL<br />
<br />
Cracked me up xD
*grins like mad*<br />
love it...really...those boys in the girls bathroom *rofl*
funnylittlefishy #3
hahaha love it, bathroom in the girls bathroom lol... but how did they get in there with that scary librarian keeper of the keys? lol
Ahahahah! that was hilarious. 2min <3
Chirisaa #5
WOAH. Fan's POV :D<br />
I like it ;D<br />
Definitely... um, in my subscriptions or favs or whatever >:D