Saving You Part 2

Saving You

The next day

It was almost 8pm when she arrived. Yes, she was late but she had a good reason for it. Adjusting her cap, Awana entered the cafe. Looking around, she found Donghae at the counter, talking to Seungri with his back facing her. Summoning the strength within, she slowly walked to him.

“Hi, noona!” Seungri was the first to notice her. Donghae followed his gaze a second after.

“Hi.” she replied back.

“You’re late, what happened?” Donghae asked, looking at the woman suspiciously. He could sense something was amiss. She wore her cap low and her hair was covering half of her face.

“ delayed.” she answered. Her attention was on the floor beneath her feet like she was hiding something.

“Take off the cap.” his voice was more of an order than a request.

Something was definitely wrong and he was intent on finding out what!


Impatient, Donghae grabbed her arm and pulled her to the kitchen area. Awana cringed in pain by the force exerted on her hand.

“Donghae, you’re hurting me.” she pleaded, tears started running down her pale cheeks. Now that they were so close to each other, he could clearly see fresh bruises on the hand he grabbed just now.

“Awana...” his voice trailed off.

 “I fell.” and they both knew it was one hell of a useless lie. 

“Don’t feed me that bull!-.” he almost yelled at her. Donghae inhaled a large amount of air, trying to regain his composure. He had to keep himself sane for her sake. Awana didn’t need another brute psycho on her list.

Darn it was hard! Especially when he was sure there were more of those marks on her. Closing another inch between them, he gently lifted the cap off the crying woman’s head. Donghae tucked her hair behind her ear, revealing a swollen, battered and bruised face. He gasped.

“I’m gonna ing kill him now!!!” rage took over him. His eyes flamed with pure anger as he stormed to the door.

That sick bastard was too much. If he thought hitting a girl would make him look strong, then he was wrong because to Donghae, it was just a mere act of cowardice!!! He managed to catch a glimpse of that coward bastard last night when he sent her home. After that, that face of his stuck in his head like a Post it. And he wanted to kill him more than anything else on Earth.

“Donghae, no. Please...” she grabbed his hand with all her might. The tears that drowned her eyes gave her nothing but a blurry sight.

“What?!” he asked curtly.

“I...I don’t want you to get involve.”

“And why the hell is that? Don’t tell me you’re gonna let him get away with this.”

“He’s not getting away with anything. I’m perfectly fine. This is...This is nothing.” she presented him with another useless lie.

“How can you be fine...” he lifted her chin and buried his eyes into her dark orbs.

How can she be fine when there are horrendous lumps on her forehead accompanied by dried blood encrusted around her inflamed lips?

“Really, I’m fine.” she successfully faked a smile.

“Awana, why are you doing this?” Donghae asked softly, ignoring all the attention they were gaining from his fellow comrades’ chef.

She was struggling to find the right words. It was a wrong decision to come here in the first place. It’s just that she wasn’t expecting him do anything for her.

“…Because we’re not worth your time.”


“He’s an idiot and I’m just another one on the list. You shouldn’t be wasting your time with people like us when you should be focusing more on your dream. Honestly Donghae, I don’t think your dream is stupid.” wiping off her tears, she put her cap back.

“You’re worth every second of my time.”

Awana shook her head. He was making things hard for her when it should be easy.

“No, I don’t. Trust me, I don’t.” her tears were getting heavier.

“It was nice knowing you. You’re great guy, Donghae. I wished we meet six months earlier.” she added, almost a whisper.

“What do you mean?” Donghae could hear the sound of his breaking heart.

She was leaving him, and what’s worse is that they were not even together.

“I’m sorry. Thanks for everything and good luck.” without wasting another second, she walked away along with gazillion pieces of her broken heart.


Three weeks after the incident, Awana never thought she would set foot into the cafe again but here she was standing, searching for a figure she longed to see. A couple of weeks ago were like a final, terrifying test for her. Jay completely lost his mind when he saw Donghae and her together, the day he sent her home. She received a string of violent beating from him, and of course, she didn’t fight back because she knew, he would eventually get tired and stop. She was right as he left and disappeared soon after he was satisfied with his self-made craft. A week after that, she received news from one of her friend that Jay was caught for drug dealing and illegal gambling. Though she was grateful for her finally-gained freedom, a part of her still felt sorry for him.

Awana spent another week arranging her life back into places. She even went back to see her parents for the first time after six months. They missed her just as much as she missed them. Everything was going well for her so far. The last two weeks also made her realized something. She was in serious trouble of falling for her favourite waiter, the only one who managed to bring back colours into her dark life. Because of him, she was able to see how bright the sun is and gained the courage to fight for its light. However, she was determined not to venture deep into the feeling.

 “Welcome to Bishounen Cafe.” a waiter greeted her with his own version of charming smile.

“I’m looking for Lee Donghae.” she said.

“One minute please.” he disappeared behind the kitchen door.

Not long after that, Donghae came out murmuring something her ears couldn’t catch. He stopped midway when he noticed her. In an instant, his face lightened up.

It was seriously good to see him again, though not for long.

 “Hello.” she managed to say.

“Going somewhere?” he tilted his head towards the suitcase at her feet.

“Yes, that is why I’m here.”

“Oh.” his face darkened.

“Jay was caught for drugs dealing and illegal gambling.” she said.

“Thank you Donghae, for freeing me from him, and myself. You’re the one behind his arrest, right?”

Donghae froze, lost for words.

“With him out of the picture, I guess this would be a perfect chance for me to start a new life. You’ve been a very big help to me. Thanks...for everything. I’m glad we met. So...good bye then?”

Regaining himself, Donghae shook his head. In one swift motion, he took off his apron and put it on the chair next to him, casually.

 “What are you doing?”

“I’m saving you.” was his answer.

He closed the distance between them with just three steps.

 “Donghae, I have to go.” Awana reached for her bag.

“Stay and listen. Now it’s my turn to talk. If you’re leaving, then I would come with you.”

“Why? Don’t be ridiculous.”

“So that I could save you from yourself, from Jay or people like him and from the pain the world might’ve caused you. The first time I saw you looking all terrified and fragile, I wanted you as mine. I wanted to protect you and it’s not because you’re weak, but because you’re special. He hurt you so many times yet you still felt sorry for him. You’re the most stupid yet compassionate earthling I’ve ever met. You have a heart of gold.”

“In my entire life, I never did anything good for myself or for the people around me. I’m going to change that now by saving and protecting the woman I love.”

Love? Did he just say he loves her? Impossible. One week is too short of a time to fall in love. This is just another one of his joke, right?

“Awana Sullivans, it only took me a second to fall in love with you. Didn’t you know that?”

Her heart was beating furiously fast. It’s not a dream, he really does love her.

“I’m coming with you whether you like it or not.” Donghae said again with determination upon his face.

 “And your work?”

“Well, I’m just a waiter here not a manager. Plus, I think the manager, Rain, wouldn’t have problem of hiring another waiter though I doubt he will find someone as good and as handsome as me.”

Awana laughed.

 “Shall we go now?” Donghae grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the door but he stopped when she didn’t budge.

He turned around with a crease on his forehead.

“What’s wrong?” his voice sounded worried. Worried for rejection to be exact as he didn’t recall her telling him she loves him too.

 “Nothing, I was just wondering. Who’s going to save me from you?” teased Awana.

Donghae smiled warmly. He cupped her cheeks, looked directly into her eyes.

“If there’s a need to get rid of me, just let me know. I’ll gracefully walk out.”

Her eyes started to water.

 “Thank you. And Donghae, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

“Late… because I’m already in love with you.” he kissed her forehead while his hands s around her waist and pulled her into a tight embrace.


So, how is it?

Sorry if it kind of rushed as this is a One-Shot I have to make the story progress in just one-shot...

Tell me what you guys think....because I'm new to the writing world...

I really need to improve myself...

Pardon me for any grammar mistakes and all...and pardon the noob-ness present in my story... :P

Comments are seriously loved.... :)

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This is ~cute! :3
puffy_fluffy_clouds #2
How cute and well written! I love it! ^ ^ ..especially the fun of imagining Donghae in a waiters uniform and apron XD <3
jiayixdubu #3
Its very rushy..but its nice. =D
angex99 #4
i really liked your story compared with others that are more "popular" than your's :because you didn't use complicated sentences that nobody would beside yourself; i actualy laughed at the 'She no longer looked like Mike Tyson or Muhammad Ali' part (some people may actually understand it),i also like it because you didn't insist on the "beatings" part,so it didn't bore me , or worse to make me wish she died in one of the "boxing rounds"...<br />
one of my favorite things about this story is the fact that you kept the reason or more likely the "demon" in the shadows...(ok, it might be because it's 12 o'clock here and i'm sleepy:D)but i really thought that it's a supernatural story..enough already with my blaberring:D<br />
<br />
So to be honest....your story made my day :D
runaway928 #5
I found it pretty cute & interesting. <br />
Take your time to read more fanfics, it helps with ideas and English. (: <br />
I liked it, good job for your first time!<br />