Chapter 2

The Second Level


 The next morning. My alarm clock went off.

 "Aissh, why do I have to feel sleepy when I shouldn't and the other way round... I had totally forgotten today's schedule."

 I fell on my bed again and took a deep breath for the last time, stood up automatically, grabbed a banana from the bar table and headed out. It was a beautiful morning even though I felt dead as a stone.

 Our beloved studio was only about three kilometres away, like it had always been. "S.M. Entertainment, Studio 3", it said with tiny words. All of us Super Junior members had always had special, pink card keys to enter the building, otherwise it would obviously be full of sasaengs all the time.

 One of the doors was open, I saw my hyungs practicing a new coreography at the second floor.

 "Kyuhyun-ah~~" I heard Sungmin saying. They stopped the music and Sungmin ran to hug me.

 "We were a little worried about you, you aren't usually the one who's late!" he said, looking worried but happy at the sime time.

 "Our maknae had apparently had a hard party last night", Siwon said and smirked.

 "Omo! How was it? There were girls too, weren't there?" My hyungs were getting curious.

 "Kim Tae Hee maybe?" Leeteuk asked, sounding even too enthusiastic.

 Sigh, how I wish there were girls, I thought to myself.

 Sungmin was still hugging me lightly. I looked at him and he gave me an understanding smile. He had always been so sweet and kind to me. Maybe he was missing me as his roommate. He started hugging me more tightly but let go soon and signed me to come to the studio, still smiling. What if he was feeling... No, why would he have been interested in me in that way.

 My lack of sleep was probably backfiring on me now. But besides my angelic voice, I sure was quite charismatic and good looking, especially with the new, classy haircut, keke. I smiled confidently and walked in to practice with the others. Soon I should definitely go get some coffee.


 21.03. I had stayed alive mainly with a little help of caffeine and alcohol for the whole day, not to mention that more was probably coming later... I had called Changmin at the lunch break, saying that I wanted to have a fine dinner with him since my female relative who's a cook trainee was coming too. Of course he didn't say no.

 I had prepared well for the evening even though I wasn't very sure what I was even doing. I was wearing the same wig as on SNL, I had tied the same pink shirt up (for the first time in my life I felt happy for not having Siwon's abs) and I had chosen a black, chiffon waterfall skirt, draping down to my heels, showing my slim legs on the front.

 Yeah. I had absolutely no idea about what I was doing. But my heart was pounding hard from all the excitement. If this wasn't even me, why to have connected Kyuhyun to this. My name was Jieun. And I was one damn fine lady. Putting on makeup wasn't hard since I had seen the stylists doing my makeup one billion times. Only the mascara was pretty troublesome... But hey, the prettiest girls never needed much makeup.

 The door bell ringed. 21.15. I gulped. Finally. This was what I had been waiting for.

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Chapter 9: Thank you all for the nice comments, they really kept me motivated <3 I had lost my passport (and the email that it was connected to) for such a long time but I'm happy to be here again ^^ (can you believe, I was 15-16 when I started this fic and now I'm almost 18 years old..? Time flies!)

Anyway, please enjoy! I put my heart and soul in this <3
Evil! How dare you leave us like that! D:<
sequel please~ I really liked this ;~;
kyute91: I'm the female ver of Kyu bwahaha xd Thank you <3 No worries!

kyusseu: Yup, don't worry ;)

Veronishka: Omg that's such an honour, thank you <3 *-*
Veronishka #4
You are evil! A sequel would be great, and i believe Changmin really loves Kyu ;) Anyway, this is one of the best Changkyu fics ever XD
akxshi #5
Aww ;~; but its okay you alrd promise the sequel :>
kyute91 #6
you are really evil...
please write a sequel, i really like your story <3
Thank you! And haha, I'm so evil >w<
But everyone sees it in different ways, maybe it is a good ending, depends on the person itself!
But yeah, hmm... Thinking about it, a sequel about kyuhyun's call to changmin would actually be great, let's see *winkwink* >D
u are really evil , why did u end it here ? I want more make a sequel please *puppy eyes*
I liked this story and I want a happy ending to it pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I lost my chapters too! Was I supposed to contact asainfanfic? Ooops I've just been redoing my chapters and adding new ones chapters....xD I hope you get your chapters back!