Blind First book in mah new series Altered Angels


What would happen if a blind angel was forced by other angels to live on earth pretending to be mortal? I got my storie idea off RenaSyuuki's Fallen Feathers so this is my strange version... plz comment!!!


The characters:

Ari: Ari is a sad, emoish teenaged girl who is secretly an angel. She struggles to keep her secret hiddenand has had to change schools multiple times because of it. 17 in earth years, 25 in angel years.

Sean: Sean is Ari's protective older brother. He is constaltly troubled by other angels, as he is an elite and those with troubles sort of flock to him for help. 20 in earth years, 40 in angel years.

Allison(Ally): Ally is Ari's super excited best friend who is a kick- fighter. Even the guy angels stay away from her mad skills. 17 in earth years, 27 in angel years.

Marina: Marina is Ari's unbiological adopted sister. Sean took her in when she was a tiny angel and they have watched her ever since. 15 in human years, 19 in angel years.

Jose: Jose is Ari's only "guy friend" and Sean's mini-person. He often comes over for football battles. 18 in human years, 29 in angel yaers.

Tanya: Tanya is a rebel angel who left the Uberworld at a young age. She recently found out about her outcast brother, Trevor, who is a Healing Mortal, a very rare thing indeed. 12 in earth years, 15 in angel years.

Trevor: Tanya's older earth brother. He is an extremely powerful Healing Mortal. 21 in both earth and angel years.

Jonathan: The youngest member of RR, he is constantly yeased about his "seperativeness". Has the ability to turn into a hawk. 19 years old.

Ricardo: The leader of RR, he is also the oldest. Can be both tough and soft when needed. Can turn into a wolf.  21 years old.

David: The goofiest member of RR, he  has the most keen sense for non-humans and the very annoying, uncanny ability to pop up out of nowhere. Can turn into a serpent. 20 years old.


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sowhathuh #1
more please!
darkblackwolfiewolf #2
<iframe height="215" width="360" src="">;Your browser does not support iframes.</iframe>
darkblackwolfiewolf #3
I will edit this chapter later. Srry its so short! But I will make it longer i promise!
darkblackwolfiewolf #4
and dont call me by my name! its personal info!
darkblackwolfiewolf #5
but nobody was commenting help me an answer them renasyuuki!
RenaSyuuki #6
Woah Cassie. <br />
Calm down with the comments xD
darkblackwolfiewolf #7
ok pplz i need ypur help should i put ari with ricardo or jonathan? because even thought ari flew away theyll be back in later... SO PLZ HELP ME!!!!!
darkblackwolfiewolf #8
darkblackwolfiewolf #9
ppl who read plz comment and tell me if u like it!!!
darkblackwolfiewolf #10
Ahh... I don't think im very good at this story writing thingy... plz tell em if u like it so far... and plz be honest... i need advice!!!