Ch. 2 Kyungsoo

You ease my pain away


I happened to wake up at Sehun’s place. Figures since I did come at night, and literally cried my eyes out. Oddly Sehun wasn’t in the room, of course I slept on the floor with a blanket and pillow. I yawn, deep and low. I was about to stand on my feet when the door opened. It was Sehun with a tray of what happened to be breakfast. 
“Just some toast, orange juice, scrambled eggs, rice, and some bacon. You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to”
“I’ll eat it” offering my hands to take the tray. 
He just chuckled and handed it to me. I looked at the clock that was apparently hung on the wall across from his bed. 6:05. Sehun must wake up early to make this for me. I look back at him. 
“you sure wake up early” I muttered.
“yea just at 5:30am to get ready” he replied, understanding my mutters. 
I frowned. Compared to me who wakes up at 7:00am before heading out to school at 7:35. I gave out a big sigh and continued to eat my food. 
“so are you and Kyungsoo dating?” Sehun asked. 
I literally almost choked on my food. Coughing a bit, I glanced back at him. There laid on his face was a smirk like he knew everything.
“why?” I said between my coughs.
He gave out his smirk again.
“you guys walked home together yesterday and what I heard you guys were in the music room…alone”
I gave him another clueless look. He then began to chuckle.
“you guys don’t happen to be ing?”
I choked on my food again, on the bacon. 
“no! we aren’t ing” I declared.
He gave me a whatever-look and continued to look at me with that stupid look. I bet he still assumed that we’re ing. Ugh him and his false theories.
“you like him?”
No point in hiding it now.
“I guess so…” 
I covered my now flushed face with my hands, giving out a deep groan. I looked through my fingers to see a I-knew-it face on Sehun. 
“soo are you going to ask him out?”
“HUH? Are you crazy? He might not feel the same way?”
“who in the world bakes cookies for somebody that they don’t even know?”
For the first time he had a point.
“b-but that doesn’t mean anything” I tried fighting back.
“look you like him, he likes you. ASK.HIM.OUT” Sehun ordered.
“you shouldn’t order you hyung around” I said, sticking my tongue out. 
He tried saying something back, but from the looks of it I had nothing in mind. YEAH! Nobody orders Kim Jongin around. I stood superior in front of Sehun, while he still though of something to counterattack my hyung wording. 
“well you should still ask him out” he mumbled.
“okay I give up. I’ll ask him out today” I said in defeat.
He gave me his smile and headed towards his back-pack. 
“shall we go to school”
Cant be helped. Then I just remembered that I had left my back-pack at my house, with my homework in it. I told Sehun that I had to head home to get my stuff. He offered to come with me, but I rejected. 
“you sure?”
“for the last time yes” 
He just shrugged like he always does. Heading towards my house, I got stopped by a couple of high school girls. I tired to avoid the personal questions. I said my goodbyes and headed once again to my house. Opening the door, I faced my mother and father on the couch. Were they waiting for me?
“We need to talk” my father growled.
“honey where were you?” mother asked in concern.
“my-my friends house” I spoke. 
She hugged me close to her. I felt bad not contacting her. Father spitted on the ground and left to his room. I also left to my room, leaving mother in the living room. Once in, I looked for my back-pack, and my homework. After finding both the items, I left the house to find Sehun waiting with Luhan. 
“sorry for the wait” I said weakly.
They just looked at me, and proceeded to head towards school. I walked behind them while they were in their lovey-dovey mood. Looking around the block I noticed Kyungsoo walking alone. Leaving the Hunhan couple, I headed towards Kyungsoo. He looked at me with much delight.
“Good morning” he said brightly.
“good morning”
I heard him chuckle a bit. 
“what’s so funny?”
“it’s the first time I ever seen you out this early”
That’s true. I never really went out early, ever since father had started drinking. I always wanted to make sure that father was in his room sleeping while mother was in the kitchen. Kyungsoo went in front of me, and waved his hands near my face.
“you okay?”
I stared at him for a couple of moments before nodding my head. He gave out his warming smile, and started walking beside me. I looked from the corner on my ear, and saw Kyungsoo’s hand trying to hold mine. Smirking a bit as I held his warm hand, he blushed and held tighter. 
“you sure are cute”
He tried saying something back, but let my comment sink into his ears. Chuckling a bit, I felt our heartbeats go into sympathy through out touch. That’s when I remembered Sehun’s words.
“ask him out” Sehun’s voice echoing in my head. 
Its still not easy. I felt a tug on my shirt, from Kyungsoo. 
“I have a question”
“will you go out with me?”
My eyes widen as I faced him. His face turned sweet and gentle. That’s when my mind blanked. A long silence went passed us. His face turned hurt and he ran away. I tried calling out to him but he was too far away. My worries piled on me. Did I hurt him? Why was his face in agony back there? Was it my fault? Later that day, Kyungsoo avoided me the whole day. That’s when I finally caught him, alone in the music room. 
“Kyung-” my voice cut off as I saw another dude with him. 
“Suho hyung” Kyungsoo sobbed. 
He laid in his arms, tight and secured. I wanted to ruin the moment, but let them be. Maybe my chances in love was futile. Was Kyungsoo just playing with me? I looked back at him, that’s when I caught his eyes. My body started to froze as his figure came closer to the door. I barely ran away, before Kyungsoo opened the door. Kyungsoo started chasing after me, calling out my name. No. Don’t call out my name with that sweet voice of yours. Running into the empty music room, where I would watch Kyungsoo sing. Of course Kyungsoo opened the door.
I looked back at him, sitting on the chair. Sending out a glare, I mouthed the words…
“shouldn’t you go back”
He refused to listen to my request. I had to make things harder, to protect myself from getting heart-broken again.
“you had a boyfriend didn’t you?” my voice, cold.
“w-what are you saying?”
“yet you played with me
“played with you? I woul-
“you wouldn’t do that because your pure. Huh? No you would”
He was on the verge of tears but held them back. Almost there.
“you enjoyed playing with me huh? You enjoyed every second.” my harsh voice echoing around the room. 
He stayed silent. Now its over and done with. Walking passed him, I stopped when my head was near his ear.
“hurry up and go back to your boyfriend”
I paused for a moment and felt the tears coming.
“Goodbye Kyungsoo” I whispered into his ear, my voice hurt but strong.
His hand stopped me, and pushed me onto the ground. He swiftly got on top of me, tears dripping to my cheeks.
“Jongin you idiot!” he sobbed.
“you got it all wrong! The guy from back there is my best-friend! He already has a girlfriend! He doesn’t have any feeling for me, but comforted me because of you!” 
“how is it me!”
“b-because this morning when I confessed to you, your looked seemed disgusted. That’s when I though that he doesn’t have the same feelings as me!”
“y-you’re the idiot! You didn’t wait for me to answer and just ran away” I argued back.
“and to make matters worse you avoided me practically the whole day! I couldn’t even talk to you. I couldn’t…”
“you couldn’t?”
“I couldn’t even confess my feelings back”
The warm tears slid down my cheeks. Now that I have confessed, we probably wouldn’t be together right?
“I love you” his voice shaken with fear.
He glanced at me, with his adorable, bambi eyes of his.
“do…do you love me”
My face flushed, and I covered it with my hands.
“of course I do” my voice being heard through my hands.
I could feel him leaning towards me. Uncovering my hands, he locked his lips with mine. I felt over whelmed, and slowly lifted myself up. We parted and looked into each others eyes. His arms hugged him. His embracement felt warm like my mothers. So this is true love. Kyungsoo kissed me yet again, and kept doing so, until we decided to was time to go home. Since the sun was setting, we went home, hands locked together.
Was…was this alright?
A/N: Sorry I made this story kind of short. I‘m pleased to get this chapter done. Hoped you like it and keep following me!
Saranghae~ and remember… ROLL LIKE BUFFALOS!!!!!! <3
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walkingaccidentzone #1
Nooo.!!! You can end it like this TT^TT ~!!! Please if you can continue with the fic :)
WHAT?!? why did you stop it there? :O