Golden Apple Graphic Studio [OPEN and HIRING]


       Hello you

       Welcome to Golden Apple Graphic Studio

       How may we help you???


                                About The Shop

                                                                             Date created on: 7/24/12 

                                                                             Date opened on: 7/24/12





Rules for Customers

1. You must subscribe or else you will be put on the blacklist

2. You can request here if you already requested at other shops

3. For graphics you request here: 

4. Please do not bash your designer

5. The password is: the second word in rule #2

6. The real password is: 러블리 포스터

7. After you get your poster you must give credit to the shop

8. After you get your poster you must use your graphic/s for at least 1 year or more

9. After you get your poster you can't un-subscribe or else we will block you!!!!!

10. And have fun!!!!!






Rules for Designers

1. Be nice to our customers!!!!!

2. If your having problems with a request then PM me (koreanGenuis) and I will send it to another designer

3. Since we are hiring them this is the form you need to fill out:









OPEN-You can request now

BUSY-We are not taking requests for awhile

CLOSED-Can't request yet

HIRING-We need more designers



Table of Contents

Designers and Examples | Update from owner

OPEN!!!! | Update from owner









if you get on the blacklist we wont make any posters for you any more







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ourhouserp #1
Hey, Author-nim! I'm admin Suho.
Our House is a facebook RP focused on settling down and starting a family. I started this place because I found my match at a rp that wouldn't allow marriage, so we moved away. If you want to get married and have a life of your own, bring your significant other and join up!
There will be games and events where you can earn RP currency. Check out our Tumblr for more info.
applied !!
potatoo-- #3
Applied ^^
exhaustion #4
I applied as desinger even though I was not sure what you mean by password ^_____________^
It's my first time doing posters and I hope to improve my skills even more by working in a poster shop.I hope you'll accep me
Applied ^^
I applied!~