another side

romance between the friends


I was adopted by an old granny, I bet she is a rich woman, well... That was what I thought, she couldn't do anything, she just could lay on her bed, eat, and sleep.

When she was still okay, we used to play together on our back yard, it was fun but...

Now I've realized I couldn't play with her anymore, she was my only friend. I Love her so much, but... What could I do? The destiny wasn't giving me things that we were used to do.

Until then I've got to face the high school era, with the mean girls, the ert guys.

If you asked me about my parents... Well I don't know who they are, all I knew about them is they throw me away to "a hell".

When I wanted to play or tell some story I do it to my lovely teddy bear, Welly. I felt like... She was and will be my best friend forever, I don't care what people said about her, I will still love her. 6 years ago I found an old play ground and it was a perfect place for me to talked to my only friends, Welly.

I went there every night, and I told Welly about what happened today, the first day of school, and it wasn't good. She listened to me without saying any words.

I heard a step, but I didn't want to follow it, I was too scared.

So I just stayed quite, I thought maybe that was the new neighbor, and their house looked like so empty. It was pretty late so I went back to my house, anyway it was cold outside.

I went to my... Mom's room, I kissed her cheeks. "Mom, when you are health again we will play like in the past right? By the way... Good night, sleep tight! I love you!" She just smiled to me without saying anything.

That was what I do every night, I closed her room door and went to my room. I looked into the window and I saw a girl across my window, I thought that was the new neighbor. And I couldn't see anything, she turned off the lamp and then I went to my bed, kissed welly and turned off the lamp, then fall asleep slowly.

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youdontknowme #1
Ahahhaha LOL, idk why I named the bear welly, it's just come up all of the sudden lol
hey! you updated!<br />
btw, i like you named the bear "welly"! hahha <br />
hey! this is her co author for this story..<br />
please support her story :D<br />
and please check my story too.. :D <br />
thanks all! fighting! \^o^/