Ke-yish Samchooo~n

Ke-yish Samchooo~n
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Kris looked at himself in the mirror and dried his hair. He smiled to his reflection. Today was his birthday, his first birthday after getting married to his one and only love, Yoohee. They were going to spend the day together, with no disturbance from anyone else. He declined his parents’ invitation to have lunch over at their house, he refused Lu Han’s free tickets for his musical show, and he even took the day off. He just wanted to be with his wife, and only with her. She had suggested they should go to the amusement park to celebrate the day, and though he found it sounded a little too childish, he decided to comply. ‘Maybe she wanted to reminisce about the old days,’ he thought, since they went to the amusement park for their first date.


His smile didn’t last long. He heard the bell rang, and some voices that sounded somehow familiar. ‘Who the heck trying to ruin my day,’ he grunted. He did his best to fix himself as fast as he could and ran out of his room. The moment he stepped out of his room, he knew the day was officially ruined.


“Ke-yish Samchooo~n!”


Kris saw a toddler in his wife arms tried to wiggle free. His face fell as the toddler had a wide, cheerful smile plastered on. “Ke-yish Samchooo~n!” the toddler sang as he ran towards Kris.


Half-heartedly, Kris took the toddler into his arms. “It’s ‘Uncle Kris’, how many times I should repeat it.”


“Ke-yish Samchooo~n!” Junseok repeated eagerly, made the tall man rolled his eyes. His wife laughed at the scene.


“Who brings you here, anyway?”


“Jongdae dropped him a few minutes ago. He said Minseok Oppa suddenly has an emergency meeting and asked him to take care of Junseok. But since Jongdae has class today, he can’t do it so he brings him over.” Yoohee explained while caressing Junseok in her husband’s arms.


“Doesn’t that Fatty Bun hire a baby sitter?”


“She quitted last week, remember? And Sujin Onni is still on her business trip.” She took Junseok from his hands. “Have you had your breakfast, Junseok?”


Junseok nodded, and from what Kris could comprehend, he said he had a glass of milk and two sandwiches. “You are really your father’s son, you know, Xiao Bao. You two never eat less than two portions.” He ruffled the toddler’s hair, earning whines from the toddler and looks from his wife.


“Don’t listen to Uncle Kris, Junseok. He’s just being moody.” She took the toddler’s hands. “What do you want to do for today?”


“Zoo!” Junseok exclaimed, clapping his hands. “Zoo!”


“Okay, we will go to the zoo today! What do you want to see at the zoo?” Yoohee beamed at the excited toddler.


Kris groaned loudly. “But we are going to amusement park!” He protested. Though his day had been ruined, but he just couldn’t let the day to be completely ruined. He thought that at least they had to manage to go to the amusement park, no matter what.


“But there won’t be much attraction that Junseok could play at the amusement park.” She reasoned out.


“But there is! Or we can just go to the arcade or enjoy the confections.” He insisted. For Kris, it started to feel like a battle between him and the four year old toddler. A battle of pride, a battle to win Yoohee’s heart. Kris knew Yoohee loves him so much, but he also knew that she has soft heart to kids. Furthermore, Junseok is very special to her since he is her very first nephew. He could sense that Little Bun would win this ‘battle’; and he disliked it so much.


Junseok wailed as Kris kept disagreeing with his idea. He hugged Yoohee’s legs. Yoohee sighed.


“Kris, can’t we just go with what Junseok wants this time?” she his left cheek.


Kris pouted. “But this is my birthday!”


“I know, Darling. I’m so sorry. Let’s go to the zoo, okay?” she whispered softly.


He turned his back to her. ‘Okay. The g

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I noticed the chapter was gone ;~~~; but I have already reposted it, so enjoy everyone! :)


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Chapter 1: Oh man! Kris had the worst bday ever!! Haha.
But, he have the best bday present.
aww, so cute >~<
Hahaha poor Kris xD
Waaaaa~! Well-written! :))

Sweet. sweet. sweet. :">
Ahahahahaha, oh my goodness, you captured Kris perfectly.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! So sweet! Oh my Krisus feels! xD I love this
what a sweet story!!! luv this.. i so would love to see what will happen during their 9-months journey of becoming parents..then afterwards...i only can imagine it..kekekeke..thnx author-nim for posting!!!